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Details about Michał Bernardelli

Workplace:Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych (College of Economic Analysis), Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie (Warsaw School of Economics), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2024-05-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pbe1203

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Journal Articles


  1. Trends in income taxation: are taxes converging in Central and Eastern European countries?
    International Journal of Management and Economics, 2023, 59, (4), 349-370 Downloads


  1. A heuristic approach to optimizing the loading of homogeneous marine cargo
    Operations Research and Decisions, 2022, 32, (2), 1-15 Downloads
  2. Does Fossil Fuel Financing Affect Banks’ ESG Ratings?
    Energies, 2022, 15, (4), 1-19 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The banking sector as the absorber of the COVID-19 crisis’ economic consequences: perception of WSE investors
    Oeconomia Copernicana, 2021, 12, (2), 335-374 Downloads View citations (5)
  2. Time stability of the impact of institutions on economic growth and real convergence of the EU countries: implications from the hidden Markov models analysis
    Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2021, 16, (2), 285-323 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Analysis of the capital structure of companies traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in terms of the pecking order theory
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2019, (55), 25-40 Downloads
  2. Click fraud detection rules
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2019, (55), 41-54 Downloads
  3. Towards the similarity of the countries in terms of business cycle synchronization and income level equalization–empirical analysis
    Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2019, 5, (5), 291-302 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Anonimowość w Internecie – identyfikacja płci użytkowników na podstawie historii odwiedzanych stron internetowych
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2018, (53), 147-162 Downloads
  2. Metoda ustalania norm klasyfikacyjnych na klasy sportowe w konkurencjach lekkoatletycznych
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2018, (53), 11-28 Downloads
  3. Przydatność ukrytych modeli Markowa do oceny podobieństwa krajów w zakresie synchronizacji wahań cyklicznych i wyrównywania się poziomów dochodu
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2018, (53), 77-96 Downloads
  4. The method of examining the properties of transition rules for bonus-malus systems using Apache Spark
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2018, (51), 95-108 Downloads


  1. Cycle and Income-Level Convergence in the EU Countries: An Identification of Turning Points Based on the Hidden Markov Models
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2017, (47), 27-42 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Predicting Hourly Internet Traffic in the RTB System – Panel Approach
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2017, (47), 11-26 Downloads
  3. The application of hidden Markov models to the analysis of real convergence
    Dynamic Econometric Models, 2017, 17, 59-80 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Econometric modeling of panel data using parallel computing with Apache Spark
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2016, (41), 189-202 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Cheater detection in Real Time Bidding system – panel approach
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2015, (39), 11-24 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Markov switching models in the analysis of business cycle synchronization
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2015, (39), 213-228 Downloads
  3. Optimisation of transition rules of bonus-malus system with Q-optimal premiums
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2015, (37), 229-252 Downloads


  1. Parallel deterministic procedure based on hidden Markov models for the analysis of economic cycles in Poland
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2014, (34), 75-87 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Nieklasyczne modele Markowa w analizie cykli koniunktury gospodarczej w Polsce
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2013, (30), 59-74 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Metoda szybkiej aktualizacji dekompozycji QR dla modeli liniowej regresji
    Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2012, (27), 55-68 Downloads
  2. Ukryte modele Markowa w analizie wyników testu koniunktury gospodarczej [Hidden Markov Models in Analysis of Results of Business Tendency Surveys]
    Prace i Materiały, 2012, 90, (3), 159-181 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-22