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Details about Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei

Workplace:Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar (Károly Keleti Faculty of Business and Management), Óbudai Egyetem (Obuda University), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei.

Last updated 2023-10-20. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pko851

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Journal Articles


  1. Employee Volunteerism—Conceptual Study and the Current Situation
    Sustainability, 2020, 12, (20), 1-35 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Relations between risk attitudes, culture and the endowment effect
    Engineering Management in Production and Services, 2018, 10, (4), 7-20 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. How Can Creative Workplaces Meet Creative Employees?
    Central European Business Review, 2017, 2017, (4), 3-19 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. The Indifferent, the Good Samaritan, the Brave and the Agent in Allais Paradox situation – or How Endowment Effect Influences Our Decision in Case of Allais Paradox?
    Organizacija, 2017, 50, (4), 299-313 Downloads


  1. How do leadership styles influence the creativity of employees?
    Society and Economy, 2016, 38, (1), 103-118 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Versengő és kooperatív magatartás az átalakuló gazdaságban
    (Competitive and cooperative attitudes in a transforming economy)
    Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2007, LIV, (6), 579-601 Downloads View citations (3)



  1. A magyar és a belga hallgatók kockázatról alkotott fogalmának összehasonlítása
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads
  2. How would You Decide on behalf of Your Friend?
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads View citations (2)


  1. GenYus – Y generáció az Y generáció szemével
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads View citations (3)
  2. Which Aspects are able to Influence the Decision in Case of the Bids for the Olympic Games 2024?
    A chapter in Proceedings of FIKUSZ '16, 2016, pp 19-30 Downloads


  1. Innovatív ötlet: források és feltételek
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads


  1. Kreativitásra vezet õ?
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads


  1. Figyelem! Gazdaságtan
    A chapter in 7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking MEB 2009-Proceedings, 2009, pp 293-304 Downloads


  1. A verseny és a kreati-vitás kapcsolata
    A chapter in 6th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking MEB 2008-Proceedings, 2008, pp 295-309 Downloads


  1. A versengés és az együttmûködés megjelenése a magyar gazdaságban
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads


  1. Felmérés a mûszaki menedzser diplomával rendelkezõk pályakezdési, elhelyezkedési lehetõségeirõl
    Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Business and Management Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-22