Competition in the Turkish mobile telecommunications market: Price elasticities and network substitution
Justus Haucap,
Ulrich Heimeshoff () and
Mehmet Karacuka
No 12, DICE Discussion Papers from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
This paper estimates demand elasticities for the Turkish mobile telecommunication market. In contrast to most other studies, firm level data is used to estimate dynamic panel data models including instrumental variable techniques. Both short- and long-run elasticities are calculated, yielding a long-run price elasticity of -0.72 for the post-paid market and of -0.33 for the pre-paid market. The short-run price elasticity is estimated to be -0.36 for the post-paid market and -0.20 for the pre-paid market. In addition, evidence of fixed to mobile traffic substitution is provided for consumers that use pre-paid cards.
Keywords: mobile telecommunications; price elasticity; network substitution; dynamic panel data analysis (search for similar items in EconPapers)
JEL-codes: C23 L13 L96 (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2010
New Economics Papers: this item is included in nep-ara, nep-com and nep-net
References: View complete reference list from CitEc
Citations: View citations in EconPapers (6)
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Related works:
Journal Article: Competition in Turkish mobile telecommunications markets: Price elasticities and network substitution (2011)
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