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Statistical Software Components

From Boston College Department of Economics
Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill MA 02467 USA.
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Christopher F Baum ().

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_GAPPORT: Stata module to calculates seats in party-list proportional representation Downloads
Ulrich Kohler
_GCLSORT: Stata module to sort a single variable via egen Downloads
Philippe Van Kerm
_GDISTINCT: Stata module providing egen function to count distinct values Downloads
Noah Case
_GPROD: Stata module to extend egen for product of observations Downloads
Philip Ryan
_GRMEDF: Stata module to compute row medians with egen Downloads
Stanislav Kolenikov
_GRNDRAW: Stata module for random number generation from the GB2, Singh-Maddala, Dagum, Fisk and Pareto distributions Downloads
Philippe Van Kerm
_GRPOS: Stata module to identify observations with at least n positive values Downloads
Fred Wolfe
_GRPROD: Stata module to extend generate to produce row products Downloads
Philip Ryan
_GSLOPE: Stata module to compute simple regression slope Downloads
Jeroen Weesie
_GSOUNDEX: Stata module to implement soundex algorithm Downloads
Michael Blasnik
_GSTD01: Stata modules to standardize a variable Downloads
Stanislav Kolenikov
_GVRELDIF: Stata module to compute relative difference between successive observations Downloads
Stanislav Kolenikov
_GWMEAN: Stata module to compute optionally weighted means Downloads
Gueorgui Kolev
_GWTMEAN: Stata module containing extensions to generate to implement weighted mean Downloads
David Kantor
_PEERS: Stata module to allow egen to compute the average characteristics of peers in a given unit (school, firm, etc.) specified by by() Downloads
Amine Ouazad
A2REG: Stata module to estimate models with two fixed effects Downloads
Amine Ouazad
AANIV: Stata module to compute unbiased IV regression Downloads
Austin Nichols
AAPLOT: Stata module for scatter plot with linear and/or quadratic fit, automatically annotated Downloads
Nicholas Cox
AB2022: Stata module to provide Gradient Solver for Ahlfeldt & Barr (2022): The economics of skyscrapers Downloads
Gabriel Ahlfeldt
ABAR: Stata module to perform Arellano-Bond test for autocorrelation Downloads
David Roodman
ABG: Stata module to implement the Alpha-Beta-Gamma Method of Distributional Analysis Downloads
Louis Chauvel
ABLAGS: RATS procedure to generate Arellano-Bond set of instruments Downloads
Tom Doan
ABOUTREG: Stata module providing tutorial on regression diagnostics Downloads
Stanislav Kolenikov
ABRS: Stata module to provide Toolkit for counterfactuals based on a spatial equilibrium framework with heterogenous preferences by Ahlfeldt, Bald, Roth, Seidel: “Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions" Downloads
Gabriel Ahlfeldt
ABRSQOL: Stata module providing Quality-of-life solver for "Measuring quality of life under spatial frictions" Downloads
Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Fabian Bald, Duncan Roth and Tobias Seidel
ABSDID: Stata module to estimate treatment effect with Abadie semiparametric DID estimator Downloads
Kenneth Houngbedji
ACELONG: Stata module to fit multilevel mixed-effects ACE, AE and ADE variance decomposition models Downloads
Volker Lang
ACREG: Stata module to perform Arbitrary Correlation Regression Downloads
Fabrizio Colella, Rafael Lalive, Seyhun Sakalli and Mathias Thoenig
ACTEST: GAUSS module to Apply Asymmetric Causality Tests Downloads
Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
ACTEST: Stata module to perform Cumby-Huizinga general test for autocorrelation in time series Downloads
Christopher Baum and Mark Schaffer
ADDBEFORE: Stata module to add number or character before a variable Downloads
Haitao Si, Yuan Xue and Muhammad Usman
ADDINBY: Stata module to add in data from a disk dataset using a foreign key Downloads
Roger Newson
ADDNOTES: Stata program to add notes to the end of text files Downloads
Jeffrey Arnold
ADDPLOT: Stata module to add twoway plot objects to an existing twoway graph Downloads
Ben Jann
ADDTEX: Stata module to display text on a graph Downloads
Guy D. van Melle
ADDTXT: Stata module to add text to graphs Downloads
Gary Longton
ADECOMP: Stata module to estimate Shapley Decomposition by Components of a Welfare Measure Downloads
João Pedro Azevedo, Minh Nguyen and Viviane Sanfelice
ADFAUTOSELECT: RATS procedure to select optimal lag length to be used for an ADF test Downloads
Tom Doan
ADFMAXUR: Stata module to calculate Leybourne (1995) ADFmax unit root test statistic along with 1, 5 and 10% finite-sample critical values and associated p-values Downloads
Jesus Otero and Christopher Baum
ADFREG: MATLAB module to calculate augmented Dickey-Fuller regression Downloads
Ludwig Kanzler
ADFTEST: Stata module to perform ADF and Breusch-Godfrey tests Downloads
Rafal Wozniak
ADJACENT: Stata module to list adjacent values of variables Downloads
Nicholas Cox
ADJKSM: Stata module to perform adjusted "ksm" for robust scatterplot smoothing Downloads
Isaías Salgado-Ugarte and Makoto Shimizu
ADJMEAN: Stata module to calculate variables' means adjusted for covariates Downloads
Joanne M. Garrett
ADJPROP: Stata module to calculate adjusted probabilities from logistic regression estimates Downloads
Joanne M. Garrett
ADJUST: Stata module (corrected) to compute adjusted predictions and probabilities after estimation Downloads
Kenneth Higbee
ADMETAN: Stata module to provide comprehensive meta-analysis Downloads
David Fisher
ADODEV: Stata module to reorder ado-path for developers and other independent-minded users Downloads
Roger Newson
ADODOWN: Stata module making Stata packages easier to develop and document using modern tools Downloads
Team Lsms
ADOEDIT: Stata module to edit ado file in Stata's do-file editor Downloads
Dan Blanchette
Page updated 2025-03-28
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