Details about Kamil Janáček
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Short-id: pja343
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Working Papers
- Česká ekonomika a EMU
Post-Print, HAL
- L'économie tchèque et l'union monétaire européenne
Post-Print, HAL
- La transformation de l’économie tchèque et la situation sur le marché du travail: des tendances contradictoires
Post-Print, HAL
- Inflation in Czechoslovakia, 1985-91
Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank View citations (1)
- Réforme et transition économique en Tchécoslovaquie
Post-Print, HAL
- Stock Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy
Ace Project Memoranda, Department of Economics, University of Leicester View citations (1)
See also Journal Article Stock-Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy, Eastern European Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals (1997) View citations (1) (1997)
Journal Articles
- Komplexní publikace o makroekonomické analýze
(A Comprehensive Book on the Macroeconomic Analysis)
Politická ekonomie, 2013, 2013, (5), 705-707
- Bude americký dolar nadále dominantní světovou rezervní měnou?
(Will Us Dollar Continue as the World Most Important Reserve Currency?)
Politická ekonomie, 2012, 2012, (1), 3-19 View citations (3)
- Czech Economy: First Year after the EU Entry
Prague Economic Papers, 2005, 2005, (3), 195-220
- Česká ekonomika: rok po vstupu do EU
(Czech economy: first year after the EU entry)
Politická ekonomie, 2005, 2005, (5), 579-600
- Czech Economy at the Time of EU Entry
Prague Economic Papers, 2004, 2004, (3), 195-216 View citations (1)
- Evropská měnová unie a rizika pro reálnou konvergenci
(European monetary union and risks for real convergence)
Politická ekonomie, 2004, 2004, (4), 433-447 View citations (2)
- Perspektivy české ekonomiky po vstupu do Evropské unie
(Perspectives of czech economy after entry to the European union)
Politická ekonomie, 2004, 2004, (5), 579-600
- Czech economy in 2002: record-low inflation
Prague Economic Papers, 2003, 2003, (2), 99-120
- Rok 2002: desinflace v české ekonomice
(Year 2002: disinflation in czech economy)
Politická ekonomie, 2003, 2003, (3), 331-350
- Co zbylo z nové ekonomiky?
(What is left of the new economy?)
Politická ekonomie, 2002, 2002, (2)
- Czech economy at the beginning of 2002: uncertain prospects
Prague Economic Papers, 2002, 2002, (2), 99-120
- Rok 2002: zpomalí česká ekonomika?
(The year 2002 in the czech economy: a slowdown?)
Politická ekonomie, 2002, 2002, (3)
- Czech economy in 2001: catching up again?
Prague Economic Papers, 2001, 2001, (2)
- Česká ekonomika 2001: akcelerace růstu
(Czech economy in 2001: acceleration of growth)
Politická ekonomie, 2001, 2001, (3)
- Czech economy on a way back to growth
Prague Economic Papers, 2000, 2000, (2)
- Česká ekonomika v roce 2000: obrat v tempu růstu
(Czech economy in 2000: a turn toward growth)
Politická ekonomie, 2000, 2000, (3)
- Czech economy in 1999: struggling for revival
Prague Economic Papers, 1999, 1999, (2)
- Podivné chování spotřeby v průběhu transformace
(Strange behaviour of consumption during the transformation)
Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (5)
- Česká ekonomika v r. 1999: nesnadná cesta k oživení
(How to revive the czech economy in 1999)
Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (2)
- Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges
Prague Economic Papers, 1998, 1998, (2) View citations (1)
- Česká ekonomika v roce 1998: možnosti a rizika
(Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges)
Politická ekonomie, 1998, 1998, (3) View citations (1)
- Czech economy at the beginning of 1997
Prague Economic Papers, 1997, 1997, (2)
- Stock-Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy
Eastern European Economics, 1997, 35, (3), 6-34 View citations (1)
See also Working Paper Stock Market Volatility and Real Processes in the Czech Economy, Ace Project Memoranda View citations (1)
- Czech economy at the start of 1996
Prague Economic Papers, 1996, 1996, (2)
- Inflation in the czech republic in the mid-nineties (a comparison of alternative explanations)
Prague Economic Papers, 1996, 1996, (4)
- Inflation in the Czech and Slovak Republics, 1985-1991
Journal of Comparative Economics, 1994, 18, (2), 146-174
- Unemployment and the Labor Market in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990-1992
Eastern European Economics, 1994, 32, (4), 55-70
- Technologická mezera a proces dohánìní: pouèení pro Èeskoslovensko (Technological Gaps and the Catch-up Process - Lessons for Czechoslovakia)
Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver), 1991, 41, (6), 240-248
- Impacts Of The Sovereign Default Crisis On The Czech Financial Sector
Chapter Thematic Article 3 in CNB Financial Stability Report 2011/2012, 2012, pp 118-128
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