Details about Kai Arzheimer
Access statistics for papers by Kai Arzheimer.
Last updated 2021-06-18. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: par356
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Journal Articles Software Items
Journal Articles
- Estimating polling accuracy in multiparty elections using surveybias
Stata Journal, 2016, 16, (1), 139-158
- A New Multinomial Accuracy Measure for Polling Bias
Political Analysis, 2014, 22, (1), 31-44
- Bread and butter à la française: Multiparty forecasts of the French legislative vote (1981-2007)
International Journal of Forecasting, 2010, 26, (1), 19-31 View citations (3)
Software Items
- SURVEYBIAS: Stata module to compute the B and B_w multinomial accuracy measures for polling bias
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics