Details about Sungil Kwak
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Short-id: pkw21
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Working Papers
- Exploring convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea’s Perspective
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 아시아-태평양 지역의 디지털화와 한국의 협력방안 (Digitalization in Asia-Pacific Region and Policy Implications for Korea)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향 (Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Korea's Readiness for the ASEAN Economic Community
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 한ㆍ아세안 기업간 지역생산네트워크 구축전략 (Study on Strategies for Building Regional Production Networks in the ASEAN Region)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Localization Strategies in Response to Recent Changes in the Southeast Asian Labor Market Environment
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 아세안 경제통합과 역내 무역투자 구조의 변화 분석 및 시사점 (ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implications)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Environmental ODA to Africa: Policies, Determinants and Implications
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 동남아 주요국 노동시장의 환경 변화와 우리나라의 대응전략 (Study on Recent Change in Labor Market Environment in Southeast Asia and Kora's Strategies)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Analysis on Africa's Development Needs and Korea's Sectorial Plan for ODA
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Korea's Cooperation Schemes to Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ethiopia
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- MENA 지역의 보건의료산업 동향 및 국내 산업과의 연계방안 (The Healthcare Industry in the MENA Region and Its Policy Implications for Korean Companies)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Trends in the African Construction/Plant Building Market and Implications for Korea
World Economy Brief, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 국제행사타당성조사 일반지침 수립을 위한 방법론 연구 (Methods for Evaluating International Expositions in Korea)
Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 금융포용과 마이크로파이낸스: ODA 지원사례 및 빈곤감소 효과분석을 중심으로 (Microfinance and Financial Inclusion: Focusing on the Analysis of ODA Support Cases and Poverty Reduction Effects)
Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 주요국의 대아프리카 환경 ODA 공여정책과 결정요인 분석 및 시사점 (Environmental ODA to Africa: Policies, Determinants and Implications)
Policy Reference, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 아프리카 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 ODA 추진방안 (Analysis on Africa's Development Needs and Korea's Sectorial Plan for ODA)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- 아프리카 건설·플랜트 시장특성 분석 및 한국의 진출방안 (Trends in the African Construction and Plant Building Market and Its Implication for Korea)
Policy Analyses, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Regional Difference and Counterfactual Decomposition of Pro-Poor Growth: An Application to Rural Ethiopia
Working Papers, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- The Impact of Taxes on Charitable Giving: Empirical Evidence from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
Journal Articles
- Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data
Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 49, (7), 955-975 View citations (16)
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