Discussion Paper
From Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Richard Broekman (r.j.h.a.broekman@uvt.nl).
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- 1993-40: Export subsidies and oligopoly with switching costs
- Ted To
- 1993-39: Competition or Co-Operation
- Werner Güth and Hartmut Kliemt
- 1993-38: Provision of Public Goods with Incomplete Information: Decentralization vs. Central Planning
- M. Gradstein
- 1993-37: Characterizations of a Game Theoretical Cost Allocation Method
- G.J.M. Otten
- 1993-36: On the economic independence of the central bank and the persistence of inflation (Second revision)
- Eric Schaling
- 1993-35: Green policies and public finance in a small open economy (Revised version)
- Lans Bovenberg and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 1993-34: Semi-parametric estimation of the sample selection model
- Bertrand Melenberg and Arthur van Soest
- 1993-33: Panic behavior and the performance of circuit breakers: Empirical evidence
- Beni Lauterbach and U. Ben-Zion
- 1993-32: Linear Production with Transport of Products, Resources and Technology
- Vincent Feltkamp
- 1993-31: Time preference and international tax competition
- Harry Huizinga
- 1993-30: The welfare effects of individual retirement accounts (Revised version)
- Harry Huizinga
- 1993-29: A comparison of the cost of trading French shares on the Paris Bourse and on SEAQ International
- Frank de Jong, Theo Nijman and A.A. Roell
- 1993-28: Tariffs, rent extraction and manipulation of competition
- Ted To
- 1993-27: Bankruptcy litigation and optimal debt contracts
- J.P.J.F. Scheepens
- 1993-26: Infant Industry Protection with Learning-by-Doing
- Ted To
- 1993-25: Central bank independence: Theory and evidence (Revised version)
- Sylvester Eijffinger and Eric Schaling
- 1993-24: The financing and taxation of U.S. direct investment abroad
- Harry Huizinga
- 1993-23: The (2n+m+1-2)-ray algorithm: a new variable dimension simplicial algorithm for computing economic equilibria on Sn×Rm+
- Adolphus Talman, Y. Yamamoto and Z. Yang
- 1993-22: The will to save money: An essay on economic psychology
- K.E. Wärneryd
- 1993-21: Environmental quality and pollution-saving technological change in a two-sector endogenous growth model
- Lans Bovenberg and Sjak Smulders
- 1993-20: The quantity approach to financial integration: The Feldstein-Horioka criterion revisited
- Jan Lemmen and Sylvester Eijffinger
- 1993-19: Multi-sided Pre-play Communication by Burning Money
- Sjaak Hurkens
- 1993-18: On the determination of the control parameters of the optimal can-order policy
- M.J.G. van Eijs
- 1993-17: On ultimatum bargaining experiments: A personal review
- Werner Güth
- 1993-15: A note on Robinson's test of independence
- Feike C. Drost and Bas Werker
- 1993-14: Consumption over the life cycle and over the business cycle
- Orazio Attanasio and Martin Browning
- 1993-13: Communication, Complexity, and Evolutionary Stability
- Karl Wärneryd
- 1993-12: Marginalization and contemporaneous aggregation in multivariate GARCH processes
- Theo Nijman and Enrique Sentana
- 1993-11: Formal and informal sector employment in urban areas of Bolivia
- M.P. Pradhan and Arthur van Soest
- 1993-10: Female labour supply in farm households: Farm and off-farm participation
- Tim Callan and Arthur van Soest
- 1993-9: Price commitment in search markets
- Helmut Bester
- 1993-8: Foreign direct investment and the political economy of protection
- Tore Ellingsen and Karl Wärneryd
- 1993-7: Case-Control Studies with Contaminated Controls
- Guido Imbens and Tony Lancaster
- 1993-6: The consistency principle for games in strategic form
- Bezalel Peleg and S.H. Tijs
- 1993-5: A Simple Justification of Quantity Competition and the Cournot-Oligopoly Solution
- Werner Güth
- 1993-4: Euler Equations in Micro Data: Merging Data from Two Samples
- Annamaria Lusardi
- 1993-3: Some Peculiarities of Group Decision Making in Teams
- D. Karotkin and Shmuel Nitzan
- 1993-2: Are moral objections to free riding evolutionarily stable?
- Werner Güth and Shmuel Nitzan
- 1993-1: Credibility and Duration of Political Contests and the Extent of Rent Dissipation
- N. Kahana and Shmuel Nitzan
- 1992-54: Imperfect credibility of the band and risk premia in the European Monetary System
- Roel Beetsma
- 1992-53: Permanent income, current income and consumption: Evidence from panel data
- Annamaria Lusardi
- 1992-52: Environmental taxation and labour-market distortions
- Lans Bovenberg and Ruud de Mooij
- 1992-51: Central bank independence: Searching for the philosophers' stone (Revised version)
- Sylvester Eijffinger and Eric Schaling
- 1992-50: Job search theory, labour supply and unemployment duration
- Hans Bloemen
- 1992-49: The welfare effects of individual retirement accounts
- Harry Huizinga
- 1992-48: Partisanship As Information
- Karl Wärneryd
- 1992-47: A Generalized Method of Moments Estimator for Long-Memory Processes
- M. Tieslau, P. Schmidt and R. Baillie
- 1992-46: The Long Memory and Variability of Inflation: A Reappraisal of the Friedman Hypothesis
- R. Baillie, C. Chung and M. Tieslau
- 1992-45: Robust tests for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation using score function
- A.K. Bera and P.T. Ng
- 1992-44: IRAs and household saving
- William Gale and J.K. Scholtz
- 1992-43: Environmental policy, public finance and the labour market in a second-best world
- Lans Bovenberg and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 1992-42: The effects of marketable pollution permits on the firm's optimal investment policies
- Peter Kort
- 1992-41: Coalition formation in large network economies
- R.P. Gilles, Pieter Ruys and S. Jilin
- 1992-40: Temporal aggregation of GARCH processes
- Feike C. Drost and Theo Nijman
- 1992-39: A model of labour supply with job offer restrictions
- Hans Bloemen
- 1992-38: Individual Income, Incomplete Information, and Aggregate Consumption
- Jorn-Steffen Pischke
- 1992-37: Tests of Independence in Parametric Models: With Applications and Illustrations
- A. Cameron and Pravin Trivedi
- 1992-36: Strategic bargaining for the control of a dynamic system in state-space form
- Harold Houba and Aart de Zeeuw
- 1992-35: Strategic Decision Making and the Dynamics of Government Debt
- L. Leijdam, M. van de Ven and H.A.A. Verbon
- 1992-34: Average causal response with variable treatment intensity
- Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens
- 1992-33: Technological change in markets with network externalities
- Paul de Bijl and Sanjeev Goyal
- 1992-32: Estimating the impact of endogenous union choice on wages using panel data (Revised version)
- Francis Vella and Marno Verbeek
- 1992-31: Daily Bundesbank and federal reserve interventions: Do they affect the level and unexpected volatility of the DM/$-rate? (Revised version)
- G.J. Almekinders and Sylvester Eijffinger
- 1992-30: Does inequality cause inflation?: The political economy of inflation, taxation and government debt
- Roel Beetsma and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 1992-29: The joint estimation of a non-linear labour supply function and a wage equation using simulated response probabilities
- Hans Bloemen and Arie Kapteyn
- 1992-28: Core implementation in modified strong and coalition proof Nash equilibria
- Peter Borm, G.J.M. Otten and Hans Peters
- 1992-27: Four econometric fashions and the Kalman filter alternative: A simulation study
- Eduard Bomhoff
- 1992-26: Economically applicable evolutionary games
- Daniel Friedman
- 1992-25: Robust Selection of Equilibria
- H. Suehiro
- 1992-24: A "mistaken theories" refinement
- H. Suehiro
- 1992-23: Monotonic games are spanning network games
- C.G.A.M. van den Nouweland, M. Maschler and S.H. Tijs
- 1992-22: Price Advertising and Advertising in Oligopoly
- Helmut Bester and Emmanuel Petrakis
- 1992-21: Monopolistic competition, product variety and growth: Chamberlin vs. Schumpeter
- Sjak Smulders and Theo van de Klundert
- 1992-20: Investment-promoting policies in open economies: The importance of intergenerational and international distributional effects
- Lans Bovenberg
- 1992-19: Testing a Parametric Model Against a Semiparametric Alternative
- J. Horowitz and W.K. Härdle
- 1992-18: The compromise value for NTU-games
- Peter Borm, H. Keiding, Richard McLean, S. Oortwijn and S.H. Tijs
- 1992-17: Credible Equilibria in Games with Utilities Changing During the Play
- José Luis Ferreira, Itzhak Gilboa and M.B. Maschler
- 1992-16: Indexation of pensions in Hungary: A simple cohort model
- Andras Simonovits
- 1992-15: On Durable Goods Monopolies and the (Anti)Coase-Conjecture
- W. Guth and Klaus Ritzberger
- 1992-14: Discrete choice models of family labour supply
- Arthur van Soest
- 1992-13: Exchange rate bands and optimal monetary accomodation under a dirty float
- Roel Beetsma and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- 1992-12: Extensions of choice behaviour
- A.J.A. Storcken and Pieter Ruys
- 1992-11: Endogenous Timing in a Game with Incomplete Information
- S. Albaek
- 1992-10: Reputation and commitment in two-person repeated games
- Martin Cripps and Jonathan Thomas
- 1992-9: Upstream Pricing and Advertising Signal Downstream Demand
- S. Albaek and P. Overgaard
- 1992-8: How sensitive are average derivatives?
- W.K. Härdle and A.B. Tsybakov
- 1992-7: Incomplete panels and selection bias: A survey
- Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman
- 1992-6: Applied Nonparametric Methods
- W.K. Härdle
- 1992-5: Money and specialization in production
- E. Siandra
- 1992-4: Strategies for growth in a macroeconomic setting
- Theo van de Klundert and Sjak Smulders
- 1992-3: The Axiomatic Basis of Anticipated Utility: A Clarification
- John Quiggin and Peter Wakker
- 1992-2: Monetary policy and inflation
- Eduard Bomhoff
- 1992-1: Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of cross sections (Revised version)
- Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman
- 1991-70: Equilibrium selection in stag hunt games
- H. Carlsson and Eric van Damme
- 1991-69: Individual and Collective Time Consistency
- Geir Asheim
- 1991-68: Recent developments in modeling volatility in financial data
- Theo Nijman and Franz Palm
- 1991-67: Strategic advertising and pricing with sequential Buyer search
- Dale Stahl
- 1991-66: Evolution of Smart-n Players
- Dale Stahl
- 1991-65: Selecting estimated models using chi-square statistics
- Q.H. Vuong and W. Wang
- 1991-64: The stable value
- J. Greenberg