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Details about Sungil Kwak

Workplace:Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Sungil Kwak.

Last updated 2023-03-16. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pkw21

Jump to Journal Articles

Working Papers


  1. Exploring convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea’s Perspective
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. 아시아-태평양 지역의 디지털화와 한국의 협력방안 (Digitalization in Asia-Pacific Region and Policy Implications for Korea)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. 인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향 (Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. Korea's Readiness for the ASEAN Economic Community
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. 한ㆍ아세안 기업간 지역생산네트워크 구축전략 (Study on Strategies for Building Regional Production Networks in the ASEAN Region)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. Localization Strategies in Response to Recent Changes in the Southeast Asian Labor Market Environment
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. 아세안 경제통합과 역내 무역투자 구조의 변화 분석 및 시사점 (ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implications)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. Environmental ODA to Africa: Policies, Determinants and Implications
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  3. 동남아 주요국 노동시장의 환경 변화와 우리나라의 대응전략 (Study on Recent Change in Labor Market Environment in Southeast Asia and Kora's Strategies)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. Analysis on Africa's Development Needs and Korea's Sectorial Plan for ODA
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. Korea's Cooperation Schemes to Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ethiopia
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  3. MENA 지역의 보건의료산업 동향 및 국내 산업과의 연계방안 (The Healthcare Industry in the MENA Region and Its Policy Implications for Korean Companies)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  4. Trends in the African Construction/Plant Building Market and Implications for Korea
    World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  5. 국제행사타당성조사 일반지침 수립을 위한 방법론 연구 (Methods for Evaluating International Expositions in Korea)
    Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  6. 금융포용과 마이크로파이낸스: ODA 지원사례 및 빈곤감소 효과분석을 중심으로 (Microfinance and Financial Inclusion: Focusing on the Analysis of ODA Support Cases and Poverty Reduction Effects)
    Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  7. 주요국의 대아프리카 환경 ODA 공여정책과 결정요인 분석 및 시사점 (Environmental ODA to Africa: Policies, Determinants and Implications)
    Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. 아프리카 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 ODA 추진방안 (Analysis on Africa's Development Needs and Korea's Sectorial Plan for ODA)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. 아프리카 건설·플랜트 시장특성 분석 및 한국의 진출방안 (Trends in the African Construction and Plant Building Market and Its Implication for Korea)
    Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads


  1. Regional Difference and Counterfactual Decomposition of Pro-Poor Growth: An Application to Rural Ethiopia
    Working Papers, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy Downloads
  2. The Impact of Taxes on Charitable Giving: Empirical Evidence from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study
    MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data
    Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 49, (7), 955-975 Downloads View citations (16)
Page updated 2025-03-23