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Nova SBE Working Paper Series

From Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics
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668: Money for nothing and stigma for free? The effect of positive discriminatory policies on education gaps Downloads
Jose Mesquita Gabriel and Luis Nunes
667: Asset liquidity and the welfare costs of business cycles Downloads
Pedro Brinca, Joao Duarte, Ana Melissa Ferreira and Valter Nobrega
666: Does financial education impact school attainment? Experimental evidence from Brazil Downloads
Daniele Chiavenato, Ricardo A. Madeira and Vitor Vaccaro
665: Effects of individual incentive reforms in the public sector: The case of teachers Downloads
Pedro Martins and João Ferreira
664: Public debt, iMPCs & fiscal policy transmission Downloads
Stefano Grancini
663: The heterogeneous effects of teacher turnover on student achievement: Evidence from a centralized teacher allocation system Downloads
Sofia Gomes, Luis Nunes and Pedro Freitas
662: Wage cyclicality and labour market institutions Downloads
João Pereira, Raul Ramos and Pedro Martins
661: What is (behind) the gender gap in sickness benefits? Evidence from administrative data Downloads
Judite Goncalves, Joao Rocha-Gomes, Mario Amorim-Lopes and Pedro Martins
660: What matters for the decision to study abroad? A lab-in-the-field experiment in Cape Verde Downloads
Catia Batista, David M. Costa, Pedro Freitas, Goncalo Lima and Ana Reis
659: Making their own weather? Estimating employer labour-market power and its wage effects Downloads
Pedro Martins and Antonio P. Melo
658: Can vocational education improve schooling and labour outcomes? Evidence from a large expansion Downloads
João Ferreira and Pedro Martins
657: Crowdfunding vs. Taxes: Does the payment vehicle influence WTP for Ecosystem Services protection? Downloads
Maria Antonieta Cunha-e-Sa, Til Dietrich, Ana Faria, Luis Nunes, Margarida Ortigao, Renato Rosa and Carina Vieira da Silva
656: The economic value of land-based ecosystem services in Portugal: a spatially explicit approach Downloads
Joao Seixo, Carina Vieira da Silva, Filipe S. Campos, Pedro Cabral, Luis Nunes and Maria Antonieta Cunha-e-Sa
655: Spillover effects of employment protection Downloads
Pierre Cahuc, Pauline Carry, Franck Malherbet and Pedro Martins
654: Labour market concentration, wages and job security in Europe Downloads
Andrea Bassanini, Giulia Bovini, Eve Caroli, Jorge Casanova Ferrando, Federico Cingano, Paolo Falco, Florentino Felgueroso, Marcel Jansen, Pedro Martins, Ant nio Melo, Michael Oberfichtner and Martin Popp
653: Employers associations, worker mobility, and training Downloads
Pedro Martins and Jonathan Thomas
652: The impact of industrial pollution exposure on hospital admissions: Evidence from a cement plant in Russia Downloads
Mariia Murasheva and Maria A. Cunha-e-Sa
651: Windfall gains and entrepreneurial activity: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas lottery Downloads
Vicente J. Bermejo, Miguel A. Ferreira, Daniel Wolfenzon and Rafael Zambrana
650: Trade credit and the transmission of unconventional monetary policy Downloads
Manuel Adelino, Miguel A. Ferreira, Mariassunta Giannetti and Pedro Pires
649: The real effects of FinTech lending on SMEs: Evidence from loan applications Downloads
Afonso Eca, Miguel A. Ferreira, Melissa Porras Prado and A. Emanuele Rizzo
648: Indirect costs of financial distress Downloads
Claudia Custodio, Miguel A. Ferreira and Emilia Garcia-Appendini
647: Which entrepreneurs are financially constrained? Downloads
Miguel A. Ferreira, Marta Lopes, Francisco Queiró and Hugo Reis
646: How do firms respond to demand shocks? Evidence from the European sovereign debt crisis Downloads
Manuel Adelino, Paulo Fagandini, Miguel A. Ferreira and Francisco Queiró
645: Economic impact of climate change Downloads
Claudia Custodio, Miguel A. Ferreira, Emilia Garcia-Appendini and Adrian Lam
644: Fiscal policy and credit supply: The procurement channel Downloads
Diana Bonfim, Miguel A. Ferreira, Francisco Queiró and Sujiao (Emma) Zhao
643: Collateral value and entrepreneurship: Evidence from a property tax reform Downloads
Miguel A. Ferreira, João Pereira Dos Santos and Ines Venancio
642: Hiding in plain sight: The global implications of manager disclosure Downloads
Richard B. Evans, Miguel A. Ferreira, Pedro Matos and Michael Young
641: Measuring the carnation revolution: a synthetic control analysis of economic crisis in Portugal (1974-1992) Downloads
Luciano Amaral, Bruno Lopes Marques and João Pereira Dos Santos
640: Gender gaps in different assessment systems: The role of teacher gender Downloads
Catarina Angelo and Ana Reis
639: No country for young kids? The effects of school starting age throughout childhood and beyond Downloads
Goncalo Lima, Luis Nunes, Ana Reis and Maria do Carmo Seabra
638: Academic performance and territorial patterns of students with an immigrant background in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Downloads
Silvia de Almeida, Joao Firmino, Jose Mesquita, Maria Joao Hortas and Luis Nunes
636: Effects of formal home care on spousal health outcomes Downloads
Judite Goncalves, Francisco von Hafe and Luis Filipe
635: A long International Monetary Fund intervention: Portugal 1975-1979 Downloads
Luciano Amaral, Alvaro Ferreira da Silva and Duncan Simpson
634: Curriculum Vitae and Publication Record Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
633: Student segregation across and within schools. The case of the Portuguese public school system Downloads
Joao Firmino, Luis Nunes, Silvia de Almeida and Susana Batista
632: Fire takes no vacation: impact of fires on tourism Downloads
Vladimir Otrachshenko and Luis Nunes
631: Cem anos de credito externo da Republica Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
630: The impact of Airbnb on residential property values and rents: evidence from Portugal Downloads
Sofia F. Franco, Carlos Daniel Santos and Rafael Longo
629: Hunting with two bullets: moral hazard with a second chance Downloads
Paulo Fagandini
628: Wealth and the principal-agent matching Downloads
Paulo Fagandini
627: Zero-rating, network effects, and capacity investments Downloads
Steffen Hoernig; Francisco Monteiro
626: On the minimum correlation between symmetrically distributed random variables Downloads
Steffen Hoernig
625: Gender gaps in different grading systems Downloads
Catarina Angelo and Ana Reis
624: Class composition and student achievement: evidence from Portugal Downloads
Joao Firmino, Luis Nunes, Ana Reis and Carmo Seabra
623: Sub-optimality of the Friedman rule with distorting taxes Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Andre Silva
622: Antevendo mais lusofonia e outras mem rias Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
621: Government financing, inflation, and the financial sector Downloads
Bernardino Adao and Andre Silva
620: The peculiar first semester of 2012 Downloads
Antonio Barbosa and Luis Nunes
619: Ensino e pratica da macro de economia aberta depois de Abril Downloads
Jorge Braga de Macedo
618: Collective bargaining through the magnifying glass: a comparison between the Netherlands and Portugal Downloads
Alexander Hijzen, Pedro Martins and Jante Parlevliet
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