Details about Felician ALECU
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Last updated 2016-03-29. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pal502
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Working Papers
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies,Bucharest, November 6-7 2009, Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", DEPARTMENT FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE DEFENCE RESOURCES AND EDUCATION
Journal Articles
- The Impact of Facebook Upon Social Skills of Young People ? a Business Employment Perspective
The AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC journal, 2015, 17, (Special 9), 1289
- An UI Layout Files Analyzer for Test Data Generation
Informatica Economica, 2014, 18, (2), 53-62 View citations (1)
- Cost Control and Performance Review of Software Projects by Using the Earned Value Management
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (3), 2-6
- Declarative Programming in Java
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (1), 2-9
- Declarative programming in PROLOG
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (1), 32-38
- The Economics of Prolog Declarative Programming in Java
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2014, 6, (2), 2-9
- Monetizing Digital Assets
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (2), 2-6
- Programming Language Paradigms
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (4), 2-8
- Tracking the Digital Traces
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2013, 5, (3), 2-7 View citations (1)
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in Action
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (3), 2-10
- Information Technology Trends, Creative Commons Licenses
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (5), 2-7
- Information Technology Trends, From Copyright to Copyleft
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (4), 2-7
- Software Development Factories, the Project Management Perspective
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (1), 14-21
- XML Transformations
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2012, 4, (2), 16-27
- How to make a software project ready for external backup – rules to be followed
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (1), 9-14
- Management of Software Development Projects
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (2), 10-18
- Managing Software Development Projects, The Project Management Process
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (3), 26-33
- Managing Software Development Projects, The Sequence of the Project Phases
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2011, 3, (4), 24-30
- Open 3D Projects
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (1), 2-8
- The Pareto Principle in the Modern Economy
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (3), 2-5
- The WiMAX Technology
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2010, 2, (2), 2-9
- Software Programs, from Sequential to Parallel
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2009, 1, (2), 17-23
- The Impact of Parallel Processing on Operating Systems
Oeconomics of Knowledge, 2009, 1, (1), 2-10
- Applications of Parallel Processing in Mobile Banking
Informatica Economica, 2007, XI, (3), 104-107
- The ProCard mobile banking system
Informatica Economica, 2007, XI, (1), 124-127
- Internet Banking
Informatica Economica, 2006, X, (4), 104-106 View citations (3)
- Security in Internet
Informatica Economica, 2006, X, (3), 5-8
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