Computing in Economics and Finance 1996
From Society for Computational Economics
Department of Econometrics, University of Geneva, 102 Bd Carl-Vogt, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland.
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- _067: Leaving the Prison: A Discussion of the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma under Preferential Partner Selection

- Esther Hauk
- _066: Modelling Emerging Financial Markets and their Approach to Market Efficiency

- Stephen Hall and Anna Zelweska-Mitura
- _065: Modification of the UN System of National Accounting Oriented to Sustainable Development Concept

- Vladimir Gurman and Elena Ryumina
- _064: Risk and Return in a Dynamic Asset Pricing Model

- Levent Akdeniz and W. Davis Dechert
- _063: An Application of Sparse Methods to Solving a Multi-Country Model With Rational Expectations

- Gary Anderson
- _062: Perturbation Methods for Risk-Sensitive Economies

- Evan Anderson and Lars Peter Hansen
- _060: The Structural Relationship between R&D of Electrical and Electronic Industries and Economic Growth: A LISREL Analysis of the Korea Experience

- Jinho Yoo and Moonsik Bae
- _059: Asymmetric Adjustments of Price and Output

- Peter Tinsley and Reva Krieger
- _058: Moving Endpoints in Macrofinance

- Sharon Kozicki and Peter Tinsley
- _057: An Evolutionary Trade Network Game with Preferential Partner Selection

- Leigh Tesfatsion
- _056: Constructing Quadratic, Polynomial, and Separable Objective Functions

- Andranik Tangian and Josef Gruber
- _055: Zero Inflation Targets: Central Bank Commitment and Fiscal Policy Outcomes

- Peter J. Stemp and William M. Scarth
- _054: Pricing for Electronic Commerce
- Dale Stahl
- _053: Regulation vs. Competition in Telecommunications

- Leopold Sgner
- _051: Observation Histories: A Compression Technique for Recording Discrete States

- Felix Ritchie
- _050: Approximation des systmes dynamiques

- Zaka Ratsimalahelo
- _049: A Mixed Poisson Regression Model for Analysis of Patent Data
- Peiming Wang, Iain Cockburn and Martin L. Puterman
- _046: Algorithm Models of Production Decision Making and Adaptation Cost Evaluations

- Sergei Perminov
- _045: An Application of Nonstationary Iterative Methods for Solving a Multi-Country Model with Rational Expectations

- Manfred Gilli and Giorgio Pauletto
- _044: Evolution Variational Inequality Model of a Dynamic Adjustment Process in a Spatial Market Equilibrium Problem

- Jie Pan
- _043: Computational Issues in the Analysis of Simple IO Models: A Report from the Applied Front

- Ariel Pakes
- _042: The Design of C++ Classes for Scientific Computing

- Søren Nielsen
- _041: A Single-Sector Stochastic Model of Economics

- Oleg Malafeyev and Sergei Nemnyugin
- _040: Modeling of General International Financial Equilibrium in the Presence of Financial Futures: A Variational Inequality Approach

- Anna Nagurney and Stavros Siokos
- _039: Massively Parallel Computation of Dynamic Traffic Problems Modeled as Projected Dynamical Systems

- Anna Nagurney and Ding Zhang
- _038: Evolved Perception and Behaviour in Oligopolies

- Robert Marks
- _037: Computable Learning, Neural Networks and Institutions

- Francesco Luna
- _036: Differential-Difference Equations in Economics: On the Numerical Solution of Vintage Capital Growth Models

- Raouf Boucekkine, Omar Licandro and Christopher Paul
- _035: How to Get the Blanchard-Kahn Form from a General Linear Rational Expectations Model

- Raouf Boucekkine, Cuong Le van and Katheline Schubert
- _033: Is what is good for each good for all? Individual rationality and social efficiency in an information contagion model

- David Lane
- _032: Computing 3SLS Solutions of Simultaneous Equation Models with Possible Singular Variance-Covariance Matrix

- Erricos Kontoghiorghes
- _030: A Simple Adaptive Method for Time-Series Forecasting

- Petr Kln and Georges Darbellay
- _028: Automatic Differentiation and Interval Arithmetic for Estimation of Disequilibrium Models

- Max E. Jerrell
- _026: The Stacked-Time Simulator in TROLL: A Robust Algorithm for Solving Forward-Looking Models

- Peter Hollinger
- _025: Observer Based Control with Nonlinear Macroeconometric Models

- R. D. Herbert
- _024: Hedging Exotic Derivatives Through Stochastic Optimization

- Patrick Hnaff
- _023: Forecasting Stock Market Averages to Enhance Profitable Trading Strategies

- Christian Haefke and Christian Helmenstein
- _022: Self-Organization of Trade Networks in an Economy with Imperfect Infrastructure

- Sergei Guriev, Igor Pospelov and Margarita Shakhova
- _021: Multiple Bids in a Multiple-Unit Common Value Auction

- Michael Gordy
- _019: Posterior Simulators in Econometrics

- John Geweke
- _018: Computational Aspects of the (In)finite Planning Horizon Open-loop Nash Equilibrium in LQ-Games

- Jacob Engwerda
- _014: Parallel Computing: Technological Changes and Organizational Redesign

- Jacek Cukrowski
- _013: Optimal Industrial Classification in a Dynamic Model of Price Adjustment

- John S.nChipman and Peter Winker
- _012: Bond Trading, Market Anomalies and Neural Networks: An Application with Kohonen Nets

- Umberto Cherubini and Agnese Sironi
- _011: Multiregional Markal-Macro: Introduction of CO Certificate Trade and Solution Concepts

- Benno Bueeler and Socrates Kypreos
- _010: Numerical Solution of Huge Sets of Nonlinear Differential Equations: The Coupling of Open Economic Systems

- Kai Brandt
- _009: A Bellman's Equation for the Study of Income Smoothing

- Richard Boylan and Bente Villadsen
- _008: A Small-Sample Correction for Testing for gth-Order Serial Correlation with Artificial Regressions

- David Belsley
- _005: Forecasting Time Series via Discrete Wavelet Transform

- Miguel A. Ario
- _003: Numerical Steady State Solutions for Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization Models

- Hans Amman, David Kendrick and Heinz Neudecker
- _002: A solution Method for a Class of Learning by Doing Models

- Francisco Alvarez Gonzalez and Emilio Cerdá