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Details about Francois GOXE

Workplace:Groupe de Recherche en Management (GRM) (Management Research Group), Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) (Graduate School of Management), Université Côte d'Azur (University of the Cote d'Azur), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Francois GOXE.

Last updated 2024-09-02. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pgo716

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Working Papers


  1. Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads
    See also Journal Article Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda, International Business Review, Elsevier (2024) Downloads (2024)


  1. Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs, International Business Review, Elsevier (2022) Downloads View citations (6) (2022)
  2. Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective
    (Les facteurs de l’échec entrepreneurial des PME marocaines: une étude exploratoire)
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (4)
    See also Journal Article Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective, International Business Review, Elsevier (2022) Downloads View citations (7) (2022)
  3. Palabras de los redactores invitados
    Post-Print, HAL
  4. Word from the Guest Editors
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Word from the Guest Editors: Disruptions and Changes: A Central Issue of International Management
    (Palabras de los redactores invitados: Rupturas y cambios: un tema central en la gestión internacional)
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Be global or be gone: Global mindset as a source of division in an international business community
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Discours médiatique sur les activités des multinationales à l’étranger: Le cas de Danone en Chine
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones
    Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, De Boeck Université (2017) Downloads View citations (1) (2017)
  2. New stakeholders’ strategy to implement CSR in SME’s
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. CSR and SME’s strategy: New stakeholders for new forms of strategic cooperation
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Ce que la culture fait à l'organisation
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Accompagnement stratégique de la PME-ETI:cas des pratiques RSE
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. La PME -ETI et l’intégration de la RSE:quel atout stratégique pour l’entreprise ?
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Accompagnement des entrepreneurs de PME à l'international
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Accompagnement des entrepreneurs de PME à l'international: natures, critiques et propositions
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. Applications et implications d'une perspective bourdieusienne de l'entrepreneuriat international
    Post-Print, HAL
  4. China Peril or China Mania?
    Post-Print, HAL
  5. Developing institutional arrangements, deteriorating practices: A paradox of recent reforms to business law and administration in the PRC
    Post-Print, HAL
  6. L'entrepreneuriat international: nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles pratiques et émergence d'un champ de recherche
    Post-Print, HAL
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2010)
  7. The Paradox of Business Law and Administration Reform in the PRC: One Step forward, Two Steps back
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. A l'Est, du Nouveau ? Évolution des pratiques managériales chinoises après 30 ans d'ouverture
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Del podio a la empresa: traducir el capital deportivo en capital emprendedor
    Post-Print, HAL
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
  3. Du podium à l'entreprise: pour une reconversion entrepreneuriale des sportifs de haut niveau
    Post-Print, HAL
  4. Entrepreneurs internationaux, entrepreneurs cosmopolites?: encastrement domestique et international et développement entrepreneurial d'entrepreneurs français en Chine
    Post-Print, HAL
  5. From Bad to Worse? The Survival of Guanxi and Corruption in the Evolving Institutional and Legal Context
    Post-Print, HAL
  6. Human Capital Factors and Social Capital Development among Western Internationalizing SMEs in China
    Post-Print, HAL
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
  7. Innovation with "Chinese" characteristics ? Reflecting on the implications of an ethnic-based paradigm of innovation
    Post-Print, HAL
  8. Management chinois en contexte international: fondements, actualisation et perspectives
    Post-Print, HAL
  9. Social Capital as a Catalyst: Enabling Effect on Organizational Levers for Corporate Entrepreneurship
    Post-Print, HAL
  10. The Entrepreneurial Capacities of Retiring Athlets: Personal and Social Factors Among French Champions
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Chineseness, Chinese management and entrepreneurship: Mobilizing ethnicity for strategic purposes
    Post-Print, HAL
  2. Du podium à l'entreprise: traduire le capital sportif en capital entrepreneurial
    Post-Print, HAL
  3. Individual, Group and Organizational Mechanisms in Organizational Creativity Through the Lens of Corporate Entrepreneurship
    Post-Print, HAL
  4. Interrelation entre capital humain, capital social et internationalisation: le cas d'entrepreneurs français en Chine
    Post-Print, HAL
  5. Intrapreneuriat y movilizacion del personal: hacia una dinamica de innovacion
    Post-Print, HAL
  6. Mise en œuvre de la dynamique d'innovation intrapreneuriale: étude de cas dans le secteur financier
    Post-Print, HAL
  7. Organizational creativity through corporate entrepreneurship: presentation of a new model
    Post-Print, HAL
    Post-Print, HAL
    Also in Post-Print, HAL (2009)
    Post-Print, HAL
  10. Sinergia entre capital humano, capital social e internacionalizacion
    Post-Print, HAL
  11. Vers un modèle multiniveaux (individuel, managérial et organisationnel) favorisant la dynamique d'innovation intrapreneuriale: le cas du secteur bancaire
    Post-Print, HAL

Journal Articles


  1. Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda
    International Business Review, 2024, 33, (4) Downloads
    See also Working Paper Internationalization through social networks: A systematic review and future research agenda, Post-Print (2024) Downloads (2024)


  1. Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs
    International Business Review, 2022, 31, (1) Downloads View citations (6)
    See also Working Paper Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs, Post-Print (2022) View citations (4) (2022)
  2. Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective
    International Business Review, 2022, 31, (3) Downloads View citations (7)
    See also Working Paper Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective, Post-Print (2022) View citations (4) (2022)


  1. Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones
    Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2017, 16, (1), 19-36 Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper Les approches critiques en entrepreneuriat: facettes et enjeux pour la communauté des chercheurs francophones, Post-Print (2017) View citations (1) (2017)



  1. Because It’s Worth It? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Diversity: The Case of L’Oréal
Page updated 2025-03-23