Working Papers
From University of Konstanz, Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality. Perceptions, Participation and Policies" Bibliographic data for series maintained by ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39: Role models among us: Experimental evidence on inspirations and gender disparities set in stones
- Prateek Chandra Bhan and Jinglin Wen
- 38: Reflection and mental health: Experimental evidence from Germany
- Prateek Chandra Bhan, Judith Vornberger and Jinglin Wen
- 37: Voices of change in the Global South: Understanding the dynamics of environmental protest
- Rebecca Strauch, Viktoria Jansesberger, Sebastian Koos and Gabriele Spilker
- 36: Modelling the effect of passive representation and intersectionality on perceived bureaucratic discrimination
- Eva Thomann, Carolin Hjort Rapp, Katharina Ziegler and Jana Gómez Díaz
- 35: On the wrong track? Perceived track mismatch among ethnic minority and majority students in the German educational system
- Claudia Diehl, Katja Pomianowicz and Thomas Hinz
- 34: Priming and prejudice: Experimental evidence on negative news frames and discrimination in German welfare offices
- Stefanie Rueß, Gerald Schneider and Jan Vogler
- 33: Is my wage fair? Validating fairness perceptions among women and men
- Claudia Diehl, Julia Lang, Susanne Strauß and Ole Brüggemann
- 32: Within, rather than against the state? How indigenous movements in Ecuador and Peru engage with elections
- Lea Haiges and Christina Isabel Zuber
- 31: Parties' (non)responses to levels and changes of inequality: Reconciling rival views using new data on equality concepts
- Alexander Horn, Martin Haselmayer and Jonathan Klüser
- 30: Computational analysis of US Congressional speeches reveals a shift from evidence to intuition
- Segun Toafeek Aroyehun, Almog Simchon, Fabio Carrella, Jana Lasser, Stephan Lewandowsky and David Garcia
- 29: Who perceives lower wages for women to be fair? How perceptions of the fairness of men's and women's wages vary by firm and workplace characteristics
- Susanne Strauß, Ole Brüggemann and Julia Lang
- 28: Storms, floods, landslides and elections in India's growing metropolises: Hotbeds for political protest?
- Viktoria Jansesberger
- 27: Silencing dissent in the wake of catastrophe? An examination of the repression dynamics following weather-related rapid-onset events in autocracies
- Viktoria Jansesberger and Gabriele Spilker
- 26: The electoral consequences of the coal phase-out in Germany
- Sophia Stutzmann
- 25: Organized labor versus robots? Evidence from micro data
- Sebastian Findeisen, Wolfgang Dauth and Oliver Schlenker
- 24: Are taxes or user-fees more popular among politicians? The case of childcare
- Friedrich Breyer and Maj-Britt Sterba
- 23: Between Beveridge and Bismarck: Preferences for redistribution through public pensions
- Friedrich Breyer, Christian Breunig, Mark Kapteina, Guido Schwerdt and Maj-Britt Sterba
- 22: Information provision and support for inheritance taxation: Evidence from a representative survey experiment in Germany
- Luna Bellani, Kattalina Berriochoa, Mark Kapteina and Guido Schwerdt
- 21: Individual ideology and biased perceptions of income
- Marius R. Busemeyer, Nathalie Giger and Nadja Wehl
- 20: Income, Identity, and International Redistribution: Evidence from the European Union
- Julian Schüssler, Thomas Hinz, Dirk Leuffen and Peter Selb
- 19: Are we yet sick of new technologies? The unequal health effects of digitalization
- Melanie Arntz, Sebastian Findeisen, Stephan Maurer and Oliver Schlenker
- 18: Local knowledge economies, mobility perceptions and support for right-wing populist parties: New survey evidence for the case of Germany
- Kattalina Berriochoa and Marius R. Busemeyer
- 17: Student opinions on the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and antisemitism at German universities
- Thomas Hinz, Anna Marczuk and Frank Multrus
- 16: Studentisches Meinungsklima zur Gewalteskalation in Israel und Gaza und Antisemitismus an deutschen Hochschulen
- Thomas Hinz, Anna Marczuk and Frank Multrus
- 15: Does information about inequality and discrimination in early child care affect policy preferences?
- Henning Hermes, Philipp Legetporer, Fabian Mierisch, Guido Schwerdt and Simon Wiederhold
- 14: Gendered effects of the minimum wage
- Alessandro Di Nola, Luke Haywood and Haomin Wang
- 13: The politics of redistribution and sovereign default
- Almuth Scholl
- 12: Do role models matter in large classes? New evidence on gender match effects in higher education
- Stephan Maurer, Guido Schwerdt and Simon Wiederhold
- 11: How information about inequality impacts support for school closure policies: Evidence from the pandemic
- Luna Bellani, Ariane Bertogg, Nevena Kulic and Susanne Strauß
- 10: Esoteric beliefs and opposition to Corona restrictions
- Nils B. Weidmann
- 9: The intergenerational transmission of cognitive skills: An investigation of the causal impact of families on student outcomes
- Eric Alan Hanushek, Babs Jacobs, Guido Schwerdt, Rolf Van der Velden, Stan Vermeulen and Simon Wiederhold
- 8: Collective negative shocks and preferences for redistribution: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis in Germany
- Luna Bellani, Andrea Fazio and Francesco Scervini
- 7: Changes of Social Networks during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Who is affected and what are its Consequences for Psychological Strain?
- Ariane Bertogg and Sebastian Koos
- 6: Religious practice and student performance: Evidence from Ramadan fasting
- Erik Hornung, Guido Schwerdt and Maurizio Strazzeri
- 5: Global norms, regional practices: Taste-based and statistical discrimination in German asylum decision-making
- Lidwina Gundacker, Yuliya Kosyakova and Gerald Schneider
- 4: Social Mobility in Germany
- Majed Dodin, Sebastian Findeisen, Lukas Henkel, Dominik Sachs and Paul Schüle
- 3: Perception of Inequality and Social Mobility in Germany: evidence from the Inequality Barometer
- Luna Bellani, Nona Bledow, Marius R. Busemeyer and Guido Schwerdt
- 2: The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe: context, theory and evidence
- Bentley Schieckoff and Maximilian Sprengholz
- 1: Health care attitudes and institutional trust during the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from the case of Germany
- Marius R. Busemeyer