arqus Discussion Papers in Quantitative Tax Research
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- 289: Wie relevant ist die Gewerbesteuer als Standortfaktor? Was wir von Experteninterviews lernen können

- Thao Bui, Sebastian Eichfelder, Julia Jirmann and Sibel Santiago da Costa
- 288: Bonus depreciation as instrument for structural economic policy: Effects on investment and asset structure

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Jonas David Knaisch and Kerstin Schneider
- 287: Firms' willingness to pay local business tax: The impact of trust and public goods

- Henning Giese and Vanessa Heinemann-Heile
- 286: Liquiditätseffekte einer Vermögensteuer bei Mietwohnimmobilien

- Ralf Maiterth, Yuri Piper and Caren Sureth
- 285: Where to locate tax employees? The role of tax complexity and tax risk implications

- Henning Giese, Reinald Koch and Caren Sureth
- 284: Corporate taxation and total factor productivity: Evidence on a non-linear relationship

- Hang T. T. Nguyen
- 283: Wie hoch sind die Bürokratiekosten der Grundsteuerreform 2022?

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Yannis Kiel and Jonas David Knaisch
- 282: Taxes and the investment of mutual funds: Evidence from the German Investment Tax Reform

- Reinald Koch and Lena Schön
- 281: Turnover-based corporate income taxation and corporate risk-taking

- Fernando Siahaan, Harald Amberger and Caren Sureth
- 280: The tax treatment of commuting expenses and job-related mobility

- Eike Baumgart, Kay Blaufus and Frank Hechtner
- 279: Costs of capital and wealth tax: Remarks on Bjerksund and Schjelderup (2022)

- Lutz Kruschwitz, Andreas Löffler, Daniela Lorenz and Moritz Uttscheid
- 278: How does bonus depreciation affect real investment? Effect size, asset structure, and tax planning

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Jonas Knaisch and Kerstin Schneider
- 277: How do corporate tax rates alter conforming tax avoidance?

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Martin Jacob, Nadine Kalbitz and Kelly Wentland
- 276: Does IFRS information on tax loss carryforwards and negative performance improve predictions of earnings and cash flows?

- Sandra Dreher, Sebastian Eichfelder and Felix Noth
- 275: Firms' tax rate misperception: Measurement, drivers, and distortionary effects

- Martin Fochmann, Vanessa Heinemann-Heile, Hans-Peter Huber, Ralf Maiterth and Caren Sureth
- 274: How do tax technology and controversy expertise affect tax disputes?

- Daniel Dyck, Johannes Lorenz and Caren Sureth
- 273: Pay for tax certainty? Advance tax rulings for risky investment under multi-dimensional tax uncertainty

- An Chen, Peter Hieber and Caren Sureth
- 272: Saving at tax time: Do additional retroactive savings opportunities increase retirement savings?

- Kay Blaufus, Michael Milde and Marcel Schaefer
- 271: How to account for tax planning and tax uncertainty in valuation: Separate vs. composite view

- Jonas Knaisch
- 270: Tax avoidance and vertical interlocks within multinational enterprises

- Henning Giese, Reinald Koch and Markus Gamm
- 269: Losses never sleep: The effect of tax loss offset on stock market returns during economic crises

- Reinald Koch, Svea Holtmann and Henning Giese
- 268: The epidemiology of tax avoidance narratives

- Johannes Lorenz, Markus Diller and Caren Sureth
- 267: Are risk-based tax audit stretegies rewarded? An analysis of corporate tax avoidance

- Eva Eberhartinger, Reyhaneh Safaei, Caren Sureth and Yuchen Wu
- 266: Senkung der Unternehmenssteuerlast versus Förderung von Investitionen: Was ist die bessere Strategie zur Förderung der Standortattraktivität Deutschlands?

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Mike Kluska, Jonas Knaisch and Juliane Selle
- 265: Real effects of an international tax reform for MNEs

- Regina Ortmann, Dirk Simons and Dennis Voeller
- 264: Is consistency the panacea? Inconsistent or consistent tax transfer prices with strategic taxpayer and tax authority behavior

- Markus Diller, Johannes Lorenz, Georg Schneider and Caren Sureth
- 263: Senkung der Unternehmenssteuerlast versus Förderung von Investitionen: Was ist die bessere Strategie zur Förderung der Standortattraktivität Deutschlands?

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Mike Kluska, Jonas Knaisch and Juliane Selle
- 262: Corporate Tax Incidence and Wages: A Meta-Regression Analysis

- Jonas Knaisch and Carla Pöschel
- 261: Tax misperception and its effects on decision making: A literature review

- Kay Blaufus, Malte Chirvi, Hans-Peter Huber, Ralf Maiterth and Caren Sureth-Slaone
- 260: Preferences for wealth taxation: Design, framing and the role of partisanship

- Malte Chirvi and Cornelius Schneider
- 259: When do firms highlight their effective tax rate?

- Vanessa Flagmeier, Jens Müller and Caren Sureth
- 258: A problem shared is a problem halved? Risky tax avoidance decisions and intra-group payoff conflict

- Eva Kristina Matthaei and Dirk Kiesewetter
- 257: A stochastic Gordon-Shapiro formula with excess volatility

- Lutz Kruschwitz and Andreas Löffler
- 256: Zuordnung von Sonderausgaben in der Rentenphase als Bestimmungsfaktor für das Vorliegen einer Doppelbesteuerung beim Übergang zur nachgelagerten Besteuerung gesetzlicher Renten

- Malte Chirvi, Dirk Kiesewetter, Ralf Maiterth, Moritz Menzel and Dominik Tschinkl
- 255: Real effects of public country-by-country reporting and the firm structure of European banks

- Eva Eberhartinger, Raffael Speitmann and Caren Sureth-Sloane
- 254: Do investors care about tax disclosure?

- Vanessa Flagmeier and Vanessa Gawehn
- 253: Tax knowledge diffusion via strategic alliances

- Jens Müller and Arndt Weinrich
- 252: Tax-induced earnings management and book-tax conformity: International evidence from unconsolidated accounts

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Martin Jacob, Nadine Kalbitz and Kelly Wentland
- 251: Tax complexity in Australia: A survey-based comparison to the OECD average

- Thomas Hoppe
- 250: The relation between tax complexity and foreign direct investment: Evidence across countries

- Thomas Hoppe, Deborah Schanz, Susann Sturm, Caren Sureth and Johannes Voget
- 249: Strategic interactions between tax and statutory auditors and different information regimes: Implications for tax audit efficiency

- Kay Blaufus, Jens Robert Schöndube and Stefan Wielenberg
- 248: Do tax incentives reduce investment quality?

- Sebastian Eichfelder, Martin Jacob and Kerstin Schneider
- 247: Banks and corporate income taxation: A review

- Vanessa Gawehn
- 246: Steuerbelastung deutscher Kapitalgesellschaften von lediglich 20 % - Fakt oder Fake News?

- Hans-Peter Huber and Ralf Maiterth
- 245: Measuring tax complexity across countries: A survey study on MNCs

- Thomas Hoppe, Deborah Schanz, Susann Sturm and Caren Sureth
- 244: Ehegattensplitting und negative Arbeitsanreize: Ein mikroökonomischer Ansatz zur Negation der steuerrechtlichen Relevanz

- Uwe Schätzlein
- 243: Incentive Effects of R&D Tax Incentives: A Meta-Analysis Focusing on R&D Tax Policy Designs

- Carla Pöschel
- 242: Stated preferences for capital taxation - tax design, misinformation and the role of partisanship
- Malte Chirvi and Cornelius Schneider
- 241: Arbeiten Frauen aufgrund des Ehegattensplittings weniger? Eine empirische Untersuchung für Deutschland

- Malte Chirvi
- 240: Steuerkomplexität im Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Österreich: Eine Analyse des Status quo

- Thomas Hoppe, Martina Rechbauer and Susann Sturm
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