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Details about Markéta Arltová

Workplace:Fakulta Financí a Účetnictví (Faculty of Finance and Accounting), Vysoká Škola Ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics Prague), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Markéta Arltová.

Last updated 2025-02-09. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: par613

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Journal Articles


  1. European VAT collection under the stress: Best to use few reduced rates
    Journal of Policy Modeling, 2024, 46, (6), 1165-1185 Downloads
  2. The volume of MTIC fraud between Poland and Czechia in electronic devices trade: general method of carousel fraud estimation
    International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 2024, 20, (2), 126-145 Downloads
  3. Windfall revenues and structural balance in the Czech Republic
    Post-Communist Economies, 2024, 36, (2), 127-146 Downloads


  1. Do Environmental Taxes Improve Environmental Quality? Evidence from OECD Countries
    Prague Economic Papers, 2023, 2023, (1), 26-44 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Dopad odlivu důchodů z PZI na českou ekonomiku
    (Impact of FDI Income Outflows for Czech Economy)
    Politická ekonomie, 2023, 2023, (6), 642-667 Downloads


  1. Akcie, zlato a inflace - vztahy a souvislosti v posledních 25 letech
    (Stocks, Gold and Inflation - Relationships and Contexts Over the Last 25 Years)
    Politická ekonomie, 2022, 2022, (3), 288-311 Downloads
  2. VAT Listings within the EU Member States and Their Impact on Tax Evasion
    (Designing VAT Systems: Some Efficiency Considerations)
    CESifo Economic Studies, 2022, 68, (3), 297-318 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. How the Income Elasticity of Meat Consumption differs between social groups? A case of the UK and the Czech Republic
    AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 2021, 13, (4) Downloads
  2. Kvantifikace fiskálních dopadů uskutečněných reforem zdanění osobních příjmů v České republice
    (Quantification of Fiscal Impacts of Personal Income Tax Reforms Implemented in the Czech Republic)
    Politická ekonomie, 2021, 2021, (6), 651-668 Downloads
  3. Tax factors affecting FDI allocation in the EU post-socialist states
    Post-Communist Economies, 2021, 33, (6), 710-725 Downloads
  4. Taxation in Developed Countries: Response to External Shocks in 2008-2009 and 2020
    (Zdanění ve vyspělých zemích: reakce na vnější šoky 2008-2009 a 2020)
    Český finanční a účetní časopis, 2021, 2021, (4), 31-54 Downloads


  1. Emerging from crisis: Sweden’s active labour market policy and vulnerable groups
    The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 2020, 31, (4), 543-564 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Účinnost rodinné politiky v České republice
    (Effectiveness of Family Policy in the Czech Republic)
    Politická ekonomie, 2020, 2020, (6), 679-694 Downloads


  1. Selected Socioeconomic Determinants of the Size of the Nonprofit Sector Serving Households in the OECD Countries
    Prague Economic Papers, 2019, 2019, (3), 276-295 Downloads


  1. Efektivita trhu práce ve světle opatření konceptu flexikurity: příklad České republiky a Švédska v období 20062015
    (Efficiency of Labour Market Policy Changes in the Czech Republic and Sweden in 2006-2015)
    Politická ekonomie, 2018, 2018, (4), 411-429 Downloads
  2. Hlavní determinanty ovlivňující poptávku po životním pojištění v České republice
    (Analysis of Determinants, Influencing Life Insurance Demand in the Czech Republic)
    Politická ekonomie, 2018, 2018, (3), 344-365 Downloads


  1. Charakteristiky insolvenčních řízení společností s virtuálními sídly
    (Characteristics of Insolvency Proceedings of Enterprises with Virtual Address)
    Politická ekonomie, 2017, 2017, (3), 287-300 Downloads
  2. Quality of Insolvency Proceedings in Selected Countries – Analysis Focused on Recovery Rates, Costs and Duration
    REVISTA ADMINISTRATIE SI MANAGEMENT PUBLIC, 2017, 2017, (28), 116-132 Downloads


  1. Recovery Rate from Insolvency Proceedings in Developed Countries
    International Advances in Economic Research, 2016, 22, (1), 103-104 Downloads
  2. The Relationship Between GDP Per Inhabitant and the Quality of Insolvency Proceedings (An Analysis on the Basis of Surveying Five Groups of Countries)
    Ekonomika a Management, 2016, 2016, (4) Downloads


  1. Czech Exports and German GDP: A Closer Look
    Prague Economic Papers, 2015, 2015, (1), 17-37 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Implementace mezinárodních standardů účetního výkaznictví v České republice a její vliv na zdanění podniků
    (The Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in the Czech Republic and Its Impact on Corporate Taxation)
    Politická ekonomie, 2015, 2015, (7), 811-832 Downloads
  3. Parameters of insolvency proceedings in developed countries and their dependence on economic performance
    Ekonomika a Management, 2015, 2015, (2) Downloads


  1. Analýza všeobecné rovnováhy pro český finanční trh a model finanční křehkosti
    (General Equilibrium Analysis of the Czech Financial Market and a Financial Fragility Model)
    Politická ekonomie, 2014, 2014, (4), 437-458 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Debt in Relation to the Standard of Living Enjoyed by the Population of Developed Countries
    Prague Economic Papers, 2014, 2014, (1), 84-107 Downloads


  1. A New Generation of Environmental Risks
    (Nová generace environmentálních rizik)
    Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2013, 2013, (6), 3-20 Downloads
  2. Development of Life Expectancy in the Czech Republic in Years 1920-2010 with an Outlook to 2050
    Prague Economic Papers, 2013, 2013, (1), 125-143 Downloads
  3. Příčiny neúspěchu prosazování sanačních postupů v insolvenční realitě
    (Reasons for the Failure to Implement Financial Rehabilitation Procedures in Insolvent Reality)
    Politická ekonomie, 2013, 2013, (2), 188-208 Downloads


  1. Ekonomické aspekty stárnutí populace ve vyspělých zemích
    (Economic Aspects of Population Ageing in Developed Countries)
    Politická ekonomie, 2012, 2012, (1), 113-132 Downloads


  1. The Economic Crisis and the Development of Tourism in the Czech Republic
    (Ekonomická krize a vývoj cestovního ruchu v České republice)
    Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2011, 2011, (5), 17-33 Downloads


  1. Migration and Ageing of the Population of the Czech Republic and the EU Countries
    Prague Economic Papers, 2010, 2010, (1), 54-73 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Problém měření a hodnocení individuální vědecké výkonnosti
    (The Problem of Measurement and Evaluation of Individual Scientific Productivity)
    Politická ekonomie, 2010, 2010, (3), 392-401 Downloads


  1. Analýza vztahů časových řad porodnosti a sňatečnosti v české republice v letech 1960-2007
    (Analysis of the relations of time series of the birth rate and marriage rate in the czech republic in the years 1960-2007)
    Politická ekonomie, 2009, 2009, (4), 495-508 Downloads


  1. Vztah deficitu běžného účtu platební bilance a rozpočtového deficitu - analýza panelových dat
    (The relationship of budget deficit and current account balance - panel data analysis)
    Politická ekonomie, 2005, 2005, (6), 747-764 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-23