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Details about Anna Agnieszka Białek-Jaworska

Workplace:Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych (Faculty of Economic Sciences), Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Anna Agnieszka Białek-Jaworska.

Last updated 2024-03-08. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pbi381

Jump to Journal Articles Chapters

Working Papers


  1. Determinants of Polish Enterprises' Propensity to Lease
    Working Papers, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Downloads View citations (1)
  2. The role of bank credit in business financing in Poland
    Working Papers, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Determinanty aktywowania w bilansie nakladow na prace rozwojowe w przedsiebiorstwach prowadzacych dzialalnosc badawczo-rozwojowa
    Working Papers, Institute of Economic Research Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Do fiscal rules of local debt affect municipal off-budget activities? Analysis of various types of municipalities
    Meditari Accountancy Research, 2023, 31, (7), 156-184 Downloads
  2. IP box effects in the gaming industry
    Central European Management Journal, 2023, 31, (3), 291-325 Downloads


  1. Does the IFRS 16 affect the key ratios of listed companies? Evidence from Poland
    International Journal of Management and Economics, 2022, 58, (3), 299-315 Downloads
  2. Information Asymmetry, Capital Structure and Equity Value of Firms Listed on the WSE
    Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, 2022, 1, (17), 17-41 Downloads
  3. Revenue diversification and municipally owned companies’ role in shaping the debt of municipalities
    Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 2022, 93, (4), 931-975 Downloads


  1. Does withholding tax on interest limit international profit-shifting by FDI?
    Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2021, 16, (1), 11-44 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. A Liquidity Redistribution Effect in Intercorporate Lending: Evidence from Private Firms in Poland
    European Research Studies Journal, 2020, XXIII, (1), 151-175 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Determinants of corporate R&D expenditures: the role of taxes
    Central European Economic Journal, 2020, 7, (54), 110-126 Downloads
  3. Do local governments use municipal companies for off-balance-sheet financing?
    Central European Economic Journal, 2020, 7, (54), 242-257 Downloads


  1. Corporate bonds or bank loans? The choice of funding sources and information disclosure of Polish listed companies
    Central European Economic Journal, 2019, 6, (53), 262-285 Downloads
    Also in Central European Economic Journal, 2019, 6, (53), 262-285 (2019) Downloads
  2. R&D Expenditure and the Role of Scientists
    Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach, 2019, 24, (2), 1-16 Downloads


  1. Leasing Puzzle in Polish Small Firms Listed on the Alternative Market
    Central European Economic Journal, 2018, 5, (52), 25-39 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Motives for Financial Statement Fraud and Professional Ethics (Motywy falszowania sprawozdan finansowych a zasady etyczne)
    Research Reports, 2018, 1, (27), 79-89 Downloads
  3. Pitching Non-English Language Research: A Dual-Language Application of the Pitching Research Framework
    Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2018, 17, (2), 266-290 Downloads
  4. Provision of Loans as a Strategic Choice of an Enterprise
    Financial Internet Quarterly (formerly e-Finanse), 2018, 14, (1), 12-26 Downloads


  1. Determinants of information disclosure by companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Poland
    Global Business and Economics Review, 2017, 19, (2), 157-175 Downloads
  2. Private SME Accounting in Poland. Does Bank Lending Influence Their Accounting And Financial Reporting Practice?
    Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2017, 16, (2), 229-267 Downloads


  1. A Scientist in the Board Effect on Recognition of R&D Outcomes in Private Firms' Reports
    Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2016, 15, (4), 683-709 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Determinants of Business Model Maturity (Determinanty dojrzalosci modeli biznesowych)
    Research Reports, 2016, 1, (20), 7-23 Downloads
  3. Determinanty inwestycji finansowych przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
    Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, 2016, (3), 35-55 Downloads


  1. Determinants of The Level of Information Disclosure in Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance With IFRS
    Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 2015, 14, (3), 453-482 Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Early Warning System of the bankruptcy risk of building companies − a comparison of the discriminate analysis and the logit model
    Ekonomia journal, 2015, 43 Downloads
  3. Kiedy firmy sięgają po leasing?
    Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, 2015, (2), 113-144 Downloads View citations (2)
  4. Rola kredytu handlowego w finansowaniu przedsiębiorstw
    Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, 2015, (5), 33-64 Downloads View citations (2)
  5. Stimulating entrepreneurship by teaching accounting: concept and implementation
    World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2015, 11, (2/3), 137-155 Downloads


  1. Development of Social Building Societies in Poland
    Ekonomia journal, 2004, 13 Downloads



  1. Does Withholding Tax Reduce International Income-Shifting by FDI?


  1. Dividends of Life Insurance Companies and the Solvency Capital Requirements
    Springer View citations (1)


  1. Conceptual Framework for Lending Money Outside Business Groups: Evidence from Poland
Page updated 2025-03-23