A Test of the Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance: A Study of Department of Petroleum Resources
Obasan Kehinde A . and
Hassan Banjo A.
International Journal of Management Sciences, 2014, vol. 2, issue 3, 149-160
Managing an organization for effectiveness requires effective leadership. There abound different styles of leadership with attendant different effects. This paper studied the effect of transformational, transactional and laissez faire leadership styles on employee performance constructs of organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour and job satisfaction in the Nigerian public sector using Department of Petroleum Resources as a case study. Using primary data generated through a structured 5 point likert scale questionnaire from a stratified randomly selected sample of 100, and analysed using regression on SPSS, it was established that the leadership styles tested have positive relationship on performance of employees. The paper concluded by recommending that managers should use more of transformational leadership to bring about higher levels of organisational commitment, OCB and job satisfaction.
Keywords: Transformational leadership; Transactional leadership; Organisational Citizenship Behaviour; Organisational commitment; Job Satisfaction. (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2014
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