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Details about Cristian Mardones

Workplace:Universidad de Concepcion - Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Access statistics for papers by Cristian Mardones.

Last updated 2024-11-03. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pma601

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Journal Articles


  1. Cost-effective options to reduce emissions from residential firewood heating in south-central Chile
    Energy, 2024, 308, (C) Downloads
  2. Estimation of green mining GDP for 40 countries
    Natural Resources Forum, 2024, 48, (3), 715-742 Downloads
  3. Evaluation of a carbon tax in Costa Rica linking a demand system focused on energy goods and an input-output model
    Applied Energy, 2024, 363, (C) Downloads
  4. Improving the design of cash transfers to reduce the regressive effects of a carbon tax in Latin American countries - a look at territorial heterogeneity
    Applied Economics, 2024, 56, (57), 7777-7788 Downloads
  5. Improving the estimation of the distributional impacts of carbon pricing and targeted transfers to reduce its regressivity in Latin American countries
    Ecological Economics, 2024, 225, (C) Downloads
  6. Measuring the efficiency gains of merging carbon markets – A microsimulation for thermoelectric and industrial sources
    Energy, 2024, 290, (C) Downloads


  1. Economic and environmental effects of financing subsidies for non-conventional renewable energies with a carbon tax – A comparison of intersectoral models
    Renewable Energy, 2023, 217, (C) Downloads
  2. Economic effects of isolating Russia from international trade due to its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine
    European Planning Studies, 2023, 31, (4), 663-678 Downloads View citations (4)
  3. Estimating production functions to determine the marginal economic value and price elasticity of water in the Chilean industrial sector
    Utilities Policy, 2023, 85, (C) Downloads
  4. Evaluation of Non-survey Methods for the Construction of Regional Input–Output Matrices When There is Partial Historical Information
    Computational Economics, 2023, 61, (3), 1173-1205 Downloads
  5. Ex post evaluation of voluntary environmental policies on the energy intensity in Chilean firms
    Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2023, 25, (9), 9111-9136 Downloads


  1. Public funding effects on inputs and outputs from the innovative process in Chilean firms
    Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2022, 31, (5), 416-445 Downloads


  1. Analysis on complementarity between a CO2 tax and an emissions trading system to reduce industrial emissions in Chile
    Energy & Environment, 2021, 32, (5), 820-833 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Are the emissions trading systems’ simulations generated with a computable general equilibrium model sensitive to the nested production structure?
    Applied Energy, 2021, 298, (C) Downloads View citations (6)
  3. Constructing a SAMEA to analyze energy and environmental policies in Chile
    Economic Systems Research, 2021, 33, (4), 576-602 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. Estimation of regional input coefficients and output multipliers for the regions of Chile
    Papers in Regional Science, 2021, 100, (4), 875-889 Downloads View citations (2)
  5. Ex-post evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of a heater replacement program implemented in southern Chile
    Energy, 2021, 227, (C) Downloads View citations (2)
  6. Macroeconomic, intersectoral, and environmental effects of R&D subsidies in Chile: An input-output approach
    Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 173, (C) Downloads View citations (2)


  1. A carbon tax on agriculture? A CGE analysis for Chile
    Economic Systems Research, 2020, 32, (2), 262-277 Downloads View citations (5)
  2. Effectiveness of CO2 taxes on thermoelectric power plants and industrial plants
    Energy, 2020, 206, (C) Downloads View citations (5)
  3. Effects of the internalization of the social cost of global and local air pollutants in Chile
    Energy Policy, 2020, 147, (C) Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Correction of Chilean GDP for natural capital depreciation and environmental degradation caused by copper mining
    Resources Policy, 2019, 60, (C), 143-152 Downloads View citations (10)
  2. Determinants of public funding for innovation in Chilean firms
    Contaduría y Administración, 2019, 64, (1), 41-42 Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Effectiveness of local air pollution and GHG taxes: The case of Chilean industrial sources
    Energy Economics, 2019, 83, (C), 491-500 Downloads View citations (12)
  4. Entrepreneurship and regional dynamics: the case of Chile
    Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2019, 31, (9-10), 755-767 Downloads View citations (7)
  5. Evaluación ex post de corto y largo plazo de iniciativas ambientales comunitarias en Chile
    Revista CEPAL, 2019 Downloads
  6. Short- and long-term ex post evaluation of community-based environmental initiatives in Chile
    Revista CEPAL, 2019 Downloads


  1. Economic and environmental effects of a CO2 tax in Latin American countries
    Energy Policy, 2018, 114, (C), 262-273 Downloads View citations (24)
  2. Effectiveness of a CO2 tax on industrial emissions
    Energy Economics, 2018, 71, (C), 370-382 Downloads View citations (25)
  3. Environmental taxation for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Chile: an input–output analysis
    Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2018, 20, (6), 2545-2563 Downloads View citations (8)


  1. Evaluación ex-post de franquicia tributaria SENCE para capacitación laboral y su efecto sobre empresas chilenas
    Estudios Gerenciales, 2017, 33, (143), 163-176 Downloads
  2. Impuesto al CO2 en el sector eléctrico chileno: efectividad y efectos macroeconómicos
    Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), 2017, 20, (1), 004-025 Downloads View citations (7)


  1. Comparison of economic instruments to reduce PM2.5 from industrial and residential sources
    Energy Policy, 2016, 98, (C), 443-452 Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Elements of marketing strategy and its effect on market sharein chilean industry
    Contaduría y Administración, 2016, 61, (2), 243–265 Downloads


  1. Alternatives for Reducing Fine Particulate Matter from Industrial Activities in Concepción Metropolitan Area, Chile
    Energy & Environment, 2015, 26, (3), 445-456 Downloads View citations (4)
  2. An Income Tax Increase to Fund Higher Education: A CGE Analysis for Chile
    Economic Systems Research, 2015, 27, (3), 324-344 Downloads View citations (3)
  3. Efecto Directo e Indirecto de la Dispersión de las Emisiones Industriales sobre la Regulación Ambiental
    Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2015, 30, (2), 79-96 Downloads
  4. Tecnologías de Control de Emisiones y Disponibilidad de Gas Natural Como Opciones para Reducir Emisiones de Mp2,5 en el Concepción Metropolitano
    Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2015, 30, (1), 3-23 Downloads


  1. Complementarity between flat tax and conditional cash transfers to improve the income distribution in Chile
    Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), 2014, 17, (3), 04-27 Downloads


  1. Environmentally extended social accounting matrix for Chile
    Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development, 2013, 15, (4), 1099-1127 Downloads View citations (9)
  2. Reduction of Pm10 Emissions under Scenarios of Regulation and Availability of Natural Gas in the Bio Bio Region, Chile
    Energy & Environment, 2013, 24, (6), 1031-1041 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Chile: building a computable general equilibrium model with an application to the Bío Bío region
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads
  2. Chile: elaboración de un modelo de equilibrio general computable y su aplicación a la región del Bío Bío
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Estrategia Robin Hood en Chile. Distribución e incidencia
    El Trimestre Económico, 2011, 78 (4), (312), 781-812 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Matriz de contabilidad social extendida ambientalmente para análisis económico de la región del Bio Bio
    Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review, 2011, 26, (1), 17-51 Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Evaluando Reformas Tributarias en Chile con un Modelo CGE
    Estudios de Economia, 2010, 37, (2 Year 2010), 243-284 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Impacto de la Percepción de la Calidad del Aire sobre el Precio de las Viviendas en Concepción-Talcahuano, Chile
    Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía, 2006, 43, (128), 301-330 Downloads View citations (1)
Page updated 2024-11-30