Details about Victor Isidro Luna
Access statistics for papers by Victor Isidro Luna.
Last updated 2025-03-16. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pis258
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Development banking, state of confidence and sustainable growth
Working Papers, Post Keynesian Economics Society (PKES)
Journal Articles
- Book review: Domenica Tropeano, Financial Regulation in the European Union after the Crisis. A Minskian Approach (Routledge, New York, NY, USA 2018) 173 pp
Review of Keynesian Economics, 2023, 11, (1), 109-111
- Capitalismo. Competencia, conflicto y crisis, de Anwar Shaikh
El Trimestre Económico, 2023, 90 (2), (358), 597-605
- World inequality, Latin America catching up, and the asymmetries in power
Japanese Economy, 2022, 48, (1), 27-48 View citations (1)
- The Moral Economists, R.H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson, and the Critique of Capitalism
History of Economics Review, 2021, 78, (1), 74-76
- Book review: Ann E. Davis, Money as a Social Institution: The Institutional Development of Capitalism (Routledge, New York, NY, USA 2017) 208 pp
Review of Keynesian Economics, 2020, 8, (1), 138-141
- The BRICS’s Bank, Institutional Framework, and Other Current Limitations
Journal of Economic Issues, 2020, 54, (1), 198-213
- Convergence, capital accumulation, and the world-system analysis
eseconomía, 2019, 14, (51), 7-28
- Déficit Comercial como determinante de la tasa de interés y de los movimientos de capitales en México de 1950 a 2014. Un enfoque heterodoxo
Revista de Economia Critica, 2017, 24, 7-19
- ¿Hacia dónde va el Banco del Sur? Revisando la experiencia del bndes en Brasil
eseconomía, 2014, IX, (40), 65-92
- Pobreza en el capitalismo ¿Por qué persiste en la actualidad?
Revista Ecos de Economía, 2013
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