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Finansal Kapsayicilik: Turkiye ve Dunya Karsilastirmasi

Ünal Seven, Ahmet Duhan Yassa and Fatih Yilmaz

CBT Research Notes in Economics from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Abstract: [TR] Bu calismada, finansal kapsayiciligin dunya ve Turkiye'deki son on yillik gelisimi karsilastirmali olarak sunulduktan sonra mikro veriler ile Turkiye'deki temel demografik gostergelerle iliskisi analiz edilmektedir. Analiz bulgularina gore, dunya genelinde son on yilda finansal kapsayicilikta onemli yol alinmakla beraber, gelismis ulkeler ile gelismekte olan ulkeler arasindaki farkin korundugu gercegi karsimiza cikmaktadir. Turkiye'nin finansal kapsayicilik performansinin ayni gelir grubu ulke ortalamasina gore daha iyi durumda oldugu gorulmektedir. Buna karsin, veriler Turkiye'de kadinlarin finansal sisteme katiliminin benzer ulke ortalamasinin oldukca altinda kaldigini gostermektedir. Yapilan bolgesel karsilastirilmalarda, kadinlarin isgucune katiliminin dusuk oldugu bolgelerde ayni zamanda finansal sisteme katilimin da dusuk oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Bununla beraber, egitim seviyesi ve gelir ile finansal kapsayicilik arasinda pozitif iliski bulunmaktadir. [EN] In this study, we firstly analyze the development of financial inclusion across the globe and in Turkey over the last decade and then, provide a more focused study on the relation between financial inclusion and regional demographics in Turkey. According to the findings, despite the significant progress in financial inclusion over the last decade, the inclusion gap between developed and developing countries has been preserved. More specifically, Turkey's performance in financial inclusion appears to be in better shape as compared to the countries in the same income group (upper-middle income). In contrast, the data also shows that women participation in financial system remained well below in Turkey relative to the same income group countries. According to the regional comparisons, we conclude that regions with low women labor force participation also indicates poor financial inclusion. Additionally, financial inclusiveness is positively correlated with regional education and income levels.

Date: 2020
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Handle: RePEc:tcb:econot:2004