Details about Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei
Access statistics for papers by Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei.
Last updated 2023-10-20. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pko851
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Journal Articles
- Employee Volunteerism—Conceptual Study and the Current Situation
Sustainability, 2020, 12, (20), 1-35 View citations (4)
- Relations between risk attitudes, culture and the endowment effect
Engineering Management in Production and Services, 2018, 10, (4), 7-20 View citations (1)
- How Can Creative Workplaces Meet Creative Employees?
Central European Business Review, 2017, 2017, (4), 3-19 View citations (2)
- The Indifferent, the Good Samaritan, the Brave and the Agent in Allais Paradox situation – or How Endowment Effect Influences Our Decision in Case of Allais Paradox?
Organizacija, 2017, 50, (4), 299-313
- How do leadership styles influence the creativity of employees?
Society and Economy, 2016, 38, (1), 103-118 View citations (1)
- Versengő és kooperatív magatartás az átalakuló gazdaságban
(Competitive and cooperative attitudes in a transforming economy)
Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2007, LIV, (6), 579-601 View citations (3)
- A magyar és a belga hallgatók kockázatról alkotott fogalmának összehasonlítása
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
- How would You Decide on behalf of Your Friend?
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management View citations (2)
- GenYus – Y generáció az Y generáció szemével
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management View citations (3)
- Which Aspects are able to Influence the Decision in Case of the Bids for the Olympic Games 2024?
A chapter in Proceedings of FIKUSZ '16, 2016, pp 19-30
- Innovatív ötlet: források és feltételek
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
- Kreativitásra vezet õ?
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
- Figyelem! Gazdaságtan
A chapter in 7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking MEB 2009-Proceedings, 2009, pp 293-304
- A verseny és a kreati-vitás kapcsolata
A chapter in 6th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking MEB 2008-Proceedings, 2008, pp 295-309
- A versengés és az együttmûködés megjelenése a magyar gazdaságban
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
- Felmérés a mûszaki menedzser diplomával rendelkezõk pályakezdési, elhelyezkedési lehetõségeirõl
Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management
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