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From Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
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2025: Het gedrag van beleggers Downloads
Rik Frehen
2025: Tax policy expectations and investment Downloads
John Gallemore, Stephan Hollander, Martin Jacob and Xiang Zheng
2025: Operations & Supply Chain Management: Principles and Practice Downloads
Fotios Petropoulos, Henk Akkermans, O. Zeynep Aksin, Imran Ali, Mohamed Zied Babai, Ana Barbosa-Povoa, Olga Battaïa, Maria Besiou, Nils Boysen, Stephen Brammer, Alistair Brandon-Jones, Dirk Briskorn, Tyson R. Browning, Paul Buijs, Piera Centobelli, Andrea Chiarini, Paul Cousins, Elizabeth A. Cudney, Andrew Davies, Steven J. Day, René de Koster, Rommert Dekker, Juliano Denicol, Mélanie Despeisse, Stephen M. Disney, Alexandre Dolgui, Linh Duong, Malek El-Qallali, Behnam Fahimnia, Fatemeh Fakhredin, Stanley B. Gershwin, Salar Ghamat, Vaggelis Giannikas, Christoph H. Glock, Janet Godsell, Kannan Govindan, Claire Hannibal, Anders Haug, Tomislav Hernaus, Juliana Hsuan, Dmitry Ivanov, Marianne Jahre, Björn Johansson, Madan Shankar Kalidoss, Argyris Kanellopoulos, Devika Kannan, Elif Karul, Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos, Ayse Begüm Kilic-Ararat, Rainer Kolisch, Maximilian Koppenberg, Maneesh Kumar, Yong-Hong Kuo, Andrew Kusiak, Michael A. Lewis, Stanley Frederick W. T. Lim, Veronique Limère, Jiyin Liu, Omid Maghazei, Matija Marić, Joern Meissner, Miranda Meuwissen, Pietro Micheli, Samudaya Nanayakkara, Bengü Nur Özdemir, Thanos Papadopoulos, Stephen Pavelin, Srinath Perera, Wendy Phillips, Dennis Prak, Hubert Pun, Sharfah Ahmad Qazi, Usha Ramanathan, Gerald Reiner, Ewout Reitsma, Jens K. Roehrich, Nada R. Sanders, Joseph Sarkis, Nico André Schmid, Christoph G. Schmidt, Andreas Schroeder, Kostas Selviaridis, Stefan Seuring, Chuan Shi, Byung-Gak Son, Martin Spring, Brian Squire, Wendy van der Valk, Dirk Pieter van Donk, Geert-Jan van Houtum, Miriam Wilhelm, Finn Wynstra and Ting Zheng
2025: Promotion decisions and the adoption of explicit potential assessment Downloads
Isabella Grabner, Judith Künneke and Frank Moers
2025: Harmonious Equilibria in Roommate Problems Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Yu Zhou
2025: WAVELENGTHS: Unraveling ASML’s sources of innovation Downloads
Susanne van der Velden
2025: Labor Market Signals: The Role of Large Language Models Downloads
Kian Abbas Nejad, Giuseppe Musillo, Till Wicker and Niccolò Zaccaria
2025: Π-CAPM: The classical CAPM with probability weighting and skewed assets Downloads
Joost Driessen, Sebastian Ebert and Joren Koëter
2025: Innovations, technologies, and the economics of last-mile operations: A call for research in operations management Downloads
Niels Agatz, Jan C. Fransoo, Elliot Rabinovich and Rui Sousa
2025: Beter Geven II: Verbetervoorstellen voor vereenvoudiging en versterking van de giftenaftrek Downloads
A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan, Jonathan van Oostenbrugge, Maiko van Bakel, Martin Bauman, N. Idsinga, W.G. van Vliet and Willibrord van Beek
2025: Invaren of ingroeien in het nieuwe pensioenstelsel? Voorkeuren van pensioendeelnemers in een referendum Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and C.J.I.M. Henkens
2025: De opkomst van thuiswerken als privilege Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and K. Henkens
2025: Influence of stress, perceived control, and intrinsic motivation on individual economic decision-making Downloads
Wanqing Zhang
2025: Brabant, let op uw saeck: Nieuwe wereldorde zet alles op het spel Downloads
Ton Wilthagen, Lex Meijdam and Marieke Schoots
2025: Deelnemers hebben in een pensioenfondsreferendum voorkeur voor het 'ingroeien’ van pensioenrechten Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and Kène Henkens
2025: Balancing acts: Executive compensation, governance, and accountability in nonprofit organizations Downloads
Wim Maas
2025: The bullwhip effect in servitized manufacturers Downloads
Yimeng Niu, Jing Wu, Shenyang Jiang and Zhibin Jiang
2025: Commitment and the dynamics of household labour supply Downloads
Alexandros Theloudis, Jorge Velilla, P.A. Chiappori, J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal and José Alberto Molina
2025: A Manager’s Perspective on Feedback and Control Decisions Downloads
Cardin Masselink
2025: A characterization of simultaneous optimization, majorization, and (bi)submodular polyhedra Downloads
Martijn H.H. Schoot Uiterkamp
2025: The brandification of private labels: Beyond budgets Downloads
Katrijn Gielens, Inge Geyskens and Marnik Dekimpe
2025: Coordinate or collaborate? Reducing food waste in perishable-product supply chains Downloads
Navid Mohamadi, Sandra Transchel and Jan C. Fransoo
2025: In search of informed discretion (revisited): Are managers concerned about appearing selfish? Downloads
Bart Dierynck, Jesse van der Geest and Victor van Pelt
2025: Discrete choice in marketing through the lens of rational inattention Downloads
Sergey Turlo, Matteo Fina, Johannes Kasinger, Arash Laghaie and Thomas Otter
2025: Stochastic approaches for production inventory planning: Applications to high-tech supply chains Downloads
Tijn Fleuren
2025: Developing Countries, Tax Treaty Shopping and the Global Minimum Tax Downloads
Maarten van 't Riet and Arjan Lejour
2025: Horizon effects in the pricing kernel: How investors price short-term versus long-term risks Downloads
Joost Driessen, Joren Koëter and Ole Wilms
2025: Managing reusable resources with usage time limits Downloads
Benjamin Legros, J.S.H. van Leeuwaarden and Jan C. Fransoo
2025: Accurate Estimates of Ultimate 100-Meter Records Downloads
John Einmahl and Yi He
2024: The unheard voice of marketing research: Breaking through to news and social media Downloads
Samuel Stäbler and Michael Haenlein
2024: Sources of Regional Variation in Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from the Netherlands Downloads
Lieke Beekers
2024: Mutually unbiased bases: polynomial optimization and symmetry Downloads
Sander Gribling and Sven Polak
2024: Evaluatie verlaagd tarief in de vennootschapsbelasting Downloads
Celine van Essen, Elian Griffioen and Arjan Lejour
2024: Balancing multiple solutions through enhanced diet optimization for food and nutrition security Downloads
Melissa Koenen
2024: Semidefinite approximations for bicliques and biindependent pairs Downloads
Monique Laurent, Sven C. Polak and Luis Vargas
2024: On the economic effects of climate policies Downloads
Rik Rozendaal
2024: The exact worst-case convergence rate of the alternating direction method of multipliers Downloads
Moslem Zamani, Hadi Abbaszadehpeivasti and Etienne de Klerk
2024: Hoge Raad blijft bij prejudiciële beslissing NTFR 2020/3011; geen teruggaaf dividendbelasting aan Duits beleggingsfonds wegens ontbreken ‘vervangende betaling’ Downloads
Mart van Hulten
2024: An optimal linear-combination-of-unitaries-based quantum linear system solver Downloads
Sander Gribling, Iordanis Kerenidis and Dániel Szilágyi
2024: Inefficient regulation: Mortgages versus total credit Downloads
A. Karapetyan, Jens Kværner and Maximilian Rohrer
2024: Technology Selection with Peer-Based Network Effects Downloads
Jop Schouten, Davide Cognolato, Peter Borm and Frans Cruijssen
2024: Pensioen voor alle werkenden Downloads
Bastiaan Starink, Eduard Ponds, Casper van Ewijk and Erik Lutjens
2024: Reducing nonnegativity over general semialgebraic sets to nonnegativity over simple sets Downloads
Olga Kuryatnikova, Juan C. Vera and Luis F. Zuluaga
2024: Learning in the auditing profession: A framework and future directions Downloads
Bart Dierynck, Kathryn Kadous and Christian P. H. Peters
2024: Essays in entrepreneurial finance Downloads
Jeroen Verbouw
2024: Cuts and semidefinite liftings for the complex cut polytope Downloads
Lennart Sinjorgo, Renata Sotirov and M.F. Anjos
2024: Bijstand veelvoorkomende bron van schulden Downloads
Ernst-Jan de Bruijn, Heike Vethaak, Pierre Koning and Marike Knoef
2024: Response aggregation to obtain truthful answers to sensitive questions: Estimating the prevalence of illegal purchases of prescription drugs Downloads
Marco Gregori, M.G. de Jong and Rik Pieters
2024: The Characterization of Clearing Payments in Financial Networks Downloads
Martijn Ketelaars, Peter Borm and P. Jean-Jacques Herings
2024: Improving workers’ performance in small firms: A randomized experiment on goal setting in Ghana Downloads
Elena Cettolin, Kym Cole and Patricio Dalton
2024: Essays on extreme returns and investor behavior Downloads
Jia Bi
2024: Flexible Labor Contracts, Firm-specific Pay, and Wages Downloads
José Gabo Carreño Bustos, Harry Huizinga and Burak Uras
2024: Impact of climate change and genetic development on Iowa corn yield Downloads
Faisal H. Zai, Patrick E. McSharry and Herbert Hamers
2024: The dynamic informativeness of scheduled news Downloads
Julio Crego and Jasmin Gider
2024: BEFIT: voorlopig eindstation voor gemeenschappelijk winstbegrip in Europa? Downloads
Ronald Russo and Duco Ter Steege
2024: Social Networks and Collective Action in Large Populations: An application to the Egyptian Arab Spring Downloads
Chih Sheng Hsieh, Lachlan Deer, Michael Koenig and Fernando Vega-Redondo
2024: De schaarse mantelzorger Downloads
Floor Bruggeman and Hendrik Peter van Dalen
2024: Standards for greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy induce innovation in clean car technologies Downloads
Rik Rozendaal and Herman R.J. Vollebergh
2024: Essays on real options: Triopoly dynamics, disconnected investment regions, and multiple investment options Downloads
Farzan Faninam
2024: Actualiteitenrubriek fiscaal sanctierecht Downloads
Kim Demandt
2024: State commission advises ‘moderate population growth’ for the Netherlands Downloads
Helga de Valk and Hendrik Peter van Dalen
2024: Superstar exclusivity in two-sided markets Downloads
Elias Carroni, Leonardo Madio and Shiva Shekhar
2024: Negotiation In Bankruptcy Problems Downloads
Dirck Bouwhuis, Ruud Hendrickx and P. Jean-Jacques Herings
2024: The Transmission of Non-Banking Liquidity Shocks to the Banking Sector Downloads
Miguel Sarmiento Paipilla
2024: Banking market integration in Europe and insolvency law Downloads
Ata Bertay and Harry Huizinga
2024: Higher-Order Risk Attitudes for Non-Expected Utility Downloads
Paul van Bruggen, Roger Laeven and Gijs van de Kuilen
2024: Essays on labour economics and industrial organization Downloads
Mario Bernasconi
2024: Uncertain Time to Completion in a Sequential Investment Problem: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Downloads
Micah Lucy Abigaba, Jens Bengtsson, Martijn Ketelaars and Peter Kort
2024: Essays on liquidity provision in wholesale funding markets and on financial fragility Downloads
Constanza Martinez Ventura
2024: Symbiosis: Over de relatie tussen kennis en beleid Downloads
Hans Mommaas
2024: A reinforcement learning framework for improving parking decisions in last-mile delivery Downloads
Juan E. Muriel, Lele Zhang, Jan C. Fransoo and Juan G. Villegas
2024: Obfuscation and rational inattention Downloads
Aljoscha Janssen and Johannes Kasinger
2024: Guided by the compass of broad prosperity Downloads
Otto Raspe
2024: Does AI technology deployment benefit the owner of the technology? Impact of gitHub copilot release on microsoft Downloads
Martijn Vroegindeweij, Poonacha Medappa and Murat Tunç
2024: Individualized pension contracts: risks, welfare losses and investment choices Downloads
Bart Dees
2024: Landenvergelijking Internationale Klimaatfinanciering (update) Downloads
Herman R.J. Vollebergh and Asel Doranova
2024: Economic effects of tax avoidance and compliance Downloads
Jesse van der Geest
2024: Migration and innovation: How foreign R&D hires shape firm-level exploration in their host country Downloads
Paul-Emmanuel Anckaert and Wolf-Hendrik Uhlbach
2024: Europese emissiehandel en grensheffing helpen bij afbouw fossiele subsidies Downloads
Reyer Gerlagh, Sjak Smulders and Daan van Soest
2024: Autonomous vehicles policy and safety investment: An equilibrium analysis with endogenous demand Downloads
Herbert Dawid, Xuan Di, Peter Kort and Gerd Muehlheusser
2024: The role of values in the interorganizational network response to wicked problems Downloads
Nick Zonneveld, Jörg Raab, Patrick Kenis and Mirella M. N. Minkman
2024: Electronic payment technology and business finance: A randomized, controlled trial with mobile money Downloads
Patricio Dalton, Daan van Soest and Burak Uras
2024: Navigating through the noise: The effect of color-coded performance feedback on decision making Downloads
Eddy Cardinaels, Victor Maas and Stephan Kramer
2024: Essays in behavioral and empirical corporate finance Downloads
Yanying Lyu
2024: Cost sharing methods for capacity restricted cooperative purchasing situations Downloads
Jop Schouten, Mirjam Groote Schaarsberg and Peter Borm
2024: The Cost of Risk-Aversion In Inventory Management: An (s,S) Case Study Downloads
Ebru Angun and Jack Kleijnen
2024: Image-Based Body Shape Estimation to Detect Malnutrition Downloads
Hezha MohammedKhan, Cicek Guven, Marleen Balvert and Eric Postma
2024: The Role of Analytics in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger Downloads
Koen Peters, H.A. Fleuren and Frans Cruijssen
2024: Enhancing social, environmental, and economic impact efforts in and through universities Downloads
Joshua Burgher
2024: pyJedAI: A library with resolution-related structures and procedures for products Downloads
Ekaterini Ioannou, Konstantinos Nikoletos and George Papadakis
2024: Continuity of care for children with anorexia nervosa in the Netherlands: A modular perspective Downloads
A. Lennips, V. Peters, B.R. Meijboom, A. Nissen and J.E. Bunt
2024: Variance-Reduced Risk Inference in Semi-Supervised Settings Downloads
John Einmahl and Liang Peng
2024: A predictor-corrector algorithm for semidefinite programming that uses the factor width cone Downloads
Felix Kirschner and Etienne de Klerk
2024: Three essays on wage compensation and flexible contracts Downloads
José Gabo Carreño Bustos
2024: Should I endorse a third party? Authorization strategies for brand manufacturers in a refurbishing market Downloads
N.A. Kurdhi, Shaunak S. Dabadghao and Jan C. Fransoo
2024: Combined modelling of production of merchantable phosphoric ores using parallel processors before blending and their transportation by pipeline Downloads
Mouna Bamoumen, Vincent Hovelaque and Vincent Giard
2024: The impact of imposed COVID-19 measures on Belgian higher education students Downloads
Selien Vancaillie, P. Gemmel, Melissa De Regge and Bert Meijboom
2024: Clearing in financial networks and dynamic investment under uncertainty Downloads
Martijn Ketelaars
2024: Analytics for humanitarian networks in uncertain and data-scarce environments Downloads
Valentijn Stienen
2024: Als politici zwijgen, laten banken teugels vieren Downloads
Harald Benink and Arnoud Boot
2024: Building prediction models with grouped data: A case study on the prediction of turnover intention Downloads
S. Yuan, B. Kroon and A. Kramer
2024: Contributions to EC tax review: ESG and more Downloads
Eric Kemmeren
2024: Winners and losers in bank resolution: recent examples and a modest reform proposal Downloads
Benoit Coeure, Harry Huizinga, Elke Koenig, Jan Pieter Krahnen and Jonas Schlegel
2024: Renovatio ruralis: De wederombouw van het Nederlandse platteland Downloads
Joks Janssen
2024: Tax privacy concerns hamper digitization of the nanostore channel Downloads
Rafael Escamilla, Prisca Brosi, Jan C. Fransoo, Camilo Mora-Quiñones and Christopher Mejia Argueta
2024: Income Shocks and their Transmission into Consumption Downloads
Edmund Crawley and Alexandros Theloudis
2024: Does market share still matter? Downloads
Julian R.K. Wichmann, Alexander Edeling, Alexander Himme and Felix Anton Sklenarz
2024: How to optimize container withholding decisions for reuse in the hinterland? Downloads
Benjamin Legros, Jan Fransoo and Oualid Jouini
2024: Het nieuwe nabestaandenpensioen Downloads
Bastiaan Starink and Theo Nijman
2024: Sturen op migratie vereist langetermijnvisie Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and Daniel van Vuuren
2024: Historical and contemporary perspectives on labor Downloads
Ayse Hazal Sezer
2024: Advies behoud giftenaftrek Downloads
A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan, Maiko van Bakel, W.G. van Vliet, R. Keij, Martin Bauman, N. Idsinga, W. van Beek and Jonathan van Oostenbrugge
2024: The short-run effects of unexpected job loss on health Downloads
Jim Been, Eduard Suari-Andreu and Marike Knoef
2024: The effect of brief cooperative contact with ethnic minorities on discrimination Downloads
Eleonora Freddi, Jan Potters and Sigrid Suetens
2024: De Nederlandse Wet fiscaal kwalificatiebeleid rechtsvormen – gevolgen in de verhouding Nederland-België Downloads
Auke Lamers-van Rossum and Ton Stevens
2024: Optimization under uncertainty for food security Downloads
Meike Reusken
2024: Entangled Equilibria for Bimatrix Games Downloads
Andries van Beek and Peter Borm
2024: Firms and Unions Downloads
Ayse Hazal Sezer and Burak Uras
2024: Platforms and Digital Transformation in Logistics (PLATO): TNO 2024-R10279 // 11206387-002-GEO-0002 Downloads
Jacco van Meijeren, Marijn van Adrichem, Angela Acocella, Jan C. Fransoo, Budhi S. Wibowo and Rob Zuidwijk
2024: Warehousification: Aanbevelingen voor de Toekomst van Grote Distributiecentra in Nederland Downloads
Angela Acocella, F. Cruijssen and Jan C. Fransoo
2024: Wie vermijdt pensioeninformatie?: Het belang van financiële vaardigheden, vertrouwen en pensioenzorgen Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and K. Henkens
2024: HvJ bevestigt de geldigheid van diverse bepalingen van EU-richtlijn 2018/822 (DAC 6) Downloads
Mart van Hulten
2024: De grijze vlek in het aanvullend pensioen: een vertrouwenscrisis in wording? Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and C.J.I.M. Henkens
2024: Zorg over bevolkingsgroei is vooral zorg over immigratie Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen
2024: Wie vertrouwt de overstap naar het nieuwe pensioenstelsel? Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen and K. Henkens
2024: How Hartl exceeds Skiba: Determinants of a successful career in academia Downloads
Gustav Feichtinger, Dieter Grass, Peter Kort, Andreas J. Novak, Andrea Seidl and Stefan Wrzaczek
2024: Consumer time budgets and grocery shopping behavior Downloads
B.J.J.A.M. Bronnenberg, Tobias Klein and Yan Xu
2024: Value of reverse factoring under make-to-order production environments Downloads
Fehmi Tanrisever, Matthew Reindorp, Hande Cetinay and Jan C. Fransoo
2024: Technological changes and countries’ tax policy design: Evidence from anti-tax avoidance rules Downloads
Alissa Bruehne, Martin Jacob and Harm Schütt
2024: Guarding the digital cookie jar: An interdisciplinary study of automated privacy preference negotiation, monitoring, and enforcement Downloads
Kartik Chawla
2024: Essays on incentive contract and corporate finance Downloads
Zeng Yu
2024: Duurzame inzetbaarheid van zzp’ers in fysiek zware beroepen Downloads
Josette Dijkhuizen, Milos Erceg and Martijn van der Giessen
2024: Opleidingsverschillen in sterfte en gezondheid en implicaties van de verdere uniforme stijging van de AOW-leeftijd Downloads
Wilma J. Nusselder and Anja M.B. De Waegenaere
2024: Conic optimization and interior point methods: Theory, computations, and applications Downloads
Tibor Illes, Florian Jarre, Etienne de Klerk and Goran Lesaja
2024: Tail Copula Estimation for Heteroscedastic Extremes Downloads
John Einmahl and C. Zhou
2024: Biases in information selection and processing: Survey evidence from the pandemic Downloads
Ester Faia, Andreas Fuster, Vincenzo Pezone and Basit Zafar
2024: Condition-based production for stochastically deteriorating systems: Optimal policies and learning Downloads
Collin Drent, Melvin Drent and Joachim Arts
2024: Sustainable supply chains: Introduction Downloads
Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo and Tarkan Tan
2024: Equity Consistency in Financial Networks Downloads
Martijn Ketelaars
2024: Doorbraak natuurvriendelijk tuinieren vergt meer dan bewustwording Downloads
Ben Vollaard
2024: Perspective-taking predicts success in coalition formation Downloads
A. Cantiani, I. van Beest, F. Cruijssen, G. Kant and T.M. Erle
2024: The relationship between board diversity and voluntary tax disclosures of large, listed European firms: Do institutional characteristics matter? Downloads
Michiel Van Roy, Ann Jorissen and Leo van der Tas
2024: Gebrekkige administratie leidt tot opzettelijk onjuist ingediende aangifte Downloads
Kim Demandt
2024: Carbon Footprinting in Supply Chains: Measurement, Reporting, and Disclosure Downloads
Tasseda Boukherroub, Yann Bouchery, Tarkan Tan, Jan C. Fransoo and Charles J. Corbett
2024: Corporate governance perspective on environmental reporting: Literature review and future research agenda Downloads
Maria Aluchna, Maria Roszkowska-Menkes and Sana Khan
2024: Advances in applied optimal control and combinatorial optimization: Special isssue in honor of Richard F. Hartl Downloads
Herbert Dawid, Karl F. Doerner, Gustav Feichtinger, Margaretha Gansterer, Peter Kort and Andrea Seidl
2024: Navigating crises in family businesses: Unraveling the role of the family Downloads
Joyce Kox
2024: Cournot meets Bayes-Nash: A discontinuity in behavior in finitely repeated duopoly games Downloads
Cédric Argenton, Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Wieland Müller
2024: Essays on asset liquidity and investment funds Downloads
Lennart Dekker
2024: Unintended consequences of unemployment insurance benefits: The role of banks Downloads
Yavuz Arslan, Ahmet Degerli and Gazi Kabaș
2024: Fair value accounting, illiquid assets, and financial stability Downloads
Lucas Mahieux
2024: Extreme Value Inference for General Heterogeneous Data Downloads
Yi He and John Einmahl
2024: Consumption and time use responses to unemployment: Implications for the lifecycle model Downloads
Jim Been, Eduard Suari-Andreu, Marike Knoef and Rob Alessie
2024: Multi-Party computation as a data sharing solution for compliance monitoring: An exploratory study in the domain of battery circularity Downloads
Wirawan Agahari, Boriana Rukanova, Jolien Ubacht and Yao Hua Tan
2024: Waarde in het economische verkeer in het belastingrecht Downloads
Stan Stevens and Brenda Coebergh
2024: The effect of incentives in non-routine analytical team tasks Downloads
Florian Englmaier, Stefan Grimm, Dominik Grothe, David Schindler and Simeon Schudy
2024: Listen to your heart: The effect of music on heart rate variability Downloads
E. M. J. Marsman, N. J. Van Steijn, S. Pepplinkhuizen, L. M. De Haas, K. L. Lamerigts, P. S. Kleer, S. Ten Berg, A. C. Nieuwkerk, I. T. Kacuk, J. A. De Veld, P. J. Peltenburg, T. J. Van Trier and M. M. Winter
2024: Klimaatverandering in de Prijzen in 2022 met een Doorkijk naar 2030: Analyse van de Beprijzing van Broeikasgasemissies in Nederland Downloads
Corjan Brink and Herman R.J. Vollebergh
2024: The orienteering problem with drones Downloads
Nicola Morandi, Roel Leus and Hande Yaman
2024: Influencing opinion networks-optimization and games Downloads
Wout de Vos, Peter Borm and Herbert Hamers
2024: How do firms adapt their portfolios of external collaborations to changing internal organizational attributes? The moderating role of firm age Downloads
Farid Mammadaliyev, Victor Gilsing and J. Knoben
2024: When desired brand values might conflict: The diagnosticity of different packaging elements on brand sustainability and brand quality Downloads
Henk Roest and Sander Snoeren
2024: Aanslag op zeeleven vormt uitdaging voor economen Downloads
Andries Richter and Ben Vollaard
2024: A new approach to patent reform Downloads
Janet Freilich, Michael Meurer, Mark Schankerman and Florian Schuett
2024: Promotion and technological change in the music industry Downloads
Nazli Alagöz
2024: Operationalizing analytics to improve food security Downloads
Koen Peters
2024: Een steuntje in de rug: vermogensmobiliteit van ouder op kind Downloads
Rene Schulenberg, Celine van Essen, Esther Hamelink and Arjan Lejour
2024: On the Distributional Effects of Monetary Shocks and Market Incompleteness Downloads
Tulio Cesar Bouzas Correa
2024: An analysis of anti-tax avoidance approaches in nine European countries: An update to the conclusions of the first meeting of the European association of tax law professors in 1999 Downloads
Cihat Öner and Ricardo Garcia Anton
2024: Essays on consumer finance Downloads
Simona Hannon
2024: Basic quantum subroutines: finding multiple marked elements and summing numbers Downloads
Joran van Apeldoorn, Sander Gribling and Harold Nieuwboer
2024: Frontrunning, free-riding and over-aspiring: A case study exploring how configurations of involvement, social comparison and organizational goal attainment affect perceived network goal attainment Downloads
Galina van der Weert, Katarzyna Burzynska and J. Knoben
2024: Welfare losses of uniform pension contracts Downloads
Anja M.B. De Waegenaere
2024: Strategic investment under uncertainty: Why multi-option firms lose the preemption run Downloads
Wencheng Yu, Xingang Wen, Nick F. D. Huberts and Peter Kort
2024: Are international banks different? Evidence on bank performance and strategy Downloads
Ata Bertay, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
2024: Speak up! Factors that influence involvement of nurses in oncological multidisciplinary team meetings Downloads
Nadine Boesten, Melissa De Regge, Kristof Eeckloo, Mark Leys, Paul Gemmel and Bert Meijboom
2024: A legitimacy-based view of the impact of government venture capital on startup innovation: Evidence from a transition economy Downloads
Ramakrishna Devarakonda and Aqi Liu
2024: Assessing the impact of loading-unloading zones in emerging markets: Evidence from Mexico Downloads
Camilo Mora-Quiñones, Jan C. Fransoo, Josué C. Velázquez Martínez, Rafael Escamilla and Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón
2024: Black-box simulation-optimization with quantile constraints: an inventory case study Downloads
Ebru Angun and Jack Kleijnen
2024: The paradox of information systems in crisis: Walking the tight rope between rigidity and flexibility Downloads
Kenny Meesters, Andreas Alexiou and Carol Ou
2024: "De kous op de kop krijgen"- een nieuwe fiscale trend? Downloads
Ton Stevens
2024: The signed graphs with two eigenvalues unequal to ±1 Downloads
Willem H. Haemers and Hatice Topcu
2024: Heterogeneous Beliefs, Learning and Multiplicity in Directed Technical Change Downloads
Kian Abbas Nejad
2024: Betaaltaken gelijker verdeeld bij koppels van hetzelfde geslacht Downloads
Carin van der Cruijsen, Marie-Claire Broekhoff and Joris Knoben
2024: Credit provision and stock trading: Evidence from the South Sea bubble Downloads
Fabio Braggion, Rik Frehen and Emiel Jerphanion
2024: Performance analysis of optimization methods for machine learning Downloads
Hadi Abbaszadehpeivasti
2024: International Trade in Brown Shares and Economic Development Downloads
Harald Benink, Harry Huizinga, Louis Raes and Lishu Zhang
2024: Getting a grip on immigration: the citizens’ view Downloads
Hendrik Peter van Dalen
2024: A distaste for insecurity: job preferences of young people in the transition to adulthood Downloads
Lin Rouvroye, Hendrik Peter van Dalen, Kène Henkens and Joop J. Schippers
2024: Asset pricing with time preference shocks: Existence and uniqueness Downloads
John Stachurski, Ole Wilms and Junnan Zhang
2024: Expectational Equilibria and Drèze Equilibria in Many-to-one Matching Models Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings
2024: Double marginalization because of external financing: Capacity investment under uncertainty Downloads
N.F.D. Huberts, Xingang Wen, Herbert Dawid, Kuno Huisman and Peter Kort
2024: Understanding the effects of ubiquitous connectivity on employee well-being and job insecurity: A moderated mediation model Downloads
Pengzhen Yin, Carol Ou and Liang Liang
2024: Equity in health and humanitarian logistics: A people-centered perspective Downloads
Thomas Breugem, Yu Fan, Andreas K. Gernert and Luk N. Van Wassenhove
2024: Efficient global optimization and the zero-gradient condition, in expensive simulation Downloads
Ebru Angun and Jack Kleijnen
2024: Retail disruptions and their impact on suppliers in the grocery sector Downloads
Max Nohe
2024: What to monitor? In search for high-level concepts for circular economy and sustainability monitoring Downloads
Boriana Rukanova, Jelmer Lennartz, Wirawan Agahari, Jonathan Schmid, Jolien Ubacht, Yao Hua Tan, Elmer Rietveld and Theodor Chirvasuta
2024: Essays on banking regulations Downloads
Shuo Zhao
2024: De lange weg naar de top: vermogensmobiliteit in Nederland Downloads
Esther Hamelink, Rene Schulenberg and Arjan Lejour
2024: Naar een toekomstbestendig toezicht op misbruik van machtspositie Downloads
Jasper van den Boom, Inge Graef, Giorgio Monti, Eric van Damme and Cedric Argenton
2024: Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems Downloads
Moritz Drupp, M.C. Hänsel, E.P. Fenichel, M. Freeman, C. Gollier, B. Groom, G.M. Heal, P.H. Howard, A. Millner, F.C. Moore, Frikk Nesje, Martin Quaas, Sjak Smulders, T. Sterner, C. Traeger and Frank Venmans
2024: Perspective Invariance in Financial Networks Downloads
Martijn Ketelaars
2024: Green network design and facility location Downloads
Josué C. Velázquez-Martínez and Jan C. Fransoo
2024: Heavy-traffic universality of redundancy systems with assignment constraints Downloads
Ellen Cardinaels, Sem Borst and Johan S.H. van Leeuwaarden
2024: Spectra of power hypergraphs and signed graphs via parity-closed walks Downloads
Lixiang Chen, Edwin R. van Dam and Changjiang Bu
2024: Moral support and performance Downloads
Fabrizio Colella, Patricio Dalton and Giovanni Giusti
2024: Omgaan met personeelstekorten in de gehandicaptenzorg Downloads
V. Peters, N. Frielink, C. van Leest, G.J.C. Heerkens and P.J.C.M. Embregts
2024: Uncertainty avoidance and the allocation of entrepreneurial activity across entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship Downloads
Werner Liebregts, Coen Rigtering and Niels Bosma
2024: Robust multiple stopping — A duality approach Downloads
Roger Laeven, John G.M. Schoenmakers, Nikolaus Schweizer and M.A. Stadje
2024: Globally and Universally Convergent Price Adjustment Processes Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings
2024: Financial Fragility Indexes for Latin American Countries Downloads
Constanza Martínez, Pavel Cizek and Harald Benink
2024: Nanoretail operations in developing markets Downloads
Jan C. Fransoo, Rafael Escamilla and Jiwen Ge
2024: Shale gas revolution could paralyse the energy transition Downloads
Reyer Gerlagh and Sjak Smulders
2024: Veto rights in international joint ventures Downloads
Jeffrey Reuer, Elko Klijn, S.V. Devarakonda and R.L. Olie
2024: The family firm: A synthesis, stylized facts, and future research directions Downloads
Daniel Kárpáti, Luc Renneboog and Jeroen Verbouw
2024: On convergence of a q-random coordinate constrained algorithm for non-convex problems Downloads
Alireza Ghaffari Hadigheh, Lennart Sinjorgo and Renata Sotirov
2024: Het nieuwe pensioen Downloads
Theo Nijman
2024: Social and strategic interactions in experiments Downloads
Yi Sheng
2024: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for efficient Gaussian sampling: long and random steps Downloads
Simon Apers, Sander Gribling and Daniel Szilagyi
2024: Accountants, het zijn soms net mensen Downloads
Guido Kluth
2024: Warehousification: Recommendations for the Future of Big Box Warehouses in the Netherlands Downloads
Angela Acocella, F. Cruijssen and Jan C. Fransoo
2024: On the Compatibility of Composition Axioms in Financial Networks Downloads
Martijn Ketelaars
2024: Contrarians, extrapolators, and stock market momentum and reversal Downloads
Adem Atmaz, Stefano Cassella, Huseyin Gulen and Fangcheng Ruan
2024: The importance of Dutch family businesses and the tax facilities for transfers under inheritance law or gifts Downloads
Mitra Tydeman, Arjan Lejour and Mascha Hoogeveen
2024: De toereikendheid van pensioenen: naar een completer beeld van pensioeninkomen van de Nederlandse bevolking Downloads
Cindy Biesenbeek, Jim Been, Koen Caminada, Kees Goudswaard and Marike Knoef
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