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Details about Felician ALECU

Workplace:Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti (Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Felician ALECU.

Last updated 2016-03-29. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pal502

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies,Bucharest, November 6-7 2009, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", DEPARTMENT FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE DEFENCE RESOURCES AND EDUCATION Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. The Impact of Facebook Upon Social Skills of Young People ? a Business Employment Perspective
    The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, 2015, 17, (Special 9), 1289 Downloads


  1. An UI Layout Files Analyzer for Test Data Generation
    Informatica Economica, 2014, 18, (2), 53-62 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Cost Control and Performance Review of Software Projects by Using the Earned Value Management
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (3), 2-6 Downloads
  3. Declarative Programming in Java
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (1), 2-9 Downloads
  4. Declarative programming in PROLOG
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (1), 32-38 Downloads
  5. The Economics of Prolog Declarative Programming in Java
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (2), 2-9 Downloads


  1. Monetizing Digital Assets
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (2), 2-6 Downloads
  2. Programming Language Paradigms
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (4), 2-8 Downloads
  3. Tracking the Digital Traces
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (3), 2-7 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in Action
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (3), 2-10 Downloads
  2. Information Technology Trends, Creative Commons Licenses
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (5), 2-7 Downloads
  3. Information Technology Trends, From Copyright to Copyleft
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (4), 2-7 Downloads
  4. Software Development Factories, the Project Management Perspective
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (1), 14-21 Downloads
  5. XML Transformations
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (2), 16-27 Downloads


  1. How to make a software project ready for external backup – rules to be followed
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (1), 9-14 Downloads
  2. Management of Software Development Projects
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (2), 10-18 Downloads
  3. Managing Software Development Projects, The Project Management Process
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (3), 26-33 Downloads
  4. Managing Software Development Projects, The Sequence of the Project Phases
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (4), 24-30 Downloads


  1. Open 3D Projects
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (1), 2-8 Downloads
  2. The Pareto Principle in the Modern Economy
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (3), 2-5 Downloads
  3. The WiMAX Technology
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (2), 2-9 Downloads


  1. Software Programs, from Sequential to Parallel
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2009, 1, (2), 17-23 Downloads
  2. The Impact of Parallel Processing on Operating Systems
    Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2009, 1, (1), 2-10 Downloads


  1. Applications of Parallel Processing in Mobile Banking
    Informatica Economica, 2007, XI, (3), 104-107 Downloads
  2. The ProCard mobile banking system
    Informatica Economica, 2007, XI, (1), 124-127 Downloads


  1. Internet Banking
    Informatica Economica, 2006, X, (4), 104-106 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Security in Internet
    Informatica Economica, 2006, X, (3), 5-8 Downloads
Page updated 2023-06-15