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2015 Meeting Papers

From Society for Economic Dynamics
Society for Economic Dynamics Marina Azzimonti Department of Economics Stonybrook University 10 Nicolls Road Stonybrook NY 11790 USA.
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1539: Equilibrium Default Downloads
Manuel Amador, Iván Werning, Hugo A. Hopenhayn and Mark Aguiar
1538: Imported Inputs, Quality Complementarity, and Skill Demand Downloads
Nico Voigtlaender and Diego Saravia
1537: A Theory of Payments Crises Downloads
Saki Bigio
1536: Finance, Volatility, and Growth Downloads
Lukas Schmid, Howard Kung and Alexandre Corhay
1535: A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics Downloads
Marcela Eslava, James Tybout, David Jinkins, C.J. Krizan and Jonathan Eaton
1534: Trade, Migration and Regional Income Differences: Evidence from China Downloads
Xiaodong Zhu and Trevor Tombe
1533: Optimal Taxation and R&D Policies
Stefanie Stantcheva
1532: The Impact of Trade on Labor Market Dynamics
Maximiliano Dvorkin, Fernando Parro and Lorenzo Caliendo
1529: The Forward Guidance Puzzle Downloads
Marc Giannoni, Christina Patterson and Marco Del Negro
1519: Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Market Structure in Multi-Country World
Kanda Naknoi
1513: Communal Land and Agricultural Productivity Downloads
Charles Gottlieb and Jan Grobovsek
1509: Solving OLG Models with Asset Choice Downloads
Michael Reiter
1507: Monetary Policy According to HANK Downloads
Gianluca Violante, Benjamin Moll and Greg Kaplan
1505: Sovereign Default: The Role of Expectations Downloads
Pedro Teles, Juan Pablo Nicolini, Gaston Navarro and Joao Ayres
1504: Innovation, Product-Cycle Trade, and the Cross-Country Distribution of Income Downloads
Scott French
1501: Structural Transformation and the U-Shaped Female Labor Supply Downloads
Claudia Olivetti and Rachel Ngai
1494: Stochastic Idiosyncratic Operating Risk and Real Options: Implications for Stock Returns Downloads
Kyung Shim and Harjoat Bhamra
1491: Innovation, Technological Interdependence, and Economic Growth Downloads
Douglas Hanley
1489: Stimulating Household Borrowing During the Great Recession Downloads
Souphala Chomsisengphet, Neale Mahoney, Johannes Stroebel and Sumit Agarwal
1488: The Role of the IT Revolution in Knowledge Diffusion, Innovation and Reallocation Downloads
Salome Baslandze
1480: Small Price Responses to Large Demand Shocks Downloads
David Lopez-Salido and Etienne Gagnon
1478: Liquid bank liabilities Downloads
Pierre-Olivier Weill and Saki Bigio
1455: Employment Effects of Stimulus Investments Downloads
Lukas Buchheim
1447: Chinese Roads in India: The Effect of Transport Infrastructure on Economic Development Downloads
Simon Alder
1446: Exchange Rates and UIP Violations at Short and Long Horizons Downloads
Rosen Valchev
1443: Debt Covenants and Macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Francois Gourio and Pedro Gete
1440: Uncertainty and the Business Cycle
Matteo Cacciatore
1434: The Accelerated Failure Time Model: Estimation and Testing using Price Change and Labor Market Data Downloads
Robert Shimer, Katarina Borovickova and Fernando Alvarez
1429: Price Setting Under Uncertainty About Inflation Downloads
Diego Perez and Andres Drenik
1427: Information Provision and Consumer Search Downloads
Jay Lu and Simon Board
1421: Trade, Ineqality and Costly Redistribution Downloads
Oleg Itskhoki, Alonso de Gortari and Pol Antras
1415: Envelope Theorem, Euler, and Bellman Equations without Differentiability Downloads
Jan Werner and Ramon Marimon
1414: Supply Function Competition and Exporters: Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Productivity Distributions and Marginal Costs Downloads
Quang Vuong and Ayse Pehlivan
1413: The Dynamics of the Trade Balance and the Real Exchange Rate: The J Curve and Trade Costs? Downloads
Horag Choi and George Alessandria
1409: Explaining Cross-Cohort Di fferences in Life Cycle Earnings Downloads
Guillaume Vandenbroucke, B Ravikumar and Yu-Chien Kong
1407: Uncertainty aversion and heterogeneous beliefs in linear models Downloads
Pavel Krivenko, Martin Schneider and Cosmin Ilut
1406: The historical evolution of the wealth distribution: A quantitative-theoretic investigation Downloads
Per Krusell, Anthony Smith and Joachim Hubmer
1403: Bank Capital, Bank Credit and Unemployment Downloads
Giorgia Piacentino, Anjan Thakor and Jason Donaldson
1401: Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation, and Bankruptcy Downloads
Igor Livshits and Natalia Kovrijnykh
1399: A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data
Thibaut Lamadon, Elena Manresa and Stéphane Bonhomme
1397: Exchange Rate and Current Account Dynamics: the Role of Asset Market Structure, Long-Run Risk and Risk Appetite Downloads
Robert Kollmann
1396: The Sufficient Statistic Approach: Predicting the Top of the Laffer Curve Downloads
Mark Huggett and Alejandro Badel
1395: Reconciling Estimates of Earnings Processes in Growth Rates and Levels Downloads
Iourii Manovskii, Dmytro Hryshko and Moira Daly
1391: Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity Downloads
Diego Restuccia and Pedro Bento
1385: Segmented Asset Markets and the Distribution of Wealth Downloads
Heejeong Kim and Aubhik Khan
1383: Endogenous confidence cycles Downloads
Pavel Krivenko, Martin Schneider and Cosmin Ilut
1379: Screening and Adverse Selection in Frictional Markets Downloads
Venky Venkateswaran, Ariel Zetlin-Jones, Ali Shourideh and Benjamin Lester
1377: Bad Investments and Missed Opportunities? Capital Flows to Asia and Latin America, 1950-2007 Downloads
Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria, Mark Wright and Lee Ohanian
1375: Endogenous Seniority Downloads
Igor Livshits and Amartya Lahiri
1373: New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation Downloads
Tatsuro Senga
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