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Details about Erkan Aktaş

Postal address:Postal address: Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Administrative of Mersin University 33343 MERSİN / TURKEY
Workplace:İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences), Mersin Üniversitesi (University of Mersin), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Erkan Aktaş.

Last updated 2024-06-09. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pak10

Working Papers


  1. 1980 Sonrasi ekonomik krizlerin Turkie tarim sektoru uzerindeki etkileri
    (The impact of economic crisis on agricultural macroeconmic variables in turkey for the period of 1980-2008)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. The Impact of Oil Prices in Turkey on Macroeconomics
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Türkiye’de Tarım Sektöründe Kullanılan Mazota Yönelik Vergi ve Destekler
    (Taxes and Subsidies for Diesel Fuel Used in Turkey's Agricultural)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Biga’da Bilisim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Basarı ve Harcama Düzeylerine Olası Etkileri
    (The Probable Effects of Information Technology Use on the Success and Expenditure Level of Students in Biga)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Öğrenimleri Üzerine Etkileri ve Bilişim Harcama Esnekliği: ÇOMÜ Biga İİBF Örneği
    (Effects of Information Technology Use on The Education of Studens And Information Technology Expenditure Elasticity: The Case of Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Zeytin Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çanakkale
    (Improvements in Olive Production and Çanakkale)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Tarım Politikasındaki Değişiklikler ve Bağcılık: Çanakkale ili Örneği
    (Improvements in Agricultural Policy in Turkey and Case Study of Viniculture in Çanakkale Province)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Küreselleşme, Yoksulluk ve Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Tarım Ürünleri
    (Globalisation, Powerty and Genetically Modified Agricultural Product)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Türkiye’de Hemşehri Dernekleri ve Kırsal Dönüşüm
    (Kinship (Hemşehri) Associations and Rural Transformation in Turkey)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  3. Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Pamuk Arz Duyarlılığının Tahmini Üzerine Bir Çalışma
    (A Study on the Estimation of Supply Response of Cotton in Cukurova Region)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Destekleme ve Teknoloji Politikalarının Çukurova Bölgesinde Mısır Tarımı Üzerine Etkisi
    (Effects of Agricultural Support and Technology Policies on Corn Farming in Çukurova Region)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
  2. Dünya Transgenik Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çukurova Bölgesi Mısır Tarımında Olası Bt Tohum Kullanımının Ekonomik Etkileri
    (Developing of Transgenic Production in the World and The Economic Effects of Proble to Using of Bt Seed on Corn Farming in Çukurova Region)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Akdeniz Bölgesi ve Başlıca Tüketim Merkezlerinde Yaş Meyve ve Sebze Perakende Fiyatları Arasındaki İlişkiler: Pazar Entegrasyonunun Testi
    (The Relation among retail price main of consumption center of fruit and vegetables and Region of Mediterranean (Turkey): Test of Market Integration)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Bağcılığın Türkiye Ekonomisindeki Yeri
    (The Roll of Viniculture on Turkish Economy)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads


  1. Konsantre Meyve Suyu Talebinin “Tobit” Modeli Ile Analizi
    (Analysis Of Concentrated Fruit Juice Demand Using The Tobit Model)
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads
Page updated 2024-06-10