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Details about Dennis Heffley

Postal address:Department of Economics, U-1063 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-1063
Workplace:Department of Economics, University of Connecticut, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Dennis Heffley.

Last updated 2021-03-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: phe46

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Revisiting the Product Life Cycle
    Working papers, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics Downloads


  1. Regional Integration and Industrial Location in a Landlocked Spatial Economy
    Working papers, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics Downloads View citations (1)


  1. The Economics of Incentive-Based Health Care Plans
    Working papers, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Reforming health care: a case for stay well health insurance
    Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank Downloads


  1. Pricing in and Urban Spatial Monopoly: Some Welfare Implications for Policies Which Alter Transport Rates
    Working Paper, Economics Department, Queen's University

Journal Articles


  1. On the Move
    The Connecticut Economy, 2014, (Winter) Downloads


  1. Crime, Public Safety, and Education
    The Connecticut Economy, 2013, (Summer) Downloads
  2. Employment Effects of Research Universities
    The Connecticut Economy, 2013, (Fall) Downloads
  3. Government Employment: Boondoggle, Necessary Evil, or Essential?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2013, (Winter) Downloads
  4. Setting the Record Straight on Property Taxes
    The Connecticut Economy, 2013, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Can Economic Equality Add Years to Your Life?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2012, (Spring) Downloads
  2. Healthy Spending
    The Connecticut Economy, 2012, (Fall) Downloads
  3. The Road Ahead for Connecticut Public Schools
    The Connecticut Economy, 2012, (Summer) Downloads


  1. Brownfields and Home Prices
    The Connecticut Economy, 2011, (Winter) Downloads
  2. Connecticut Teachers: Overpaid or Just Making the Rent?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2011, (Spring) Downloads
  3. Looking Back on Some Key Connecticut Markets
    The Connecticut Economy, 2011, (Summer) Downloads
  4. Wage Competition in Higher Ed
    The Connecticut Economy, 2011, (Fall) Downloads


  1. Getting More From Less
    The Connecticut Economy, 2010, (Winter) Downloads
  2. High Wages, Low Costs: A Connecticut Paradox?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2010, (Fall) Downloads
  3. Public Goals, Property Values, and Regional Cooperation
    The Connecticut Economy, 2010, (Spring) Downloads
  4. Should We Top Up the Winemaker’s Cup?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2010, (Summer) Downloads


  1. Finding the Right Mix: Tax Mix Trade-offs Across States
    The Connecticut Economy, 2009, (Fall) Downloads
  2. Foreclosures and Falling Home Prices
    The Connecticut Economy, 2009, (Winter) Downloads
  3. Sizing-Up Connecticut’s Public Sector
    The Connecticut Economy, 2009, (Summer) Downloads
  4. The Private Value of Public Policies
    The Connecticut Economy, 2009, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Got Game? State's Fiscal Jackpot has Neighbors Seeing Green
    The Connecticut Economy, 2008, (Winter) Downloads
  2. Property Tax Reform: New Wheels for an Old Pumpkin?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2008, (Fall) Downloads
  3. State Health Care Reforms: Lighting the Way or Stoking the Fire?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2008, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Oh, Give Me a Home...Where Schools are Good, Taxes are Low, and Property's Cheap
    The Connecticut Economy, 2007, (Fall) Downloads
  2. Packing In the Poor: Poverty New England Style
    The Connecticut Economy, 2007, (Spring) Downloads
  3. The Painful Burden of Health Care Costs
    The Connecticut Economy, 2007, (Winter) Downloads
  4. What Do CAPT Scores Really Tell Us?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2007, (Summer) Downloads


  1. Connecticut's Shell Game: A Tortoise With Attitude?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2006, (Summer) Downloads
  2. Land with a View: How Nutmeggers Look at Open Space
    The Connecticut Economy, 2006, (Winter) Downloads
  3. Slicing the Political Cake
    The Connecticut Economy, 2006, (Fall) Downloads
  4. Think Before We Build: Transportation and The Economy
    The Connecticut Economy, 2006, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Investing in Education: Connecticut's Portfolio
    The Connecticut Economy, 2005, (Spring) Downloads
  2. Local Budgets: An Uneven Squeeze
    The Connecticut Economy, 2005, (Summer) Downloads
  3. Subs and Pubs: Public Inputs to the Private Economy
    The Connecticut Economy, 2005, (Fall) Downloads


  1. CSI Connecticut
    The Connecticut Economy, 2004, (Winter) Downloads
  2. Look at the Bright Side: Connecticut's Less "Miserable" Than Most
    The Connecticut Economy, 2004, (Fall) Downloads
  3. Mismanaged Care?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2004, (Fall) Downloads
  4. Taking Apart Taking Part: Local Labor Force Participation Rates
    The Connecticut Economy, 2004, (Spring) Downloads
  5. Zoning: Can a Barrier to Entry Open a Road to Educational Gains?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2004, (Summer) Downloads


  1. Business Location: Two Sides of the Coin
    The Connecticut Economy, 2003, (Summer) Downloads
  2. Health Care Spending, Connecticut Style
    The Connecticut Economy, 2003, (Winter) Downloads
  3. Interstate Differences in Residential Electricity Use
    The Connecticut Economy, 2003, (Fall) Downloads
  4. The 1990s: When Yachts Rose Faster Than Dinghies
    The Connecticut Economy, 2003, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Can We Reduce Inequality Without Hurting Economic Performance?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2002, (Winter) Downloads
    Contemporary Economic Policy, 2002, 20, (4), 429-439 Downloads View citations (3)
  3. My Big Fat State Government?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2002, (Fall) Downloads
  4. Quality-of-Life, Affordable Housing: Take Your Pick
    The Connecticut Economy, 2002, (Summer) Downloads
  5. Tracking Educational Performance
    The Connecticut Economy, 2002, (Spring) Downloads


  1. Costly Homes, Crowded Roads...Welcome to Southwest Connecticut
    The Connecticut Economy, 2001, (Summer) Downloads
  2. Eastern Connecticut Hops Up Development Efforts
    The Connecticut Economy, 2001, (Winter) Downloads
  3. Painful Reminders of What Really Matters
    The Connecticut Economy, 2001, (Fall) Downloads


  1. A Small State With Big Gaps...Are They Getting Even Bigger?
    The Connecticut Economy, 2000, (Spring) Downloads
  2. Falling Bridges, Rising Prices, and the Connecticut Motor Fuel Tax
    The Connecticut Economy, 2000, (Summer) Downloads
  3. Productivity Growth Drives Connecticut's New Economy
    The Connecticut Economy, 2000, (Winter) Downloads


  1. Landlords, tenants and the public sector in a spatial equilibrium model of rent control
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1998, 28, (6), 745-772 Downloads View citations (12)


  1. Zoning and Fiscal Interdependencies
    The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1996, 12, (2), 221-34 View citations (12)


  1. Are For-Profit Nursing Homes More Efficient? Data Envelopment Analysis with a Case-Mix Constraint
    Eastern Economic Journal, 1994, 20, (2), 171-186 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Dental care utilization over time
    Social Science & Medicine, 1993, 37, (12), 1461-1472 Downloads View citations (1)
    Papers in Regional Science, 1993, 72, (1), 87-100 Downloads
  3. Tariff effects in a spatial oligopoly with land markets and mobile consumers
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1993, 23, (5), 629-643 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Market syndicalism and market imbalances
    Journal of Comparative Economics, 1992, 16, (4), 670-687 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Allocating health expenditures to treatment and prevention
    Journal of Health Economics, 1982, 1, (3), 265-290 Downloads View citations (7)
  2. Spatial-equilibrium analysis of transferable development rights
    Journal of Urban Economics, 1982, 12, (2), 238-261 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Flexible Zoning and the Demand for Development Rights
    Environment and Planning A, 1981, 13, (3), 273-284 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Decomposition of the Koopmans-Beckmann Problem
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1980, 10, (4), 571-580 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Efficient spatial allocation in the quadratic assignment problem
    Journal of Urban Economics, 1976, 3, (4), 309-322 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. The Quadratic Assignment Problem: A Note
    Econometrica, 1972, 40, (6), 1155-63 Downloads View citations (3)
Page updated 2024-12-04