Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Migration, Integration, Transnationalization
From WZB Berlin Social Science Center
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- 2023: Pastoral conflicts and (dis)trust: Evidence from Nigeria using an instrumental variable approach
- Daniel Tuki
- 2021: Decomposing discrimination: Why a holistic approach to racism hides more than it reveals
- Ruud Koopmans
- 2021: Heterogeneity in migration network effects across cultures
- Tamara Bogatzki
- 2021: Eine Inhaltsanalyse von Freitagspredigten der Türkischen Islamischen Union der Anstalt für Religion e.V
- Sarah Carol and Lukas Hofheinz
- 2020: Majority-minority constellations: Towards a group-differentiated approach
- Ruud Koopmans and Liav Orgad
- 2020: A virus that knows no borders? Exposure to and restrictions of international travel and the global diffusion of COVID-19
- Ruud Koopmans
- 2020: Brexit, collective uncertainty and migration decisions
- Daniel Auer and Daniel Tetlow
- 2020: Judging Without Knowing: How people evaluate others based on phenotype and country of origin – Technical Report
- Susanne Veit and Ruta Yemane
- 2019: Religion and religious fundamentalism in Nigeria: Boko Haram's claims to truth
- Medinat A. Malefakis
- 2019: Organisationaler Wandel für muslimische Badegäste in deutschen Schwimmbädern: Schnelle Anpassungen und Konflikte
- Ines Michalowski and Max Behrendt
- 2018: Cultural rights of native majorities between universalism and minority rights
- Ruud Koopmans
- 2018: Elite survey of the bridging project: "The political sociology of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism". Technical report
- Céline Teney, Oliver Strijbis, Sarah Carol and Senem Tepe
- 2018: Ethnische Hierarchien in der Bewerberauswahl: Ein Feldexperiment zu den Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung
- Ruud Koopmans, Susanne Veit and Ruta Yemane
- 2018: The ADIS study: A large-scale correspondence test on labor market discrimination in Germany - Technical Report
- Susanne Veit and Ruta Yemane
- 2018: Social distance, immigrant integration, and welfare chauvinism in Sweden
- Tina Goldschmidt and Jens Rydgren
- 2018: Gender role changes and their impacts on Syrian women refugees in Berlin in light of the Syrian crisis
- Nisren Habib
- 2014: Perceptions of ethno-cultural diversity and neighborhood cohesion in three European countries
- Ruud Koopmans and Merlin Schaeffer
- 2014: Religious fundamentalism and out-group hostility among Muslims and Christians in Western Europe
- Ruud Koopmans
- 2013: De-composing diversity: In-group size and out-group entropy and their relationship to neighbourhood cohesion
- Ruud Koopmans and Merlin Schaeffer
- 2013: Ethnic diversity, public goods provision and social cohesion: Lessons from an inconclusive literature
- Merlin Schaeffer
- 2013: The Six Country Immigrant Integration Comparative Survey (SCIICS): Technical report
- Evelyn Ersanilli and Ruud Koopmans
- 2013: Language integration of labour migrants in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden from a historical perspective
- Jutta Höhne
- 2012: Bystander responses and xenophobic mobilization
- Robert Braun and Ruud Koopmans
- 2011: Ethnische Diversität, soziales Vertrauen und Zivilengagement: Projektbericht
- Ruud Koopmans, Anna Dunkel, Merlin Schaeffer and Susanne Veit
- 2011: Geschlechterunterschiede in islamischer Religiosität und Geschlechterrollenwerten: Ein Vergleich der Zusammenhänge am Beispiel der türkischen und marokkanischen zweiten Generation in Belgien
- Jana Anne Scheible and Fenella Fleischmann
- 2011: The Ethnic Diversity and Collective Action Survey (EDCAS): Technical report
- Merlin Schaeffer, Ruud Koopmans, Susanne Veit, Mareike Wagner and Jonas Wiedner
- 2010: Identity multiplicity among the Muslim second generation in European cities: Where are religious and ethnic identities compatible or conflicting with civic identities?
- Fenella Fleischmann and Karen Phalet
- 2010: Germanophobia in Switzerland
- Marc Helbling
- 2010: Host-country cultural capital and labour market trajectories of migrants in Germany: The impact of host-country orientation and migrant-specific human and social capital on labour market transitions
- Jutta Höhne and Ruud Koopmans
- 2009: Citizenship tests in five Countries: An expression of political liberalism?
- Ines Michalowski
- 2009: Ethnic retention and host culture adoption among Turkish immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands: A controlled comparison
- Evelyn Ersanilli and Ruud Koopmans
- 2008: Transnationale Familienverhältnisse, Verlusterfahrung und Bindungsverhalten
- Rahim Hajji
- 2008: Transnationale Familien: Zur Entstehung, zum Ausmaß und zu den Konsequenzen der migrationsbedingten Eltern-Kind-Trennung in Familien aus den klassischen Gastarbeiterländern in Deutschland
- Rahim Hajji
- 2008: The rise of right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherland: A discursive opportunity approach
- Ruud Koopmans and Jasper Muis
- 2008: The diffusion of ethnic violence in Germany: The role of social similarity
- Robert Braun and Ruud Koopmans
- 2008: Tradeoffs between equality and difference: Immigrant integration, multiculturalism, and the welfare state in cross-national perspective
- Ruud Koopmans