Details about Lise Arena
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Short-id: par277
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Working Papers
- Comment les radiologues ont-ils fait face à l'annonce programmée de leur remplacement par l'IA ?
GREDEG Working Papers, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France
- The Use of Experimental Methods by IS Scholars: An Illustrated Typology
GREDEG Working Papers, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France
- Exploring Stock Markets Crashes as Socio-Technical Failures
GREDEG Working Papers, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France
- The Virtues of Dialogue between Academics and Business (wo)men: A Historical Retrospect
Post-Print, HAL
- Book Review – The Impact of Alfred Marshall’s Ideas: The Global Diffusion of his Work, (2010), edited by T. Raffaelli, G. Becattini, K. Caldari, M. Dardi, Edward Elgar
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- LEDEPAGOD RESEARCH REPORT Preliminary results and recommandations to weather forecasters
Working Papers, HAL
- Organizational Creativity versus Vested Interests: The Role of Academic Entrepreneurs in the Emergence of Management Education at Oxbridge
GREDEG Working Papers, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France
- Organizational Creativity versus Vested Interests: The Role of Academic Entrepreneurs in the Emergence of Oxbridge Business Schools
Post-Print, HAL
- Flash krach et trading haute-fréquence: Le rôle des algorithmes dans l'instabilité boursière
Post-Print, HAL
- Book Review -Peter Groenewegen, The Minor Marshallians and Alfred Marshall: An Evaluation
Post-Print, HAL
- Edith Penrose et la croissance des entreprises
Post-Print, HAL View citations (2)
- Systèmes d'information et gestion du couple performance/sécurité: trajectoires comparées de trois situations extrêmes
Post-Print, HAL View citations (2)
- Coordinating a Virtual Team under Uncertainty and Time Pressure: The Case of an Antarctica Expedition
Post-Print, HAL
- A propos du développement de deux business schools d'élite au Royaume-Uni: Une comparaison entre Oxford et Cambridge (1900-2000)
Post-Print, HAL View citations (2)
- Comment conduire le changement induit par un mégaprojet SI dans une organisation faiblement couplée ? Le cas des Universités françaises
Post-Print, HAL
- Institutionnaliser et internationaliser l'enseignement de la gestion [coord. et prés. du dossier du Vol. 65 de: Entreprises et Histoire]
Post-Print, HAL
- La simulation: une double-utilité en sciences de gestion
Post-Print, HAL
- Les modèles nationaux d'enseignement de la gestion d'entreprise: Formes de capitalisme et modes d'organisation
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Learning lessons from the past: A historical exploration of a century of business education at Oxford and Cambridge (1900s-2000s)
Post-Print, HAL
- The Governance Paradox in Megaprojects
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- The Marshallian Tradition of Industrial Economics in Oxford (1947-1979): From Andrews' contribution to the emergence of Industrial Organization and Business Studies
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2008) View citations (1)
- The Emergence of Organisation Studies in Oxford (1949-1983): A Historical Unintended Ironical Consequence?
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Understanding the IS Experience Cycle: A Model of ERP Implementation
Post-Print, HAL
- Why do IT Projects Fail? A System Dynamics Approach to Management
Post-Print, HAL
- Apprentissage Organisationnel et Contrôle de Gestion: Une lecture possible de l'ABC/ABM ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Industrial Organisation: The Oxford Influence (1952-1979)
Post-Print, HAL
- Le poids des processus d'apprentissage dans les décisions d'adoption d'une technologie: Une approche intégrative
Post-Print, HAL
- Oxford Studies on the firm and on the industry: from Industrial Economics to Management Studies (1950-1983)
Post-Print, HAL
- Simulating the Implementation of Business Information Systems: The Case of Enterprise Resource Planning
Post-Print, HAL
- Technological Change and Learning: A Model of Manager Decisions and Teams Organisational Learning
Post-Print, HAL
- The impact of Team works and Knowledge Flows on Organizational Learning in response to an Innovative Environment: a modelling study
Post-Print, HAL
Journal Articles
- Tiziano Raffaelli, Giacomo Becattini, Katia Caldari, and Marco Dardi, eds., The Impact of Alfred Marshall’s Ideas—The Global Diffusion of His Work (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010), pp. 251, $133, hardcover. ISBN 978-1-84720-512-4
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2015, 37, (4), 670-674
- The evolution of labour welfare after the birth of scientific management: Economics of Fatigue and Unrest revisited
History of Economic Ideas, 2014, 22, (1), 85-110 View citations (1)
- Peter Groenewegen,"The Minor Marshallians and Alfred Marshall: An Evaluation".London: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics, Taylor and Francis Group, 2011 (Book review)
Marshall Studies Bulletin, 2012, 13
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