Details about Francois GOXE
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Short-id: pgo716
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Working Papers
- Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda
Post-Print, HAL 
See also Journal Article Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda, International Business Review, Elsevier (2024) (2024)
- Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs
Post-Print, HAL View citations (4)
See also Journal Article Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs, International Business Review, Elsevier (2022) View citations (6) (2022)
- Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective
(Les facteurs de l’échec entrepreneurial des PME marocaines: une étude exploratoire)
Post-Print, HAL View citations (4)
See also Journal Article Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective, International Business Review, Elsevier (2022) View citations (7) (2022)
- Palabras de los redactores invitados
Post-Print, HAL
- Word from the Guest Editors
Post-Print, HAL
- Word from the Guest Editors: Disruptions and Changes: A Central Issue of International Management
(Palabras de los redactores invitados: Rupturas y cambios: un tema central en la gestión internacional)
Post-Print, HAL
- Be global or be gone: Global mindset as a source of division in an international business community
Post-Print, HAL
- Discours médiatique sur les activités des multinationales à l’étranger: Le cas de Danone en Chine
Post-Print, HAL
- Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
See also Journal Article Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, De Boeck Université (2017) View citations (1) (2017)
- New stakeholders’ strategy to implement CSR in SME’s
Post-Print, HAL
- CSR and SME’s strategy: New stakeholders for new forms of strategic cooperation
Post-Print, HAL
- Ce que la culture fait à l'organisation
Post-Print, HAL
- Accompagnement stratégique de la PME-ETI:cas des pratiques RSE
Post-Print, HAL
- La PME -ETI et l’intégration de la RSE:quel atout stratégique pour l’entreprise ?
Post-Print, HAL
- Accompagnement des entrepreneurs de PME à l'international
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Accompagnement des entrepreneurs de PME à l'international: natures, critiques et propositions
Post-Print, HAL
- Applications et implications d'une perspective bourdieusienne de l'entrepreneuriat international
Post-Print, HAL
- China Peril or China Mania?
Post-Print, HAL
- Developing institutional arrangements, deteriorating practices: A paradox of recent reforms to business law and administration in the PRC
Post-Print, HAL
- L'entrepreneuriat international: nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles pratiques et émergence d'un champ de recherche
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2010)
- The Paradox of Business Law and Administration Reform in the PRC: One Step forward, Two Steps back
Post-Print, HAL
- A l'Est, du Nouveau ? Évolution des pratiques managériales chinoises après 30 ans d'ouverture
Post-Print, HAL
- Del podio a la empresa: traducir el capital deportivo en capital emprendedor
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
- Du podium à l'entreprise: pour une reconversion entrepreneuriale des sportifs de haut niveau
Post-Print, HAL
- Entrepreneurs internationaux, entrepreneurs cosmopolites?: encastrement domestique et international et développement entrepreneurial d'entrepreneurs français en Chine
Post-Print, HAL
- From Bad to Worse? The Survival of Guanxi and Corruption in the Evolving Institutional and Legal Context
Post-Print, HAL
- Human Capital Factors and Social Capital Development among Western Internationalizing SMEs in China
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
- Innovation with "Chinese" characteristics ? Reflecting on the implications of an ethnic-based paradigm of innovation
Post-Print, HAL
- Management chinois en contexte international: fondements, actualisation et perspectives
Post-Print, HAL
- Social Capital as a Catalyst: Enabling Effect on Organizational Levers for Corporate Entrepreneurship
Post-Print, HAL
- The Entrepreneurial Capacities of Retiring Athlets: Personal and Social Factors Among French Champions
Post-Print, HAL
- Chineseness, Chinese management and entrepreneurship: Mobilizing ethnicity for strategic purposes
Post-Print, HAL
- Du podium à l'entreprise: traduire le capital sportif en capital entrepreneurial
Post-Print, HAL
- Individual, Group and Organizational Mechanisms in Organizational Creativity Through the Lens of Corporate Entrepreneurship
Post-Print, HAL
- Interrelation entre capital humain, capital social et internationalisation: le cas d'entrepreneurs français en Chine
Post-Print, HAL
- Intrapreneuriat y movilizacion del personal: hacia una dinamica de innovacion
Post-Print, HAL
- Mise en œuvre de la dynamique d'innovation intrapreneuriale: étude de cas dans le secteur financier
Post-Print, HAL
- Organizational creativity through corporate entrepreneurship: presentation of a new model
Post-Print, HAL
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
Post-Print, HAL
- Sinergia entre capital humano, capital social e internacionalizacion
Post-Print, HAL
- Vers un modèle multiniveaux (individuel, managérial et organisationnel) favorisant la dynamique d'innovation intrapreneuriale: le cas du secteur bancaire
Post-Print, HAL
Journal Articles
- Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda
International Business Review, 2024, 33, (4) 
See also Working Paper Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda, Post-Print (2024) (2024)
- Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs
International Business Review, 2022, 31, (1) View citations (6)
See also Working Paper Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs, Post-Print (2022) View citations (4) (2022)
- Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective
International Business Review, 2022, 31, (3) View citations (7)
See also Working Paper Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective, Post-Print (2022) View citations (4) (2022)
- Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones
Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2017, 16, (1), 19-36 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones, Post-Print (2017) View citations (1) (2017)
- Because It’s Worth It? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Diversity: The Case of L’Oréal
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