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Computing in Economics and Finance 1997

From Society for Computational Economics
CEF97, Stanford University, Department of Economics, Stanford CA USA.
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Christopher F. Baum ().

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78: Automated Theorem Proving
Seth Greenblat
77: In Defense of Computing in Economics Downloads
Etienne Billette de Villemeur
76: Preface to a Computational Economic Theory of Democracy Downloads
Andrés Rius
75: Auctions and Optimization: Methods for Closing the Gap Caused by Non-Convexities in Preferences Downloads
Patrick Harker Rinaldo A. Jose and Lyle H. Ungar
74: Low Inflation or Stable Prices? Monetary Policy in the Absence of Deficit Finance Downloads
Christopher Baum and Meral Karasulu
73: Time-Varying Risk of Realignment in the European Rate Mechanism: A Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Estimation Techniques Downloads
Liga E. Bauer
72: The Ex Ante Predictive Accuracy of Alternative Models of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Downloads
Basma Bekdache and Christopher Baum
71: The Equity Premium and the Term Structure of Interest Rates with Stochastic Differential Utility Downloads
Mark Fisher and Christian Gilles
70: Computational General Equilibrium with Incomplete Assets
Karl Schmedders
69: PATH, NLP2MCP and Economic Applications of Complementarity Downloads
Michael C. Ferris
68: Numerical Tracking of the Tracing Procedure for Non-cooperative N-person games Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Antoon van den Eizen
67: Testing for a Unique Equilibrium in Computable General Equilibrium Models
Sami Dakhlia
66: Practical Results on Parallel Methods for Solving Forward-Looking Models Downloads
Manfred Gilli and Giorgio Pauletto
65: A Toolkit for Optimizing Functions in Economics Downloads
William Goffe
64: A Simple Approach to the Assortment Problem Downloads
Götz Uebe
63: Approximating and Simulating the Real Business Cycle: Linear Quadratic Methods, Parameterized Expectations and Genetic Algorithms Downloads
John Duffy and Paul McNelis
62: Power Markets for Controlling Smart Matter
Tad Hogg Oliver Guenther and Bernardo Huberman
61: The Emergence of Economic Classes in an Agent-based Bargaining Model Downloads
Robert Axtell and H. Young
60: Market Organizations for Perishable Goods
Gerard Weisbuch, Alan Kirman and Ehess
59: Microsimulation of Markets and Endogenous Price Bubbles Downloads
Ken Steiglitz and Liadan I. O'Callaghan
58: A Theory of Technical Analysis
Spyros Skouras
57: Asset Pricing Under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial Stock Market Downloads
W. Brian Arthur and Paul Tayler
56: A Dynamic Model of Information Selection in Asset Markets Downloads
David Goldbaum
55: Optimization of Trading Systems and Portfolios Downloads
John Moody and Lizhong Wu
54: Coexistence of Perfect and Non-Perfect Foresight Cycles in a Bounded Rationality Economy Downloads
Gian Italo Bischi, Laura Gardini and University of Urbino
53: Win-Stay, Lose-Shift. A General Learning Rule for Repeated Normal Form Games Downloads
Martin Posch and Werner Brannath
52: How Small Shocks and Heterogeneous Expectations Can Create Large Swings in the Exchange Rates Downloads
Torsten Sloek and Jens Peter Sorenson
51: Economic Dynamics with Learning: New Stability Results Downloads
George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja
50: Structural Breaks and VAR Modeling with Marginal Likelihoods Downloads
Wolfgang Polasek
49: Non-Linear Structures and Exchange Rate Dynamics Identification Downloads
Federico Ravenna
48: Predictive Residual Sum of Squares: A Comparision of Criteria for Estimating Lag Order of an Autoregressive Process Downloads
Sıdıka Başçı and Asad Zaman
47: Rapid Prototyping of Quantitative Displays Downloads
R. W. Oldford
46: Global Optimization Methods for Estimating GARCH Models Downloads
Max E. Jerrell
45: Parallel Strategies for Solving SURE Models with Variance Inequalities and Positivity of Correlations Constraints
Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Elias Dinenis and Dennis Parkinson
44: Computing Hessians with the Help of Automatically Detected Partially Separable Structure Downloads
David M. Gay
43: When Less is not too Little: On the Adaptation to Adverse Endowment Conditions in Artificial Economies Downloads
Bernard Borges and Gregory M. Werner
42: Refining the Breeding of Hybrid Strategies Downloads
Robert Marks, David F. Midgley and Lee G. Cooper
41: Cellular Genetic Automata in Computer Simulation of Economic Growth and Development with Romer Externalities Downloads
Roger McCain
40: Dynamic Agency with Feedback
B. Taub
39: Dynamic Principal - Multiple Agent Problems Downloads
Sevin Yeltekin
38: Contracting and Income Smoothing in an Infinite Agency Model Downloads
Richard Boylan and Bente Villadsen
37: Precautionary Saving Credit Constraints and Investment: Theory and Evidence from Semi-Arid India Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and John Pender
36: Statistical Estimation and Moment Evaluation of a Stochastic Growth Model with Asset Market Downloads
Martin Lettau, Willi Semmler and University of Bielefeld
35: Computationally Efficient Solution and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models Downloads
Jeffrey Fuhrer and Hoyt Bleakley
34: Analytical and Numerical Solution of Multivariate Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models Downloads
Mohammad Pesaran and Hossein Samiei
33: Network Modeling of International Financial Equilibria with Hedging: Statics and Dynamics Downloads
Anna Nagurney and Stavros Siokos
32: A Computational Model of Economies of Scale and Market Share Instability: A Replicator Dynamics Framework Downloads
Mariana Mazzucato
31: Credit Risk Assessment using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods as an Ingredient for Risk Modeling of Financial Intermediaries Downloads
Jorge Galindo and Pablo Tamayo
30: The Evolution of Portfolio Rules in Financial Markets Downloads
Emanuela Sciubba
29: Generalized Adjustment Costs and Macro Dynamics: Specification and System Estimation of a Small-Scale Model of the US Economy Downloads
Antulio Bomfim and John Williams
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