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Last updated 2025-02-10. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pme411
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Tres ensayos sobre las causas y las consecuencias de la dolarización en Argentina
Nülan. Deposited Documents, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, Centro de Documentación
- Desregulación, endeudamiento y fragilidad financiera externa: un enfoque minskiano para la crisis argentina 2018-2019
Ensayos de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín
Journal Articles
- An empirical assessment of two testable hypotheses of the Sraffian Supermultiplier for Argentina
Metroeconomica, 2025, 76, (1), 73-93
- An Alternative View on Inflation in Argentina in the Millennium: The Challenges of the Current Situation
Economia Internazionale / International Economics, 2024, 77, (1), 117-150
- Questioning the effect of the real exchange rate on growth: new evidence from Mexico
Review of Keynesian Economics, 2021, 9, (2), 253-269 View citations (2)
- Financial instability in peripheral economies: an approach from the balance-of-payments constraint
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2020, 43, (4), 515-539
- Términos de intercambio, cuenta capital y el modelo de crecimiento restringido por la balanza de pagos: un análisis empírico
Revista Cuadernos de Economia, 2018, 37, (74), 470-443 
Also in Revista Cuadernos de Economia, 2018, 37, (74), 443-470 (2018)
- Balance-of-payment-constrained growth in unbalanced productive structures: disregarded terms of trade negative effects
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2015, 38, (2), 192-217 View citations (5)
- A Cointegration Analysis on the Principle of Effective Demand in Argentina (1980-2007)
Ensayos Económicos, 2011, 1, (61-62), 103-137
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