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Documentos de Trabajo del ICAE

From Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico
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2502: Divorce Insurance: A Concept Ahead of Its Time or Doomed to Fail? Downloads
Carlos Vidal-Melia
2501: Eco-RETINA: a green flexible algorithm for model building Downloads
Javier Capilla, Alba Alcaraz, Angel Valarezo Unda, García-Hiernaux, Alfredo and Pérez Amaral, Teodosio
2404: Credit and Inventories in Illiquid Housing Markets Downloads
Antonia Díaz
2403: Los Retos de la Desigualdad: Medidas y Perspectivas para la Economía Internacional y el Desarrollo (The Challenges of Inequality: Measures and Perspectives for International Economics and Development) Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2402: Strategy-Proof Social Choice Correspondences and Single Peaked Preferences Downloads
Carmelo Rodríguez-à Lvarez
2401: Labor reallocation effects of furlought schemes: evidence from two recessions in Spain Downloads
Antonia Díaz, Juan Dolado, Alvaro Jáñez and Felix Wellschmied
2307: How Is the Spanish Economy Doing? Thoughts in Electoral Time (¿Cómo está la economía española?: Reflexiones en período electoral) Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2306: La economía política del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (The Political Economy of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan) Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2305: The Evaluation of Public Policies in Spain: Misconceptions and Noncompliance (La evaluación de políticas públicas en España: equívocos e incumplimientos) Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2304: El sector público que necesitamos tras la pandemia Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2303: The implicit (un)healthy life expectancy used for pricing long-term care insurance and life care annuities Downloads
Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez and Antonio Romero-Medina
2301: Geographic Mobility Over the Life-cycle Downloads
Antonia Díaz, Alvaro Jañez and Felix Wellschmied
2205: Housing Prices and Credit Constraints in Competitive Search Downloads
Antonia Díaz, Belén Jerez and Juan P. Rincón-Zapatero
2204: Online Appendix to News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany Downloads
Laurentiu Guinea, Luis Puch and Jesus Ruiz
2203: Life care annuities to help couples cope with the cost of long-term care Downloads
Manuel Ventura-Marco, Carlos Vidal-Melia and Juan Manuel Pérez-Salamero González
2202: Desigualdad: una revisión actualizada (Inequality: Un updated review) Downloads
Alfonso Novales
2201: The Hedging Cost of Forgetting the Exchange Rate Downloads
Beatriz de la Flor, Javier Ojea-Ferreiro and Eva Ferreira
2110: Maximal Domains for Strategy-Proof Pairwise Exchange Downloads
Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez
2109: Gender Distribution across Topics in the Top 5 Economics Journals: A Machine Learning Approach Downloads
J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, Juan-José Ganuza, Manu García and Luis Puch
2108: COVID-19 restrictions in the US: wage vulnerability by education, race and gender Downloads
Borja Gambau, Juan Palomino, Juan Rodríguez and Raquel Sebastian
2107: CO2 Emissions and Energy Technologies in Western Europe Downloads
Josué Barrera-Santana, Gustavo Marrero, Luis Puch and Antonia Díaz
2106: Bank Credit Risk Events and Peers’ Equity Value Downloads
Ana-Maria Fuertes and M. Dolores Robles Fernandez
2105: From “Table 29” to the actuarial balance sheet: is it really that big a leap? Downloads
Anne M. Garvey, Juan Manuel Pérez-Salamero González, Manuel Ventura-Marco and Carlos Vidal-Melia
2104: Differences in life expectancy between self-employed workers and paid employees when retirement pensioners: evidence from Spanish social security records Downloads
Juan Manuel Pérez-Salamero González, Marta Regúlez-Castillo and Carlos Vidal-Melia
2103: The COVID-19 shock on the labour market: Poverty and inequality effects across Spanish regions Downloads
Juan Palomino, Juan Rodríguez and Raquel Sebastian
2102: Mortality and life expectancy trends for male pensioners by pension income level Downloads
Juan Manuel Pérez-Salamero González, Marta Regúlez Castillo and Carlos Vidal-Melia
2101: Digital divides across consumers of internet services in Spain using panel data 2007-2019. Narrowing or not? Downloads
Teodosio Pérez Amaral, Angel Valarezo Unda, Rafael López Zorzano and Teresa Garín Muñoz
2004: School Choice with Transferable Students Characteristics Downloads
Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez and Antonio Romero Medina
2003: Wage inequality and poverty effects of lockdown and social distancing in Europe Downloads
Juan Palomino, Juan Rodríguez and Raquel Sebastian
2002: The impact of oil prices on products groups inflation: is the effect asymmetric? Downloads
Ligia Topan, Miguel Jerez and Sonia Sotoca
2001: The impact of oil prices on products groups inflation: is the effect asymmetric? Downloads
Ligia Topan, Miguel Jerez and Sonia Sotoca
1935: Heterogeneous Effect of a Non-contributory Pension. Evidence from Bolivia Downloads
Miguel Angel Borrella-Mas, Mariano Bosch and Marcello Sartarelli
1934: La política industrial del Siglo XXI Downloads
Miguel Sebastián
1933: A critical approachto basic income: costs and incentives. An approximation to the case of Spain (Análisis crítico de la renta básica: costes e incentivos. Aplicación al caso español) Downloads
José María Casado and Miguel Sebastián
1932: News-driven housing booms: Spain vs. Germany Downloads
Laurentiu Guinea, Luis Puch and Jesus Ruiz
1931: A term structure model under cyclical fluctuations in interest rates Downloads
Manuel Moreno, Alfonso Novales and Federico Platania
1930: Splitting credit risk into systemic, sectorial and idiosyncratic components Downloads
Álvaro Chamizo and Alfonso Novales
1929: Long-term swings and seasonality in energy markets Downloads
Manuel Moreno, Alfonso Novales and Federico Platania
1928: Market risk when hedging a global credit portfolio Downloads
Álvaro Chamizo and Alfonso Novales
1927: Looking through systemic credit risk: determinants, stress testing and market value Downloads
Álvaro Chamizo and Alfonso Novales
1926: Volatility specifications versus probability distributions in VaR forecasting Downloads
Laura Garcia-Jorcano and Alfonso Novales
1925: Forward-looking asset correlations in the estimation of economic capital Downloads
Álvaro Chamizo, Alexandre Fonollosa and Alfonso Novales
1924: Backtesting Extreme Value Theory models of expected shortfall Downloads
Alfonso Novales and Laura Garcia-Jorcano
1923: A dominance approach for comparing the performance of VaR forecasting models Downloads
Laura Garcia-Jorcano and Alfonso Novales
1922: Does the pension system’s income statement really matter? A proposal for an NDC scheme with disability and minimum pension benefits Downloads
Anne M. Garvey, Manuel Ventura-Marco and Carlos Vidal-Melia
1921: Re-examining the debt-growth nexus: A grouped fixed-effect approach Downloads
Marta Gómez-Puig, Simon Sosvilla-Rivero and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
1920: Improving the representativeness of a simple random sample: an optimization model and its application to the Continuous Sample of Working Lives Downloads
Vicente Núñez-Antón, Juan Manuel Pérez-Salamero González, Marta Regúlez-Castillo and Carlos Vidal-Melia
1919: Adoption of e-commerce by individuals and digital divide: Evidence from Spain Downloads
Angel Valarezo Unda, Rafael Lopez and Teodosio Pérez-Amaral
1918: What They Did Not Tell You About Algebraic (Non-)Existence, Mathematical (IR-)Regularity and (Non-)Asymptotic Properties of the Full BEKK Dynamic Conditional Covariance Model Downloads
Michael McAleer
1917: What They Did Not Tell You About Algebraic (Non-)Existence, Mathematical (IR-)Regularity and (Non-)Asymptotic Properties of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) Model Downloads
Michael McAleer
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