Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration
From Asian Development Bank
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- 146: Trans-Pacific Partnership versus Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Control of Membership and Agenda Setting

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 145: The ASEAN Economy in the Regional Context: Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Options

- Giovanni Capannelli
- 144: ASEAN Commercial Policy: A Rare Case of Outward-Looking Regional Integration

- Hal Hill and Jayant Menon
- 143: Modern Services Export Performances among Emerging and Developed Asian Economies

- Shahbaz Nasir and Kaliappa Kalirajan
- 142: Global Value-Chains and Connectivity in Developing Asia - with application to the Central and West Asian region

- Richard Pomfret and Patricia Sourdin
- 141: Trade Policy Challenges in a Small, Open, Fragile, Postconflict Economy: Cambodia

- Hal Hill and Jayant Menon
- 140: From Spaghetti Bowl to Jigsaw Puzzle? Addressing the Disarray in the World Trade System

- Jayant Menon
- 139: Business Cycle Synchronization in Asia: The Role of Financial and Trade Linkages

- Yuwen Dai
- 138: World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Assessing the Level of Ambition and Likely Impacts

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 137: The Progress of Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific: Enabling International Supply Chain Integration

- Sung Heun Ha and Sang Won Lim
- 136: How Capital Flows Affect Economy-Wide Vulnerability and Inequality: Flow-of-Funds Analysis of Selected Asian Economies

- Iwan Azis and Damaris Lee Yarcia
- 135: Has Regional Integration Led to Greater Risk-Sharing in Asia?

- Thiam Ng and Damaris Lee Yarcia
- 134: Financial Monitoring in the New ASEAN-5 Countries

- Se Hee Lim and Noel G. Reyes
- 133: Equity Home Bias, Financial Integration, and Regulatory Reforms: Implications for Emerging Asia

- Cyn-Young Park and Rogelio Mercado
- 132: Study of Non-Notified Trade Agreements to the World Trade Organization: The Case of Asia and Pacific Region

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 131: The Nexus between Antidumping Petitions and Exports during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence on the People’s Republic of China

- Faqin Lin, Hsiao Chink Tang and Lin Wang
- 130: Analysis of Informal Obstacles to Cross-Border Economic Activity in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

- Roman Vakulchuk and Farrukh Irnazarov
- 129: Why do Countries enter into Preferential Agreements on Trade in Services? Assessing the Potential for Negotiated Regulatory Convergence in Asian Services Markets

- Pierre Sauvé and Anirudh Shingal
- 128: The Investment Version of the Asian Noodle Bowl: The Proliferation of International Investment Agreements

- Julien Chaisse and Shintaro Hamanaka
- 127: The End of Grand Expectations: Monetary and Financial Integration After the Crisis in Europe

- Heribert Dieter
- 126: Assessing the trade impacts of the ASEAN+6 FTA: the case of Lao People’s Democratic Republic

- Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy, Hsiao Chink Tang and Alisa DiCaprio
- 125: South Caucasus–People's Republic of China Bilateral Free Trade Agreements: Why It Matters

- Hasmik Hovhanesian and Heghine Manasyan
- 124: Explaining Foreign Holdings of Asia’s Debt Securities

- Charles Yuji Horioka, Takaaki Nomoto and Akiko Terada-Hagiwara
- 123: Can Low Interest Rates be Harmful: An Assessment of the Bank Risk-Taking Channel in Asia

- Arief Ramayandi, Umang Rawat and Hsiao Chink Tang
- 122: Terms of Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Development: A Case of Intra-Asian “Kicking Away the Ladder”?

- Konstantin Wacker, Philipp Großkurth and Tabea Lakemann
- 121: Capital Market Financing for SMEs: A Growing Need in Emerging Asia

- Shigehiro Shinozaki
- 120: FDI Technology Spillovers and Spatial Diffusion in the People’s Republic of China

- Mi Lin and Yum K. Kwan
- 119: Learning by Exporting: Evidence from India

- Apoorva Gupta, Ila Patnaik and Ajay Shah
- 118: The Financial Role of East Asian Economies in Global Imbalances: An Econometric Assessment of Developments after the Global Financial Crisis

- Hyun-Hoon Lee and Donghyun Park
- 117: What is Economic Corridor Development and What Can It Achieve in Asia’s Subregions?

- Hans-Peter Brunner
- 116: Impact of Eurozone Financial Shocks on Southeast Asian Economies

- Jayant Menon and Thiam Ng
- 115: The Role of International Trade in Employment Growth in Micro- and Small Enterprises: Evidence from Developing Asia

- Jens Krüger
- 114: The People's Republic of China's Financial Policy and Regional Cooperation in the Midst of Global Headwinds

- Iwan Azis
- 113: On the Use of FTAs: A Review of Research Methodologies

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 112: Supporting the Growth and Spread of International Production Networks in Asia: How Can Trade Policy Help?

- Jayant Menon
- 111: Exporting and Innovation: Theory and Firm-Level Evidence from the People's Republic of China

- Faqin Lin and Hsiao Chink Tang
- 110: Can Global Value Chains Effectively Serve Regional Economic Development in Asia?

- Hans-Peter Brunner
- 109: Preferential and Non-Preferential Approaches to Trade Liberalization in East Asia: What Differences Do Utilization Rates and Reciprocity Make?

- Jayant Menon
- 108: Cross-Regional Comparison of Trade Integration: The Case of Services

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 107: Hot Money Flows, Commodity Price Cycles, and Financial Repression in the US and the People’s Republic of China: The Consequences of Near Zero US Interest Rates

- Ronald McKinnon and Zhao Liu
- 106: The Threat of Financial Contagion to Emerging Asia’s Local Bond Markets: Spillovers from Global Crises

- Iwan Azis, Sabyasachi Mitra, Anthony Baluga and Roselle Dime
- 105: Critical Review of East Asia – South America Trade

- Shintaro Hamanaka and Aiken Tafgar
- 104: A New Regime of SME Finance in Emerging Asia: Empowering Growth-Oriented SMEs to Build Resilient National Economies

- Shigehiro Shinozaki
- 103: Japan’s Education Services Imports: Branch Campus or Subsidiary Campus?

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 102: Anatomy of South–South FTAs in Asia: Comparisons with Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands

- Shintaro Hamanaka
- 101: Different Types of Firms, Products, and Directions of Trade: The Case of the People’s Republic of China

- Hyun-Hoon Lee, Donghyun Park and Jing Wang
- 100: Narrowing the Development Divide in ASEAN: The Role of Policy

- Jayant Menon
- 99: The Impact of ACFTA on People’s Republic of China–ASEAN Trade: Estimates Based on an Extended Gravity Model for Component Trade

- Yu Sheng, Hsiao Chink Tang and Xinpeng Xu
- 98: ASEAN-China Free Trade Area and the Competitiveness of Local Industries: A Case Study of Major Industries in the Lao People's Democratic Republic

- Leebeer Leebouapao, Sthabandith Insisienmay and Vanthana Nolintha
- 97: Determinants of Local Currency Bonds and Foreign Holdings: Implications for Bond Market Development in the People’s Republic of China

- Kee-Hong Bae