Details about Mikołaj Klimczak
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Last updated 2020-07-11. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pkl129
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- First modern institutions of competition regulation – law and economics or law versus economics?
Ekonomia i Prawo, 2014, 13, (3), 431-448
- Regulation of vertical integration of enterprises – between economic theory and the practice of law
Ekonomia i Prawo, 2012, 8, (1), 107-118
- Labour As Factor of Production – the Concept of Labour and Its Significance in Economics
Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia, 2011, 42, 151-160
- The system of higher education in Poland during the transition
Ekonomia i Prawo, 2009, 5, (1), 233-248