Research Notes
From Deutsche Bank Research
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- 99-9: Closed form integration of artificial neural networks with some applications

- Andreas Gottschling, Christian Haefke and Halbert White
- 99-8: Stability issues in German money multiplier forecasts

- Rainer Polster and Andreas Gottschling
- 99-7: The impact of the use of forecasts in information sets

- Giampiero Gallo, Clive Granger and Yongil Jeon
- 99-6: An eclectic approach to real exchange rate: Determination

- Susana G. Cerveró
- 99-5: How does EMU affect the dollar and the yen as international reserve and investment currencies?

- Michael Frenkel and Jens Søndergaard
- 99-4: Some shocking aspects of EMU enlargement

- Michael Frenkel, Christiane Nickel and Günter Schmidt
- 99-3: Approximation properties of the neuro-fuzzy minimum function

- Andreas Gottschling and Christof Kreuter
- 99-2: The federal funds market and the overnight Eurodollar market

- Yungsook Lee
- 99-1: Linking series generated at different frequencies and its applications

- Namwon Hyung
- 98-4: Creditor panics: Causes and remedies

- Jeffrey D. Sachs
- 98-3: Another look at yield spreads: Monetary policy and the term structure of interest rates

- Dong Heon Kim
- 98-2: The reaction of exchange rates and interest rates of news releases

- Christof Kreuter, Andreas Gottschling and Peter Cornelius
- 98-1: A new approach to the evaluation and selection of leading indicators

- Andreas Gottschling and Thomas Trimbur
- 34: Wachstumsperspektiven im Strukturwandel: Neue Branchencluster entstehen

- Philipp Ehmer and Felix Gottschalk
- 33: EU ETS und der Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act: Effizienzunterschiede und Möglichkeiten transatlantischen Emissionshandels

- Sebastian Kubsch
- 32e: Do speculators drive crude oil prices? Dispersion in beliefs as a price determinant

- Jochen Möbert
- 32: Unterschiedliche Markteinschätzungen von Spekulanten als Determinante des Rohölpreises

- Jochen Möbert
- 31: Die seltsam stabile Größenstruktur deutscher Städte: Das Zipfsche Gesetz und seine Implikationen für urbane Regionen

- Tobias Just and Patrick Stephan
- 30: The Captives' End: Lebenszyklusmuster in der Entwicklung der deutschen IT-Outsourcing-Industrie

- Peter Kreutter and Georg Stadtmann
- 29: Monitoring banking sector risks: An applied approach

- Christian Weistroffer and Veronica Vallés
- 28: How to spend it: Commodity and non-commodity sovereign wealth funds

- Helmut Reisen
- 27: India's specialisation in IT exports: Offshoring can't defy gravity

- Thomas Meyer
- 26: Arbeitslosenversicherung und regionale Schocks: Theoretische Überlegungen und ein Überblick über die empirische Literatur

- Stefan Schäfer
- 25: The US dollar: Safe haven - Despite rising US current account deficit

- Martin Meurers and Berend Diekmann
- 24: Pair-wise cointegration in long-run growth models

- Stefan Bergheim
- 23: Political risk and export promotion: Evidence from Germany

- Thorsten Nestmann, Christoph Moser and Michael Wedow
- 22: Business cycle synchronisation in the euro area: Developments, determinants and implications

- Christoph Basten
- 21e: The "more economic approach" in EU merger control: A critical assessment

- Arndt Christiansen
- 21: Der "more economic approach" in der EU-Fusionskontrolle - eine kritische Würdigung

- Arndt Christiansen
- 20: Stock Prices and Real Economic Activity Empirical Results for Germany

- Katrin Forster
- 19: Biases in FX-Forecasts: Evidence from Panel Data

- David Audretsch and Georg Stadtmann
- 18: Faktor Zufall als Spielverderber: zur Prognostizierbarkeit von Fußballergebnissen – Wettmärkte als effizienter Informationslieferant

- Jörn Quitzau
- 17: Foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting: the Czech Experience

- Tomáš Holub
- 16: Corporate practices and national governance systems: what do country rankings tell us?

- Peter K. Cornelius
- 15: Vom Elend der Konjunkturprognosen

- Hugo Dicke and Hans H. Glismann
- 14: What Do We Know About Geographical Knowledge Spillovers and Regional Growth? A Survey of the Literature

- Thomas Döring and Jan Schnellenbach
- 13: The Hidden Risks of Optimizing Bond Portfolios under VaR

- Peter Winker and Dietmar Maringer
- 12e: Do economic agents act rationally? Empirical evidence from internet auctions

- Jörn Quitzau
- 12: Handeln Wirtschaftssubjekte rational? Empirische Evidenz aus Internet-Auktionen

- Jörn Quitzau
- 11e: Silicon as an intermediary between renewable energy and hydrogen

- Norbert Auner
- 11: Silicium als Bindeglied zwischen Erneuerbaren Energien und Wasserstoff

- Norbert Auner
- 10: Not guilty? Another look at the nature and nurture of economics students

- Justus Haucap and Tobias Just
- 9: Germany's Mezzogiorno revisited: Institutions, fiscal transfers and regional convergence

- William Page
- 8: OCA theory and EMU Eastern enlargement: An empirical application

- Marco Weimann
- 7: Finding the path(s) towards profitable e-commerce

- Jacques Bughin
- 6: Home bias, transactions costs, and prospects for the Euro: A more detailed analysis

- Catherine Mann and Ellen Meade
- 5: Capital controls, exchange rate volatility and risk premium

- Michael Frenkel and Georg Stadtmann
- 4: Monetary policy aspects of the enlargement of the Euro area

- Kirsten Lommatzsch and Silke Tober
- 3b: How integrated are the European retail financial markets? A cointegration analysis

- Martin Schüler and Friedrich Heinemann
- 3a: The threat of systemic risk in banking - evidence for Europe

- Martin Schüler
- 2: European financial integration and corporate governance

- Claudia Buch and Ralph P. Heinrich
- 02-4: Das Wertpapiererwerbs- und Übernahmegesetz

- Hartmut Schmidt and Stefan Prigge
- 02-3e: Corporate Governance in Germany – Perspectives from Economics and Finance. A Conference Report

- Klaus Günter Deutsch and Holger Stichnoth
- 02-3: Corporate Governance in Deutschland – Perspektiven der Wissenschaft. Ein Konferenzbericht

- Klaus Günter Deutsch
- 02-2: Contagion of currency crises: Some theoretical and empirical analysis

- Alexander Karmann, Oliver Greßmann and Christian Hott
- 02-1: Sovereign credit ratings

- Ann-Charlotte Eliasson
- 1: Asset allocation for pension provision

- Reinhard Lahusen
- 01-7: Internationalisation of banking and banking supervision

- Bernhard Speyer
- 01-6: New economy in Europe - reality or mirage?

- Antje Stobbe
- 01-5: Default probabilities and default correlations

- Ulrich Erlenmaier and Hans Gersbach
- 01-4: Financial markets as a complex system: A short time scale perspective

- Robert Marschinski and Lorenzo Matassini
- 01-3: Dectecting speculative bubbles in stock prices: A new approach and some evidence for the US

- Martin T. Bohl and Pierre L. Siklos
- 01-2: The interventions of the European Central Bank: Effects, effectiveness, and policy implications

- Michael Frenkel, Georg Stadtmann and Christian Pierdzioch
- 01-1: On crisis models: An alternative crisis definition

- Ann-Charlotte Eliasson and Christof Kreuter
- 00-7: Private and public information in self-fulfilling currency crises

- Christina E. Metz
- 00-6: Feature extraction with hybrid neural networks

- Georg Wegmann
- 00-5: East Asia in the aftermath: Was there a crunch?

- Swati R. Ghosh and Atish Ghosh
- 00-4: The credit channel in Germany and the UK: Differences in the transmission of monetary policy?

- Ulrike Lüdke
- 00-3: An event history analysis on German long-term unemployment

- Tobias Linzert
- 00-2: Trade in financial services, capital flows, and the value-at-risk of countries

- Peter K. Cornelius
- 00-1: Heterogeneous policy responses and the risk of monetary disintegration in Europe

- Peter K. Cornelius and Thomas Trimbur