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Details about Kamil Janáček

Workplace:Česká Národní Banka (Czech National Bank), (more information at EDIRC)
Vysoká Škola Ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics Prague), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Kamil Janáček.

Last updated 2012-11-17. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pja343

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Working Papers


  1. Česká ekonomika a EMU
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads


  1. L'économie tchèque et l'union monétaire européenne
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads


  1. La transformation de l’économie tchèque et la situation sur le marché du travail: des tendances contradictoires
    Post-Print, HAL Downloads


  1. Inflation in Czechoslovakia, 1985-91
    Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Réforme et transition économique en Tchécoslovaquie
    Post-Print, HAL


  1. Stock Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy
    Ace Project Memoranda, Department of Economics, University of Leicester View citations (1)
    See also Journal Article Stock-Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy, Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (1997) Downloads View citations (1) (1997)

Journal Articles


  1. Komplexní publikace o makroekonomické analýze
    (A Comprehensive Book on the Macroeconomic Analysis)
    Politická ekonomie, 2013, 2013, (5), 705-707 Downloads


  1. Bude americký dolar nadále dominantní světovou rezervní měnou?
    (Will Us Dollar Continue as the World Most Important Reserve Currency?)
    Politická ekonomie, 2012, 2012, (1), 3-19 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Czech Economy: First Year after the EU Entry
    Prague Economic Papers, 2005, 2005, (3), 195-220 Downloads
  2. Česká ekonomika: rok po vstupu do EU
    (Czech economy: first year after the EU entry)
    Politická ekonomie, 2005, 2005, (5), 579-600 Downloads


  1. Czech Economy at the Time of EU Entry
    Prague Economic Papers, 2004, 2004, (3), 195-216 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Evropská měnová unie a rizika pro reálnou konvergenci
    (European monetary union and risks for real convergence)
    Politická ekonomie, 2004, 2004, (4), 433-447 Downloads View citations (2)
  3. Perspektivy české ekonomiky po vstupu do Evropské unie
    (Perspectives of czech economy after entry to the European union)
    Politická ekonomie, 2004, 2004, (5), 579-600 Downloads


  1. Czech economy in 2002: record-low inflation
    Prague Economic Papers, 2003, 2003, (2), 99-120 Downloads
  2. Rok 2002: desinflace v české ekonomice
    (Year 2002: disinflation in czech economy)
    Politická ekonomie, 2003, 2003, (3), 331-350 Downloads


  1. Co zbylo z nové ekonomiky?
    (What is left of the new economy?)
    Politická ekonomie, 2002, 2002, (2) Downloads
  2. Czech economy at the beginning of 2002: uncertain prospects
    Prague Economic Papers, 2002, 2002, (2), 99-120 Downloads
  3. Rok 2002: zpomalí česká ekonomika?
    (The year 2002 in the czech economy: a slowdown?)
    Politická ekonomie, 2002, 2002, (3) Downloads


  1. Czech economy in 2001: catching up again?
    Prague Economic Papers, 2001, 2001, (2) Downloads
  2. Česká ekonomika 2001: akcelerace růstu
    (Czech economy in 2001: acceleration of growth)
    Politická ekonomie, 2001, 2001, (3) Downloads


  1. Czech economy on a way back to growth
    Prague Economic Papers, 2000, 2000, (2) Downloads
  2. Česká ekonomika v roce 2000: obrat v tempu růstu
    (Czech economy in 2000: a turn toward growth)
    Politická ekonomie, 2000, 2000, (3) Downloads


  1. Czech economy in 1999: struggling for revival
    Prague Economic Papers, 1999, 1999, (2) Downloads
  2. Podivné chování spotřeby v průběhu transformace
    (Strange behaviour of consumption during the transformation)
    Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (5) Downloads
  3. Česká ekonomika v r. 1999: nesnadná cesta k oživení
    (How to revive the czech economy in 1999)
    Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (2) Downloads


  1. Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges
    Prague Economic Papers, 1998, 1998, (2) Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Česká ekonomika v roce 1998: možnosti a rizika
    (Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges)
    Politická ekonomie, 1998, 1998, (3) Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Czech economy at the beginning of 1997
    Prague Economic Papers, 1997, 1997, (2) Downloads
  2. Stock-Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy
    Eastern European Economics, 1997, 35, (3), 6-34 Downloads View citations (1)
    See also Working Paper Stock Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy, Ace Project Memoranda View citations (1)


  1. Czech economy at the start of 1996
    Prague Economic Papers, 1996, 1996, (2) Downloads
  2. Inflation in the czech republic in the mid-nineties (a comparison of alternative explanations)
    Prague Economic Papers, 1996, 1996, (4) Downloads


  1. Inflation in the Czech and Slovak Republics, 1985-1991
    Journal of Comparative Economics, 1994, 18, (2), 146-174 Downloads
  2. Unemployment and the Labor Market in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990-1992
    Eastern European Economics, 1994, 32, (4), 55-70 Downloads


  1. Technologická mezera a proces dohánìní: pouèení pro Èeskoslovensko (Technological Gaps and the Catch-up Process - Lessons for Czechoslovakia)
    Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), 1991, 41, (6), 240-248 Downloads



  1. Impacts Of The Sovereign Default Crisis On The Czech Financial Sector
    Chapter Thematic Article 3 in CNB Financial Stability Report 2011/2012, 2012, pp 118-128 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-31