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Details about Ling-Yun He

Workplace:College of Economics, Jinan University, (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2024-10-09. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: phe456

Jump to Journal Articles Books

Working Papers


  1. Does China Fall into Poverty-Environment Traps? Evidence from Long-term Income Dynamics and Urban Air Pollution
    ETA: Economic Theory and Applications, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) Downloads
    Also in Working Papers, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2019) Downloads


  1. Are Chinese transport policies effective? A new perspective from direct pollution rebound effect, and empirical evidence from road transport sector
    Papers, Downloads
  2. China building energy consumption: definitions and measures from an operational perspective
    Papers, Downloads
    See also Journal Article China Building Energy Consumption: Definitions and Measures from an Operational Perspective, Energies, MDPI (2017) Downloads View citations (6) (2017)
  3. How do Chinese cities grow? A distribution dynamics approach
    Papers, Downloads
    See also Journal Article How do Chinese cities grow? A distribution dynamics approach, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier (2017) Downloads View citations (7) (2017)
  4. Population growth, interest rate, and housing tax in the transitional China
    Papers, Downloads
    See also Journal Article Population growth, interest rate, and housing tax in the transitional China, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier (2017) Downloads View citations (5) (2017)
  5. The asset price bubbles in emerging financial markets: a new statistical approach
    Papers, Downloads
  6. The demand for road transport in China: imposing theoretical regularity and flexible functional forms selection
    Papers, Downloads View citations (1)
  7. The distribution dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Emission intensity across Chinese provinces: A weighted Approach
    Papers, Downloads
    See also Journal Article The Distribution Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Intensity across Chinese Provinces: A Weighted Approach, Sustainability, MDPI (2017) Downloads View citations (1) (2017)
  8. Urban-rural gap and poverty traps in China: A prefecture level analysis
    Papers, Downloads
    See also Journal Article Urban–rural gap and poverty traps in China: A prefecture level analysis, Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (2018) Downloads View citations (7) (2018)


  1. Forecasting crude oil market volatility: can the Regime Switching GARCH model beat the single-regime GARCH models?
    Papers, Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Oil price shocks, road transport pollution emissions and residents' health losses in China
    Papers, Downloads
  3. Optimal environmental tax swaps and double dividend hypothesis
    Papers, Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Can policy achieve environmental fairness and environmental improvement? Evidence from the Xin’an River project in China
    Journal of Policy Modeling, 2024, 46, (1), 212-234 Downloads
  2. RTAs and firm energy-related carbon emissions: from the perspective of trade creation and trade diversion in intermediates import
    Applied Economics, 2024, 56, (20), 2407-2421 Downloads
  3. Trade and energy efficiency: theory and evidence
    China Agricultural Economic Review, 2024, 16, (4), 889-909 Downloads


  1. Can Transverse Eco-compensation Mechanism Correct Resource Misallocation in Watershed Environmental Governance? A Cost-benefit Analysis of the Pilot Project of Xin’an River in China
    Environmental & Resource Economics, 2023, 84, (4), 947-973 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Can importing improve the energy efficiency? Theory and evidence from Chinese industrial firms
    International Review of Economics & Finance, 2023, 83, (C), 451-469 Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Deterioration or improvement? Intermediate product import and enterprises' environmental performance
    Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2023, 65, (C), 139-150 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Does China's regional emission trading scheme lead to carbon leakage? Evidence from conglomerates
    Energy Policy, 2023, 175, (C) Downloads View citations (4)
  5. Environmental implications of political connections and state ownership: Theory and evidence from China
    Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, 44, (2), 1228-1253 Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Export Liberalization and Firm’s Energy Efficiency: Theory and Evidence
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2023, 59, (4), 977-997 Downloads View citations (1)
  7. Going Green: Evidence from Product-Level Exports and Firms’ Environmental Performance in China
    Sustainability, 2023, 15, (21), 1-19 Downloads
  8. Good for the environment? Foreign investment opening in service sector and firm's energy efficiency
    Energy Economics, 2023, 127, (PA) Downloads
  9. Impact of China Railway Express on Regional Resource Mismatch—Empirical Evidence from China
    Sustainability, 2023, 15, (11), 1-17 Downloads View citations (1)
  10. Opportunity or Challenge? Carbon Emissions Reduction under New Development Pattern of Dual Circulation
    Sustainability, 2023, 15, (3), 1-14 Downloads
  11. Study on the synergistic effect of air pollution prevention and carbon emission reduction in the context of "dual carbon": Evidence from China's transport sector
    Energy Policy, 2023, 173, (C) Downloads View citations (11)
  12. The More the Merrier? Evidence from Firm-Level Exports and Environmental Performance in China
    Environmental & Resource Economics, 2023, 84, (1), 125-172 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. Are China's trade interests overestimated? Evidence from firms’ importing behavior and pollution emissions
    China Economic Review, 2022, 71, (C) Downloads View citations (4)
  2. On the co-evolution of PM2.5 concentrations and income in China: A joint distribution dynamics approach
    Energy Economics, 2022, 105, (C) Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Robot adoption and energy performance: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms
    Energy Economics, 2022, 107, (C) Downloads View citations (34)
  4. Turnover of Local Government Officials and Local Air Quality
    China & World Economy, 2022, 30, (4), 100-121 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Air Pollution and Medical Insurance: From a Health-Based Perspective
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (23), 1-13 Downloads
  2. Can China’s “Tax-for-Fee” Reform Improve Water Performance–Evidence from Hebei Province
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (24), 1-21 Downloads
  3. Does firm's philanthropy lead to more missions: theory and evidence
    China Agricultural Economic Review, 2021, 14, (1), 122-141 Downloads
  4. Economic Benefits and Pollutants Emission Embodied in China–US Merchandise Trade—Comparative Analysis Based on Gross Trade, Value Added Trade and Value Added in Trade
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (20), 1-20 Downloads View citations (1)
  5. Environmental Courts, Environment and Employment: Evidence from China
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (11), 1-16 Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Environmental Regulation, Environmental Awareness and Environmental Governance Satisfaction
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (7), 1-17 Downloads View citations (7)
  7. How can export improve firms’ energy efficiency? The role of innovation investment
    Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2021, 59, (C), 90-97 Downloads View citations (12)
  8. Predicting Oil Prices: An Analysis of Oil Price Volatility Cycle and Financial Markets
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57, (4), 1068-1087 Downloads View citations (2)
  9. Resource Misallocation and Energy-Related Pollution
    IJERPH, 2021, 18, (10), 1-19 Downloads View citations (2)
  10. Spillover or crowding out? The effects of environmental regulation on residents’ willingness to pay for environmental protection
    Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards, 2021, 105, (1), 611-630 Downloads View citations (5)
  11. The Environmental and Health Impacts of Poverty Alleviation in China: From a Consumption-Based Perspective
    Sustainability, 2021, 13, (4), 1-15 Downloads View citations (2)
  12. The Price of Pollution? A Distance Function Approach to Valuing Multiple Pollutants in China
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57, (4), 1050-1067 Downloads
  13. Trade Imbalance, Heterogeneous Firms and Pollution Emissions: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Sector
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2021, 57, (4), 1008-1033 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. A Novel Decomposition-Ensemble Based Carbon Price Forecasting Model Integrated with Local Polynomial Prediction
    Computational Economics, 2020, 55, (4), 1249-1273 Downloads View citations (11)
  2. Consumer Demand, Pollutant Emissions and Public Health under Increasing Block Tariffs and Time-of-Use Pricing Policies for Household Electricity in China
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56, (13), 2993-3014 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Forecasting Short-Term Oil Price with a Generalised Pattern Matching Model Based on Empirical Genetic Algorithm
    Computational Economics, 2020, 55, (4), 1151-1169 Downloads View citations (2)
  4. Has Internet Finance Decreased the Profitability of Commercial Banks?: Evidence from China
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56, (13), 3015-3032 Downloads View citations (3)
  5. How Did Free Trade Reshape the Transitional China? Evidence from Heterogeneous Exporters and Firm-Level Pollution Emissions
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020, 56, (8), 1651-1676 Downloads View citations (10)
  6. How Does Internet Information Affect Oil Price Fluctuations? Evidence from the Hot Degree of Market
    Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020, 2020, 1-18 Downloads
  7. Macroeconomic Dynamics and Modelling on Chinese Economy
    Computational Economics, 2020, 55, (4), 1045-1046 Downloads
  8. Tariff Reduction and Environment: Evidence from CAFTA and Chinese Manufacturing Firms
    Sustainability, 2020, 12, (5), 1-25 Downloads View citations (2)
  9. The impact of de-globalization on China’s economic transformation: Evidence from manufacturing export
    Journal of Policy Modeling, 2020, 42, (3), 628-660 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Forecasting Oil Price Volatility in the Era of Big Data: A Text Mining for VaR Approach
    Sustainability, 2019, 11, (14), 1-20 Downloads View citations (9)
  2. Import Liberalization of Intermediates and Environment: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing
    Sustainability, 2019, 11, (9), 1-15 Downloads View citations (9)
  3. Taxation and the Environment–Health–Poverty Trap: A Policy Experiment Perspective
    China & World Economy, 2019, 27, (1), 72-92 Downloads
  4. Volatility forecasting of crude oil market: Can the regime switching GARCH model beat the single-regime GARCH models?
    International Review of Economics & Finance, 2019, 59, (C), 302-317 Downloads View citations (34)


  1. Bike Sharing and the Economy, the Environment, and Health-Related Externalities
    Sustainability, 2018, 10, (4), 1-10 Downloads View citations (38)
  2. Comparative analysis of grey detrended fluctuation analysis methods based on empirical research on China’s interest rate market
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 506, (C), 156-169 Downloads
  3. Rural energy policy in China
    China Agricultural Economic Review, 2018, 10, (2), 224-240 Downloads View citations (9)
  4. Stand by or Follow? Responsibility Diffusion Effects and Green Credit
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018, 54, (8), 1740-1760 Downloads View citations (15)
  5. Urban–rural gap and poverty traps in China: A prefecture level analysis
    Applied Economics, 2018, 50, (30), 3300-3314 Downloads View citations (7)
    See also Working Paper Urban-rural gap and poverty traps in China: A prefecture level analysis, Papers (2016) Downloads (2016)


  1. Are Chinese Green Transport Policies Effective? A New Perspective from Direct Pollution Rebound Effect, and Empirical Evidence From the Road Transport Sector
    Sustainability, 2017, 9, (3), 1-11 Downloads View citations (13)
  2. Can Green Traffic Policies Affect Air Quality? Evidence from A Difference-in-Difference Estimation in China
    Sustainability, 2017, 9, (6), 1-10 Downloads View citations (16)
  3. China Building Energy Consumption: Definitions and Measures from an Operational Perspective
    Energies, 2017, 10, (5), 1-16 Downloads View citations (6)
    See also Working Paper China building energy consumption: definitions and measures from an operational perspective, Papers (2016) Downloads (2016)
  4. How do Chinese cities grow? A distribution dynamics approach
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 470, (C), 105-118 Downloads View citations (7)
    See also Working Paper How do Chinese cities grow? A distribution dynamics approach, Papers (2016) Downloads (2016)
  5. Oil Price Uncertainty, Transport Fuel Demand and Public Health
    IJERPH, 2017, 14, (3), 1-19 Downloads View citations (1)
  6. Pollution Emissions, Environmental Policy, and Marginal Abatement Costs
    IJERPH, 2017, 14, (12), 1-16 Downloads View citations (3)
  7. Population growth, interest rate, and housing tax in the transitional China
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 469, (C), 305-312 Downloads View citations (5)
    See also Working Paper Population growth, interest rate, and housing tax in the transitional China, Papers (2016) Downloads (2016)
  8. The Distribution Dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Intensity across Chinese Provinces: A Weighted Approach
    Sustainability, 2017, 9, (1), 1-19 Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper The distribution dynamics of Carbon Dioxide Emission intensity across Chinese provinces: A weighted Approach, Papers (2016) Downloads (2016)


  1. Taxing sulphur dioxide emissions: A policy evaluation from public health perspective in China
    Energy & Environment, 2016, 27, (6-7), 755-764 Downloads View citations (7)
  2. Transport demand, harmful emissions, environment and health co-benefits in China
    Energy Policy, 2016, 97, (C), 267-275 Downloads View citations (30)
  3. Transport pollution in China – Evidence from Beijing
    Energy & Environment, 2016, 27, (3-4), 377-388 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. Housing demand or money supply? A new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model on China’s housing market fluctuations
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 432, (C), 257-268 Downloads View citations (11)
  2. Mean spillover effect between crude oil and gasoline markets: an empirical result
    International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2015, 38, (1/2/3), 49-68 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Contemporaneous and Asymmetric Properties in the Price-Volume Relationships in China's Agricultural Futures Markets
    Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2014, 50, (S1), 148-166 Downloads View citations (11)
    Also in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2014, 50, (1S), 148-166 (2014) Downloads View citations (11)
  2. Detrended cross-correlation analysis approach for assessing asymmetric multifractal detrended cross-correlations and their application to the Chinese financial market
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 393, (C), 460-469 Downloads View citations (43)
  3. Detrended minimum-variance hedge ratio: A new method for hedge ratio at different time scales
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 405, (C), 70-79 Downloads View citations (19)
  4. Welfare loss of China's air pollution: How to make personal vehicle transportation policy
    China Economic Review, 2014, 31, (C), 106-118 Downloads View citations (41)


  1. Bubble Formation and Heterogeneity of Traders: A Multi-Agent Perspective
    Computational Economics, 2013, 42, (3), 267-289 Downloads View citations (8)
  2. Deregulation or Governmental Intervention? A Counterfactual Perspective on China's Electricity Market Reform
    China & World Economy, 2013, 21, (4), 101-120 Downloads View citations (13)
  3. Thou shalt drive electric and hybrid vehicles: Scenario analysis on energy saving and emission mitigation for road transportation sector in China
    Transport Policy, 2013, 25, (C), 30-40 Downloads View citations (47)


  1. A Monte Carlo simulation to the performance of the R/S and V/S methods—Statistical revisit and real world application
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012, 391, (14), 3770-3782 Downloads View citations (14)
  2. Impacts of the US Farm Bill 2008 on China's agricultural production and rural poverty
    EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, 2012, 58, (4), 157-164 Downloads
    Also in Agricultural Economics, 2012, 58, (4), 157-164 (2012) Downloads
  3. Who has the final say?
    China Agricultural Economic Review, 2012, 4, (3), 379-390 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. A new approach to quantify power-law cross-correlation and its application to commodity markets
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2011, 390, (21), 3806-3814 Downloads View citations (82)
  2. Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis of agricultural futures markets
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2011, 44, (6), 355-361 Downloads View citations (107)
  3. Nonlinear bivariate dependency of price–volume relationships in agricultural commodity futures markets: A perspective from Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2011, 390, (2), 297-308 Downloads View citations (75)


  1. Are crude oil markets multifractal? Evidence from MF-DFA and MF-SSA perspectives
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389, (16), 3218-3229 Downloads View citations (50)
  2. Are developed and emerging agricultural futures markets multifractal? A comparative perspective
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389, (18), 3828-3836 Downloads View citations (23)
  3. Is Price Behavior Scaling and Multiscaling in a Dealer Market? Perspectives from Multi-Agent Based Experiments
    Computational Economics, 2010, 36, (3), 263-282 Downloads View citations (4)
  4. Multifractal spectrum analysis of nonlinear dynamical mechanisms in China’s agricultural futures markets
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389, (7), 1434-1444 Downloads View citations (30)


  1. Impact of speculator's expectations of returns and time scales of investment on crude oil price behaviors
    Energy Economics, 2009, 31, (1), 77-84 Downloads View citations (28)


  1. The empirical analysis for fractal features and long-run memory mechanism in petroleum pricing systems
    International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2007, 27, (4), 492-502 Downloads View citations (17)



  1. Multifractal Detrended Analysis Method and Its Application in Financial Markets
    Springer Books, Springer View citations (8)
Page updated 2024-11-30