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Details about Avinash Advani

Workplace:Marketing and Management Department, Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Institute of Technology (KASBIT), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2023-09-11. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pad176

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Journal Articles


  1. Impact of Employees Participation on Job Satisfaction Evidence from Karachi's Tertiary Education Sector
    Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 2016, 07, (1), 47-52 Downloads


  1. Creation of job opportunities through self-help groups, donors and philanthropist forming a poor’s Bank: A suggested model for poverty reduction
    Journal of Management for Global Sustainable Development, 2015, 1, (1), 64-68 Downloads
  2. Measuring the endeavors’ Impact of Quality Enhancement Cell on Quality of Higher Education system in Pakistan. A case of Private and Public Universities in Pakistan
    Journal of Management for Global Sustainable Development, 2015, 1, (1), 37-39 Downloads
  3. Performance of Transcendental Meditation in Pakistan and Suggestions in light of Worldwide Consciousness Based Education (CBE) Learning
    Journal of Management for Global Sustainable Development, 2015, 1, (1), 69-76 Downloads


  1. Causes and Identification of Employees’ Politics and its Impact on Performance of Banking Industry in Pakistan
    KASBIT Business Journals (KBJ), 2014, 7, (Special Issue), 75-92 Downloads
Page updated 2023-11-11