The Constitutional Economics Network Working Papers
From University of Freiburg, Department of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory
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- 01-2024: The implications of UBI on the utility function and tax revenue: Further calibrating of basic income effects

- Bernhard Neumärker and Jette Weinel
- 01-2023: The New Ordoliberalism: A case for UBI?

- Bianca Blum, Marcel Franke, Elina Malmberg, Bernhard Neumärker and Jette Weinel
- 01-2022: A contractarian view on homann's ethical approach: The vision of "new ordoliberalism"

- Clem Davies, Marcel Franke, Lida Kuang and Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker
- 03-2021: Eine Verhandlung zur Selektion der konstitutionenökonomischen Lösung

- Marcel Franke
- 02-2021: Racism and trust in Europe

- Matthew Bonick
- 01-2021: Saubere Umwelt als öffentliches Gut Problem: Evidenz und Implikationen aus Labor- und Feldexperimenten

- Robin Anderl
- 02-2020: Globalization, environmental damage and the Corona pandemic: Lessons from the crisis for economic, environmental and social policy

- Bianca Blum and Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker
- 01-2020: Fleischbesteuerung in Deutschland - Mengen- oder Mehrwertsteuer? Diskussion und Politische Implikationen

- Bianca Blum
- 01-2019: Testing preferences for basic income

- Ana Helena Palermo Kuss
- 06-2018: The reversal of fortune, extractive institutions and the historical roots of racism

- Matthew Bonick and Antonio Farfán-Vallespín
- 05-2018: On the evidence of rebound effects in the lighting sector: Implications for promoting LED lighting

- Bianca Blum, Julian Hübner, Adrian Milde and Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker
- 04-2018: Experimentelles Design zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von fiskalpolitischen Instrumenten auf nachhaltige Kaufentscheidungen im Leuchtmittelmarkt

- Julian Hübner
- 03-2018: Libertarian paternalistic instruments fostering sustainable energy consumption: An analysis based on energy-efficient LED technology

- Bianca Blum, Julian Hübner, Harald Berger and Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker
- 02-2018: Challenges for sustainable environmental policy: Influencing factors of the rebound effect in energy efficiency improvements

- Bianca Blum, Julian Hübner, Sarah Müller and Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker
- 01-2018: Ausgestaltung einer Steuerpolitik zur Förderung von LED-Beleuchtung

- Bianca Blum
- 01-2017: Social justice in the context of redistribution

- Jan-Felix Kederer, Adelheid Klein, Daniel Kovarich and Lena Kumm
- 04-2016: Social nudging with condorcet juries and its strategic implications for a paternalistic implementation of LED bulbs

- Bettina Kalmbach
- 03-2016: An economic analysis of agrophotovoltaics: Opportunities, risks and strategies towards a more efficient land use

- Maximillian Trommsdorff
- 02-2016: On the origin and consequences of racism

- Matthew Bonick and Antonio Farfán-Vallespín
- 01-2016: Einkommenszufriedenheit, Ungleichheitsaversion und die Schwäche des Medianwählermodells

- Gerold Blümle
- 04-2015: Barriers and opportunities for climate adaptation: The water crisis in Greater São Paulo

- Ana Helena A. P. Cavalcante
- 03-2015: Two level reform game problems of Greece

- Martha Kontodaimon and Bernhard Neumärker
- 02-2015: Could exit rules be self-enforcing in the EU? The cases of France and Germany

- Robert Kappius and Bernhard Neumärker
- 01-2015: Intergenerational sharing of non-renewable resources: An experimental study using Rawls's Veil of Ignorance

- Stephan Wolf and Cameron Dron
- 01-2014: Institutional diagnostics of climate adaptation

- Christoph Oberlack
- 02-2013: Choosing inequality: An experimental analysis of the impact of social immobility on the democratic election of distribution rules

- Stephan Wolf and Alexander Lenger
- 01-2013: A diagnostic approach to the institutional analysis of climate adaptation

- Christoph Oberlack and Bernhard Neumärker
- 03-2012: Overcoming barriers to urban adaptation through international cooperation? Modes and design properties under the UNFCCC

- Christoph Oberlack and Klaus Eisenack
- 02-2012: Rekonstruktive Forschungsmethoden in der deutschen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Eine explorative Erhebung zugrunde liegender Repräsentationsmuster

- Alexander Lenger and Jan Kruse
- 01-2012: The rule of law and sustainability of the constitution: The case of tax evasion

- Nadeem Naqvi, Bernhard Neumärker and Gerald Pech
- 04-2011: Economics, institutions and adaptation to climate change

- Christoph Oberlack and Bernhard Neumärker
- 03-2011: Der Bildungsmonitor 2011: Ein Indikator für Bildungsgerechtigkeit?

- Robert Kappius
- 02-2011: Equal opportunity in educational contexts: Comparing the feasibility of divergent conceptualizations

- Robert Kappius
- 01-2011: The tolerance premium as a constitutional element of the protective welfare state

- Reto Wyss
- 05-2010: Determinants of the capacity to adapt to climate change in multilevel governance systems: A metaanalysis of case study evidence

- Christoph Oberlack
- 04-2010: A contribution to the contractual analysis of public-private partnerships

- Sarah Jamil and Bernhard Neumärker
- 03-2010: Von Hayek's theory of cultural evolution in the light of a simplified model of Kaufmann's general biological evolutionary theory

- Stephan Wolf
- 02-2010: An intergenerational social contract for common resource usage: A reality-check for Harsanyi and Rawls

- Stephan Wolf
- 01-2010: Penalties in the theory of equilibrium tax evasion: Solving King John's problem

- Bernhard Neumärker and Gerald Pech