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Upjohn Working Papers

From W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
300 S. Westnedge Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 USA.
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A Note on Commutes and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis Downloads
Kelly DeRango
Intergovernmental Relations and Employment Policy: The United States Experience Downloads
Christopher O'Leary and Robert Straits
Unemployment Compensation and Older Workers Downloads
Christopher O'Leary and Stephen A. Wandner
Alternative Measures of State UI Systems Downloads
Christopher O'Leary, Robert Tannenwald, Wei-Jang Huang and Pei Zhu
Group Wage Curves Downloads
Timothy Bartik
The Role of Public Policy in Skills Development of Black Workers in the 21st Century Downloads
Timothy Bartik and Kevin Hollenbeck
Teacher Performance Incentives and Student Outcomes Downloads
Randall Eberts, Kevin Hollenbeck and Joe Stone
Solving the Many Problems with Inner City Jobs Downloads
Timothy Bartik
Why Employers Use Flexible Staffing Arrangements: Evidence from an Establishment Survey Downloads
Susan Houseman
An Examination of Student Achievement in Michigan Charter Schools Downloads
Randall Eberts and Kevin Hollenbeck
The Effect of Child Care Costs on the Labor Force Participation and Welfare Recipiency of Single Mothers: Implications for Welfare Reform Downloads
Rachel Connelly and Jean Kimmel
Does Charter School Attendance Improve Test Scores?: Comments and Reactions on the Arizona Achievement Study Downloads
Christopher Nelson and Kevin Hollenbeck
Black-White Segregation, Discrimination, and Home Ownership Downloads
Kelly DeRango
The Returns to Education and Basic Skills Training for Individuals with Poor Health or Disability Downloads
Kevin Hollenbeck and Jean Kimmel
The Role of Temporary Help Employment in Tight Labor Markets Downloads
Susan Houseman, Arne L. Kalleberg and George Erickcek
Nonstandard Work and Child Care Choices of Married Mothers Downloads
Jean Kimmel and Lisa Powell
The Role of Partnerships in Economic Development and Labor Markets in the United States Downloads
Randall Eberts and George Erickcek
Thinking about Local Living Wage Requirements Downloads
Timothy Bartik
How Late to Pay? Understanding Wage Arrears in Russia Downloads
John Earle and Klara Sabirianova Peter
Instrumental Variable Estimates of the Labor Market Spillover Effects of Welfare Reform Downloads
Timothy Bartik
A Spoonful of Sugar: Privatization and Popular Support for Reform in the Czech Republic Downloads
John Earle and Scott Gelbach
Impact of Charter School Attendance on Student Achievement in Michigan Downloads
Randall Eberts and Kevin Hollenbeck
Privatization Methods and Productivity Effects in Romanian Industrial Enterprises Downloads
John Earle and Almos Telegdy
Information Technology, Organizational Form, and Transition to the Market Downloads
John Earle, Ugo Pagano and Maria Lesi
The Reallocation of Workers and Jobs in Russian Industry: New Evidence on Measures and Determinants Downloads
John Earle and J. David Brown
A Frontline Decision Support System for Georgia Career Centers Downloads
Randall Eberts and Christopher O'Leary
How Important are Classroom Peer Effects? Evidence from Boston's Metco Program Downloads
Joshua Angrist and Kevin Lang
Income Replacement and Reemployment Programs in Michigan and Neighboring States Downloads
Stephen Woodbury
The Benefits Implications of Recent Trends in Flexible Staffing Arrangements Downloads
Susan Houseman
Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth Under Alternative Economic Systems and Policies: Evidence from the Soviet Transition Downloads
J. David Brown and John Earle
Cost-Effectiveness of Targeted Reemployment Bonuses Downloads
Christopher O'Leary, Paul T. Decker and Stephen A. Wandner
Evaluating the Impacts of Local Economic Development Policies On Local Economic Outcomes: What Has Been Done and What is Doable? Downloads
Timothy Bartik
The Effects of Temporary Services and Contracting Out on Low-Skilled Workers: Evidence from Auto Suppliers, Hospitals, and Public Schools Downloads
George Erickcek, Susan Houseman and Arne Kalleberg
Local Economic Development Policies Downloads
Timothy Bartik
Net Impact Estimates of the Workforce Development System in Washington State Downloads
Kevin Hollenbeck
Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance on the Budapest Stock Exchange: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Goulash? Downloads
John Earle, Csaba Kucsera and Almos Telegdy
What Makes Small Firms Grow? Finance, Human Capital, Technical Assistance, and the Business Environment in Romania Downloads
J. David Brown, John Earle and Daniela Lup
The Productivity Consequences of Two Ergonomic Interventions Downloads
Kelly DeRango, Ben Amick, III, Michelle Robertson, Ted Rooney, Anne Moore and Lianna Bazzani
Thoughts on American Manufacturing Decline and Revitalization Downloads
Timothy Bartik
Community Norms and Organizational Practices: The Legitimization of Wage Arrears in Russia, 1992-1999 Downloads
John Earle, Andrew Spicer and Klara Sabirianova Peter
Small Cities Blues: Looking for Growth Factors in Small and Medium-Sized Cities Downloads
George Erickcek and Hannah McKinney
A New WPRS Profiling Model for Michigan Downloads
Randall Eberts and Christopher O'Leary
Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in the Ukrainian Transition Downloads
J. David Brown and John Earle
Work and Retirement Plans among Older Americans Downloads
Katharine Abraham and Susan Houseman
Increasing the Economic Development Benefits of Higher Education in Michigan Downloads
Timothy Bartik
Does Privatization Raise Productivity? Evidence from Comprehensive Panel Data on Manufacturing Firms in Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine Downloads
J. David Brown, John Earle and Almos Telegdy
The Wage Effects of Schooling under Socialism and in Transition: Evidence from Romania, 1950-2000 Downloads
Daniela Andrén, John Earle and Dana Sapatoru
Some Reflections on the Use of Administrative Data to Estimate the Net Impacts of Workforce Programs in Washington State Downloads
Kevin Hollenbeck
Personal Reemployment Accounts: Simulations for Planning Implementation Downloads
Christopher O'Leary and Randall Eberts
Economic Reforms and Productivity-Enhancing Reallocation in the Post-Soviet Transition Downloads
J. David Brown and John Earle
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