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Working papers

From Red Investigadores de Economía
Cra 7 # 14-78.
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110: Macroeconomic and Fiscal Effects of Increased Efficiency in Medicine Procurement: A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Colombian Health System Downloads
Oscar Ávila-Montealegre, Sebastian Bauhoff, Jesús Botero, Laura Giles Álvarez, Santiago León-Moncada, Cristhian Larrahondo, Luis Ignacio Lozano-Espitia, Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra, José Luis Ortiz-Hoyos and Jesús Rodríguez-Ávila
109: Descripción, antecedentes y riesgo fiscal y macroeconómico del Proyecto de Acto Legislativo que modifica el Sistema General de Participaciones (SGP) * Downloads
Juan José Ospina-Tejeiro, Jesús Bejarano, Andrés Nicolás Herrera-Rojas, Manuela Quintero-Jácome, David Camilo López-Valenzuela, Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero and Steven Zapata-Álvarez
108: Signaling Specific Skills and the Labor Market of College Graduates Downloads
Matias Busso, Sebastián Montaño and Juan Munoz-Morales
107: The monetary and macroprudential policy framework in Colombia in the last 30 years: the lessons learnt and the challenges for the future Downloads
Javier Guillermo Gomez-Pineda, Andrés Murcia, Wilmar Alexander Cabrera-Rodríguez, Hernando Vargas-Herrera and Leonardo Villar
106: State-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through Downloads
Yan Carrière-Swallow, Melih Firat, Davide Furceri and Daniel Jiménez
105: The Global Financial Cycle and Country Risk in Emerging Markets During Stress Episodes: A Copula-CoVaR Approach Downloads
Luis Melo-Velandia, José Vicente Romero-Chamorro and Mahicol Stiben Ramírez-González
104: Introduction to the Symposium on the Shadow Economy, Tax Behaviour, and Institutions Downloads
Catalina Granda-Carvajal and Christoph Kogler
103: Evolución de las transferencias monetarias en Colombia Downloads
Karina Acosta, Bibiana Taboada-Arango, Andrea Otero-Cortes and Jaime Bonet-Morón
102: Young Politicians and Long-Term Policy Downloads
Ricardo Dahis, Ivan de las Heras and Santiago Saavedra
101: The Leading Role of Bank Supply Shock Downloads
Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía, Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas and María Alejandra Ruiz-Sánchez
100: El efecto de cambios en la regulación del mercado mayorista de electricidad en Colombia en un modelo estructural de subastas complejas Downloads
Jorge Balat, Juan Esteban Carranza, Juan David Martin and Alvaro Riascos
99: COVID-19 and assimilation: an analysis of immigration from Venezuelan in Colombia Downloads
Andres Garcia-Suaza, Juan Gallego, Juan D. Mayorga, Angie Mayo, Carlos Sepúlveda and Alexander Sarango Iturralde
98: The external effects of public housing developments on informal housing: The case of Medellín, Colombia Downloads
Héctor M. Posada, Andres Garcia-Suaza and David Londoño
97: A trade-off from the future: How risk aversion may explain the demand for illiquid assets Downloads
Eduardo Ferraz Castelo Branco Ferreira and César Mantilla
96: Immigration, Wages, and Employment under Informal Labor Markets Downloads
Lukas Delgado-Prieto
95: Calidad del empleo agregado, formal e informal: un análisis para la economía colombiana en el periodo 2007 - 2019 Downloads
Jaime Alberto Montoya-Arbelaez and Andres Julian Jurado
94: The Leading Role of Bank Supply Shocks Downloads
Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía, María Alejandra Ruiz-Sánchez and Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas
93: The effects of Monetary Policy on Capital Flows A Meta-Analysis Downloads
Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Lucia Arango-Lozano, Geraldine Castelblanco, Nicolás Fajardo-Baquero and María Alejandra Ruiz-Sánchez
92: Credit and Saving Constraints in General Equilibrium: A Quantitative Exploration Downloads
Catalina Granda-Carvajal, Franz Hamann and Cesar Tamayo
91: How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia Downloads
Sergio Perilla, Mounu Prem, Miguel Purroy and Juan Vargas
90: The Intergenerational Transmission of College: Evidence from the 1973 Coup in Chile Downloads
María Angélica Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martinez, Pablo Muñoz and Mounu Prem
89: The response of illegal mining to revealing its existence Downloads
Santiago Saavedra
88: The trade-off between liquidity and insurance: voucher payments in a lab-in-the-field experiment with Colombian rural workers Downloads
Alexander Cano, Darwin Cortés, César Mantilla, Laura Prada and Medardo Restrepo
87: Composición de la base de inversionistas extranjeros en el mercado de deuda pública local y variaciones en la sensibilidad de las condiciones financieras domésticas Downloads
Andrés Murcia and Sebastián García-Andrade
86: Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining Downloads
Mounu Prem, Miguel Purroy and Juan Vargas
85: Gasto Público Social y Crecimiento Económico: Evidencia para América Latina 1990 – 2017 Downloads
Michell Ortiz Vargas and Jacobo Campo Robledo
84: Buying a Blind Eye: Campaign Donations, Forbearance, and Deforestation in Colombia Downloads
Robin Harding, Mounu Prem, Nelson A. Ruiz and David L. Vargas
83: Revealing Corruption: Firm and Worker Level Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Emanuele Colonnelli, Spyridon Lagaras, Jacopo Ponticelli, Mounu Prem and Margarita Tsoutsoura
82: Sustainability as a Policy Tool Downloads
Rodrigo Villamizar, Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Lucia Arango and Geraldine Castelblanco
81: Minimum wage effects on informality across demographic groups in Colombia Downloads
Luis Eduardo Arango-Thomas, Luz Florez and Laura D. Guerrero
80: Does Higher Education Reduce Mortality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment Downloads
María Angélica Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martinez, Pablo Muñoz and Mounu Prem
79: Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Trade: a Machine Learning Counterfactual Analysis Downloads
Marco Duenas, Victor Ortiz Gimenez, Massimo Riccaboni and Francesco Serti
78: The dawn of a mobile payment scheme: The case of Movii Downloads
Carlos León
77: Interdependent Capital Structure Choices and the Macroeconomy Downloads
Jose Gomez-Gonzalez, Jorge Uribe and Jorge Hirs-Garzon
76: Impacto de la migración sobre el empleo y la distribución salarial en Colombia Downloads
Cristian Castillo-Robayo, William Prieto-Bustos and Jacobo Campo-Robledo
75: Estimating the Value at Risk of a bank’s portfolio in sovereign bonds using a DCC-Copula model Downloads
Jose Gomez-Gonzalez, Daniela Gualtero-Briceño and Luis Melo-Velandia
74: Explaining the Rural-Urban Student Performance Gap for Different Distribution Quantiles in Colombia Downloads
Jose Gomez-Gonzalez, Rodríguez Gómez, Wilson and Rodríguez Gómez, Efrén
73: Tributación en Colombia: Una aproximación teórica y empírica de la Curva de Laffer Downloads
Juan Herrera Saavedra, Villar Otálora, Juan Camilo and Jacobo Campo-Robledo
72: Police Repression and Protest Behavior: Evidence from Student Protests in Chile Downloads
González, Felipe and Mounu Prem
71: Measuring the contribution of the bioeconomy: the case of Colombia and Antioquia Downloads
Mauricio Alviar, García-Suaza, Andrés, Ramírez-Gómez, Laura and Villegas-Velásquez, Simón
70: Informalidad, ciclos económicos y política fiscal: una exploración de los nexos Downloads
García-Callejas, Danny and Catalina Granda-Carvajal
69: Global effects of US uncertainty: real and financial shocks on real and financial markets Downloads
Jose Gomez-Gonzalez, Jorge Hirs-Garzon and Jorge Uribe
68: Unpaid work and gender gap patterns in Colombia Downloads
Vanessa Ospina-Cartagena and García-Suaza, Andrés
67: Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It’s a matter of timing Downloads
Diego Aycinena, Alexander Elbittar, Andrei Gomberg and Lucas Rentschler
66: Contraception, Intra-household Behaviour and Epidemic: Evidence from the Zika crisis in Colombia Downloads
Cortés, Darwin, Luis Gamboa and Rodríguez-Lesmes, Paul
65: Lindahl vs. Lindahl: Optimal siting and sizing of a noxious facility Downloads
Eduardo Ferraz Castelo Branco Ferreira and César Mantilla
64: The Peace Baby Boom: Evidence from Colombia's peace agreement with the FARC Downloads
Guerra-Cújar, María Elvira, Mounu Prem, Rodríguez-Lesmes, Paul and Juan Vargas
63: Climate change: policies to manage its macroeconomic and financial effects Downloads
Joaquin Bernal and Ocampo, José Antonio
62: Changes in mobility and socioeconomic conditions in Bogotá city during the COVID-19 outbreak Downloads
Dueñas, Marco, Mercedes Campi and Luis Olmos
61: Justicia de Mano Propia: Un Experimento de Castigos de Terceros Downloads
Freddy Mendoza and Lina Restrepo-Plaza
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