Details about Cristian Mardones
Access statistics for papers by Cristian Mardones.
Last updated 2024-11-03. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pma601
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Journal Articles
- Cost-effective options to reduce emissions from residential firewood heating in south-central Chile
Energy, 2024, 308, (C)
- Estimation of green mining GDP for 40 countries
Natural Resources Forum, 2024, 48, (3), 715-742
- Evaluation of a carbon tax in Costa Rica linking a demand system focused on energy goods and an input-output model
Applied Energy, 2024, 363, (C)
- Improving the design of cash transfers to reduce the regressive effects of a carbon tax in Latin American countries - a look at territorial heterogeneity
Applied Economics, 2024, 56, (57), 7777-7788
- Improving the estimation of the distributional impacts of carbon pricing and targeted transfers to reduce its regressivity in Latin American countries
Ecological Economics, 2024, 225, (C)
- Measuring the efficiency gains of merging carbon markets – A microsimulation for thermoelectric and industrial sources
Energy, 2024, 290, (C)
- Economic and environmental effects of financing subsidies for non-conventional renewable energies with a carbon tax – A comparison of intersectoral models
Renewable Energy, 2023, 217, (C)
- Economic effects of isolating Russia from international trade due to its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine
European Planning Studies, 2023, 31, (4), 663-678 View citations (4)
- Estimating production functions to determine the marginal economic value and price elasticity of water in the Chilean industrial sector
Utilities Policy, 2023, 85, (C)
- Evaluation of Non-survey Methods for the Construction of Regional Input–Output Matrices When There is Partial Historical Information
Computational Economics, 2023, 61, (3), 1173-1205
- Ex post evaluation of voluntary environmental policies on the energy intensity in Chilean firms
Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2023, 25, (9), 9111-9136
- Public funding effects on inputs and outputs from the innovative process in Chilean firms
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2022, 31, (5), 416-445
- Analysis on complementarity between a CO2 tax and an emissions trading system to reduce industrial emissions in Chile
Energy & Environment, 2021, 32, (5), 820-833 View citations (2)
- Are the emissions trading systems’ simulations generated with a computable general equilibrium model sensitive to the nested production structure?
Applied Energy, 2021, 298, (C) View citations (6)
- Constructing a SAMEA to analyze energy and environmental policies in Chile
Economic Systems Research, 2021, 33, (4), 576-602 View citations (1)
- Estimation of regional input coefficients and output multipliers for the regions of Chile
Papers in Regional Science, 2021, 100, (4), 875-889 View citations (2)
- Ex-post evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of a heater replacement program implemented in southern Chile
Energy, 2021, 227, (C) View citations (2)
- Macroeconomic, intersectoral, and environmental effects of R&D subsidies in Chile: An input-output approach
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 173, (C) View citations (2)
- A carbon tax on agriculture? A CGE analysis for Chile
Economic Systems Research, 2020, 32, (2), 262-277 View citations (5)
- Effectiveness of CO2 taxes on thermoelectric power plants and industrial plants
Energy, 2020, 206, (C) View citations (5)
- Effects of the internalization of the social cost of global and local air pollutants in Chile
Energy Policy, 2020, 147, (C) View citations (3)
- Correction of Chilean GDP for natural capital depreciation and environmental degradation caused by copper mining
Resources Policy, 2019, 60, (C), 143-152 View citations (10)
- Determinants of public funding for innovation in Chilean firms
Contaduría y Administración, 2019, 64, (1), 41-42 View citations (1)
- Effectiveness of local air pollution and GHG taxes: The case of Chilean industrial sources
Energy Economics, 2019, 83, (C), 491-500 View citations (12)
- Entrepreneurship and regional dynamics: the case of Chile
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2019, 31, (9-10), 755-767 View citations (7)
- Evaluación ex post de corto y largo plazo de iniciativas ambientales comunitarias en Chile
Revista CEPAL, 2019
- Short- and long-term ex post evaluation of community-based environmental initiatives in Chile
Revista CEPAL, 2019
- Economic and environmental effects of a CO2 tax in Latin American countries
Energy Policy, 2018, 114, (C), 262-273 View citations (24)
- Effectiveness of a CO2 tax on industrial emissions
Energy Economics, 2018, 71, (C), 370-382 View citations (25)
- Environmental taxation for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Chile: an input–output analysis
Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2018, 20, (6), 2545-2563 View citations (8)
- Evaluación ex-post de franquicia tributaria SENCE para capacitación laboral y su efecto sobre empresas chilenas
Estudios Gerenciales, 2017, 33, (143), 163-176
- Impuesto al CO2 en el sector eléctrico chileno: efectividad y efectos macroeconómicos
Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), 2017, 20, (1), 004-025 View citations (7)
- Comparison of economic instruments to reduce PM2.5 from industrial and residential sources
Energy Policy, 2016, 98, (C), 443-452 View citations (6)
- Elements of marketing strategy and its effect on market sharein chilean industry
Contaduría y Administración, 2016, 61, (2), 243–265
- Alternatives for Reducing Fine Particulate Matter from Industrial Activities in Concepción Metropolitan Area, Chile
Energy & Environment, 2015, 26, (3), 445-456 View citations (4)
- An Income Tax Increase to Fund Higher Education: A CGE Analysis for Chile
Economic Systems Research, 2015, 27, (3), 324-344 View citations (3)
- Efecto Directo e Indirecto de la Dispersión de las Emisiones Industriales sobre la Regulación Ambiental
Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2015, 30, (2), 79-96
- Tecnologías de Control de Emisiones y Disponibilidad de Gas Natural Como Opciones para Reducir Emisiones de Mp2,5 en el Concepción Metropolitano
Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2015, 30, (1), 3-23
- Complementarity between flat tax and conditional cash transfers to improve the income distribution in Chile
Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), 2014, 17, (3), 04-27
- Environmentally extended social accounting matrix for Chile
Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2013, 15, (4), 1099-1127 View citations (9)
- Reduction of Pm10 Emissions under Scenarios of Regulation and Availability of Natural Gas in the Bio Bio Region, Chile
Energy & Environment, 2013, 24, (6), 1031-1041 View citations (4)
- Chile: building a computable general equilibrium model with an application to the Bío Bío region
Revista CEPAL, 2012
- Chile: elaboración de un modelo de equilibrio general computable y su aplicación a la región del Bío Bío
Revista CEPAL, 2012 View citations (2)
- Estrategia Robin Hood en Chile. Distribución e incidencia
El Trimestre Económico, 2011, 78 (4), (312), 781-812 View citations (1)
- Matriz de contabilidad social extendida ambientalmente para análisis económico de la región del Bio Bio
Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2011, 26, (1), 17-51 View citations (3)
- Evaluando Reformas Tributarias en Chile con un Modelo CGE
Estudios de Economia, 2010, 37, (2 Year 2010), 243-284 View citations (2)
- Impacto de la Percepción de la Calidad del Aire sobre el Precio de las Viviendas en Concepción-Talcahuano, Chile
Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía, 2006, 43, (128), 301-330 View citations (1)
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