Details about Jesús Barreiro-Hurlé
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Short-id: pba561
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Working Papers
- Food-Checker: A mobile-based crowdsourcing application for dual quality of food
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal
Post-Print, HAL
See also Journal Article Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal, Food Policy, Elsevier (2024) (2024)
- Agro-economic-environmental modelling in the context of the {Green Deal} and sustainable food systems
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Economic and environmental impacts of disease resistant crops developed with cisgenesis
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Empirical testing of consumers' perceptions of differences in package and product version of seemingly identical branded food products
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- How Well Can Experts Predict Farmers’ Choices in Risky Gambles?
Working Papers, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw
- Farmers' risk preferences in eleven European farming systems: A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al. (2014)
Working Papers, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw View citations (1)
- How Well Can Experts Predict Farmers' Risk Preferences ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Can Economic Experiments Contribute to a More Effective CAP?
(Les expérimentations économiques peuvent-elles contribuer à rendre la PAC plus efficace ?)
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Development of unit costs for reimbursement of surveillance activities of Animal Health Programmes
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Enforcement, effectiveness, cost and benefits of the phytosanitary measures related to the Plant Passport system
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Enforcement, effectiveness, cost and benefits of the phytosanitary measures relating to imports into the EU: the Official Controls Regulation case
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Enforcement, effectiveness, cost, and benefits of the phytosanitary measures relating to imports into the EU: the Prohibitions case
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Enforcement, effectiveness, costs, and benefits of the phytosanitary measures for imports into the EU: The Specific Import Procedures case
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Enforcement, effectiveness, costs, and benefits of the phytosanitary measures relating to imports into the EU: the Phytosanitary Certificate case
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Modelling environmental and climate ambition in the agricultural sector with the CAPRI model
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (11)
- Unit costs for plant health surveillance activities co-funding under the Single Market Programme
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- A quality approach to real-time smartphone and citizen-driven food market price data
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Economic analyses of differences in composition of seemingly identical branded food products in the Single Market
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture: A closer look at mitigation options and regional mitigation costs (EcAMPA 3)
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (3)
- Empirical testing of the impact on consumer choice resulting from differences in the composition of seemingly identical branded products
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (1)
- Addressing water scarcity in agriculture with water reuse as alternative supply option
172nd EAAE Seminar, May 28-29, 2019, Brussels, Belgium, European Association of Agricultural Economists
- Impact of Border Carbon Adjustments on Agricultural Emissions – Can Tariffs Reduce Carbon Leakage?
2019: Trading for Good - Agricultural Trade in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation... Symposium, June 23-25, 2019, Seville, Spain, International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
Also in 172nd EAAE Seminar, May 28-29, 2019, Brussels, Belgium, European Association of Agricultural Economists (2019) View citations (1)
- The Impact Indicator for Priority Pests (I2P2): a tool for ranking pests according to Regulation (EU) 2016/2031
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- CAPRI Water 2.0: an upgraded and updated CAPRI water module
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre
- Setting climate action as the priority for the Common Agricultural Policy: a simulation experiment
162nd Seminar, April 26-27, 2018, Budapest, Hungary, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (2)
See also Journal Article Setting Climate Action as the Priority for the Common Agricultural Policy: A Simulation Experiment, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Wiley Blackwell (2020) View citations (6) (2020)
- Assessing Impacts Of Activating The Technological Emission Mitigation Potential Of EU Agriculture
2017 International Congress, August 28-September 1, 2017, Parma, Italy, European Association of Agricultural Economists
- EU commodity market development: Medium-term agricultural outlook. Proceedings of the October 2017 workshop
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (3)
- Scenar 2030 - Pathways for the European agriculture and food sector beyond 2020
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (11)
- Scenar 2030 - Pathways for the European agriculture and food sector beyond 2020 (Summary report)
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (6)
- Unveiling diversity in agricultural markets projections: from EU to Member States. A medium-term outlook with the AGMEMOD model
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (4)
- An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture (EcAMPA 2)
JRC Research Reports, Joint Research Centre View citations (16)
- The role of technology in avoiding leakage from unilateral mitigation targets in agriculture: the case of the EU
2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Determinants of food production in Sub Saharan Africa: the impact of policy, market access and governance
2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (4)
- Will consumers use biodiesel? Assessing the potential for reducing CO2 emissions from private transport in Spain
2014 International Congress, August 26-29, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, European Association of Agricultural Economists
- Global Biofuel Trade: How Uncoordinated Biofuel Policy Fuels Resource Use and GHG Emissions
Price Volatility and Beyond, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) View citations (2)
- Identifying additional barriers in the adoption of agri-environmental schemes: the role of fixed costs
Post-Print, HAL View citations (16)
- Fertilizer subsidies in sub-Saharan Africa
ESA Working Papers, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) View citations (13)
- Consumers’ willingness to pay for biodiesel in Spain
2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (1)
- Estrategias para incrementar la participacion en programas agroambientales: el papel del capital social
Post-Print, HAL
See also Journal Article Estrategias para incrementar la participación en programas agroambientales: el papel del capital social, Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Spanish Association of Agricultural Economists (2009) View citations (1) (2009)
- Fixed costs involved in crop pattern changes and agri-environmental schemes
Working Papers, Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2)
Also in Working Papers SMART, INRAE UMR SMART (2009)
2009 Pre-Conference Workshop, August 16, 2009, Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies, International Association of Agricultural Economists
2009 Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China, International Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (2)
- Understanding Market potential for biodiesel in Spain: A Pilot study based on consumer preferences
2009 Conference, August 16-22, 2009, Beijing, China, International Association of Agricultural Economists
107th Seminar, January 30-February 1, 2008, Sevilla, Spain, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (8)
- Re-considering Agri-Environmental Schemes premiums: the impact of fixed costs in sign-up decisions
2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (2)
- When more is less: the effect of multiple health and nutritional labels in food product choice
2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium, European Association of Agricultural Economists View citations (2)
- Marginal Farmers and Agri-Environmental Schemes: Evaluating Policy Design Adequacy for the Environmental Fallow Measure
103rd Seminar, April 23-25, 2007, Barcelona, Spain, European Association of Agricultural Economists
- Incorporating Uncertainty and Cero Values into the Valuation of Protected Areas and Species
2005 International Congress, August 23-27, 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, European Association of Agricultural Economists
- Preferencias inciertas y modelo Spike en la valoración del patrimonio natural
Microeconomics, University Library of Munich, Germany
- How much are people willing to pay for sinlence? A one and one-half-bound DC CV estimate
Documentos de Trabajo - Lan Gaiak Departamento de Economía - Universidad Pública de Navarra, Departamento de Economía - Universidad Pública de Navarra View citations (3)
Journal Articles
- Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal
Food Policy, 2024, 124, (C)
See also Working Paper Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal, Post-Print (2024) (2024)
- Willing or complying? The delicate interplay between voluntary and mandatory interventions to promote farmers' environmental behavior
Food Policy, 2023, 120, (C) View citations (1)
- Increasing engagement in price crowdsourcing initiatives: Using nudges in Nigeria
World Development, 2022, 152, (C) View citations (2)
- Contingent valuation estimates for environmental goods: Validity and reliability
Ecological Economics, 2021, 189, (C) View citations (3)
- Reuse of treated water in European agriculture: Potential to address water scarcity under climate change
Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 251, (C) View citations (9)
- Spatial effects in the socioeconomic valuation of peri-urban ecosystems restoration
Land Use Policy, 2021, 105, (C) View citations (4)
- Un‐nudgeable Nudgers: An Experiment on Voluntary Contribution to an Academic Network Working on the CAP. A Note
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021, 72, (2), 628-634
- Competitiveness of Energy-Intensive Industries in Europe: The Crisis of the Oil Refining Sector between 2008 and 2013
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2020, Volume 9, (Number 1), 167-184 View citations (1)
- Setting Climate Action as the Priority for the Common Agricultural Policy: A Simulation Experiment
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2020, 71, (1), 50-69 View citations (6)
See also Working Paper Setting climate action as the priority for the Common Agricultural Policy: a simulation experiment, 162nd Seminar, April 26-27, 2018, Budapest, Hungary (2018) View citations (2) (2018)
- When policy implementation failures affect public preferences for environmental goods: Implications for economic analysis in the European water policy
Ecological Economics, 2020, 169, (C) View citations (9)
- Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices: a policy-oriented review
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2019, 46, (3), 417-471 View citations (183)
- Choosing not to choose: A meta-analysis of status quo effects in environmental valuations using choice experiments
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2018, 18, (01) View citations (13)
- Does the current trade liberalization agenda contribute to greenhouse gas emission mitigation in agriculture?
Food Policy, 2018, 76, (C), 120-129 View citations (16)
- Evaluación de alternativas para el diseño de medidas agroambientales: el potencial de implementar contratos vía subastas y pago por servicios ambientales
Revista Espanola de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 2016, (245)
- Are Local and Organic Claims Complements or Substitutes? A Consumer Preferences Study for Eggs
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2014, 65, (1), 49-67 View citations (34)
- The role of ancillary benefits on the value of agricultural soils carbon sequestration programmes: Evidence from a latent class approach to Andalusian olive groves
Ecological Economics, 2014, 99, (C), 63-73 View citations (12)
- Cross-trade in Biofuels: How Uncoordinated Environmental Legislation Fuels Resource Use and GHG Emissions
EuroChoices, 2013, 12, (3), 45-52 View citations (1)
- Identifying carbon leakage sectors in the EU ETS and implications of results
Climate Policy, 2013, 13, (1), 89-109 View citations (14)
- Can renewable energy be financed with higher electricity prices? Evidence from a Spanish region
Energy Policy, 2012, 50, (C), 784-794 View citations (51)
- Valoración económica de las técnicas sostenibles de manejo del suelo en el olivar andaluz
Cuadernos de Economía - Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance, 2012, 35, (99), 158-171 View citations (1)
- Reconsiderando la metodología FAO sobre el cálculo del número de personas que pasan hambre en el mundo
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2011, 11, (02), 20
- Does intensity of change matter? Factors affecting adoption of agri-environmental schemes in Spain
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2010, 53, (7), 891-905 View citations (35)
- Does nutrition information on food products lead to healthier food choices?
Food Policy, 2010, 35, (3), 221-229 View citations (36)
- Effects of the nutritional labels use on healthy eating habits in Spain
Agricultural Economics, 2010, 56, (11), 540-551 View citations (1)
- Las preferencias discontinuas en los experimentos de elección: impacto en el cálculo de la prima de los programas agroambientales
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2010, 10, (01), 22 View citations (4)
- The Effects of Multiple Health and Nutrition Labels on Consumer Food Choices
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 61, (2), 426-443 View citations (17)
- What Do Farmers Want From Agri‐Environmental Scheme Design? A Choice Experiment Approach
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 61, (2), 259-273 View citations (169)
- Estrategias para incrementar la participación en programas agroambientales: el papel del capital social
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2009, 09, (02), 24 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper Estrategias para incrementar la participacion en programas agroambientales: el papel del capital social, Post-Print (2009) (2009)
- Reconsidering Heterogeneity and Aggregation Issues in Environmental Valuation: A Multi-attribute Approach
Environmental & Resource Economics, 2008, 40, (4), 551-570 View citations (1)
- Decomposing the Value of Agricultural Multifunctionality: Combining Contingent Valuation and the Analytical Hierarchy Process
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 58, (2), 218-241 View citations (21)
- Una nota sobre la recuperacion de costes de los servicios del agua en la cuenca del Gallego
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2007, 07, (13), 8
- Valoracion de bienes ambientales complejos: una alternativa multicriterio
Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 2007, 07, (14), 25
- El reto de la multifuncionalidad agraria: oferta de bienes privados y publicos en el sur de Palencia
Revista Espanola de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 2006, (210), 46 View citations (1)
- How much are people willing to pay for silence? A contingent valuation study
Applied Economics, 2005, 37, (11), 1233-1246 View citations (12)
- Análisis hedónico de los precios de la tierra en la provincia de Zaragoza
Revista Espanola de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 2004, (202), 20 View citations (2)
- J. Bennet and R. Blamley. The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2001. ISBN: 1-84-064304-8, 269 pp., Price: £55
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2002, 29, (1), 180-182
- La valeur d'usage à des fins de loisir des espaces protégés en Espagne - Comparaison entre méthode des coûts de déplacement et méthode d'évaluation contingente
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales (CESR), 1996, 41 View citations (1)
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