Details about Alain Nadaï
Access statistics for papers by Alain Nadaï.
Last updated 2020-09-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pna283
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Working Papers
- Transition énergétique et dialogue entre disciplines scientifiques: les Alliances de coordination de la recherche ANCRE et ATHENA
Post-Print, HAL
- A survey on the public perception of CCS in France
Post-Print, HAL
Also in CIRED Working Papers, HAL (2007) View citations (3) Post-Print, HAL (2009) View citations (19) Working Papers, HAL (2007)
- rapport "SHS et énergie"
CIRED Working Papers, HAL
Also in Working Papers, HAL (2013)
- COLLENER: Collectifs socio-techniques et transition énergétique
CIRED Working Papers, HAL
Also in Working Papers, HAL (2012)
- Éléments économiques sur la géo-ingénierie de l'environnement
Post-Print, HAL
- Coordination du numéro spécial de Land Use Policy 27(2): "Forest transitions - Wind power planning, landscapes and publics"
Post-Print, HAL
- Coordination du numéro spécial de Landscape Research 35(2): "Landscapes of Energies"
Post-Print, HAL
- ERRATUM Wind power planning in France (Aveyron), from state regulation to local planning (vol 26, pg 744, 2009)
Post-Print, HAL View citations (1)
- Éoliennes et paysage: la politique éolienne entre politique de l'environnement et politique du paysage
Post-Print, HAL
- Consumer' sovereignty and policy issues in the development of product ecolabels
Post-Print, HAL
- Conditions of Development of a Product Ecolabel
Post-Print, HAL View citations (5)
Journal Articles
- Devising the consumer of the competitive electricity market: the mundane meter, the unbundling doctrine, and the re-bundling of choice
Journal of Cultural Economy, 2018, 11, (5), 440-457
- Landscape commons, following wind power fault lines. The case of Seine-et-Marne (France)
Energy Policy, 2017, 109, (C), 807-816
- French policy localism: Surfing on ‘Positive Energie Territories’ (Tepos)
Energy Policy, 2015, 78, (C), 281-291 View citations (3)
- Wind Power and the Emergence of the Beauce Landscape, Eure-et-Loir, France
Landscape Research, 2015, 40, (1), 76-98
- Renewable energy costs, potentials, barriers: Conceptual issues
Energy Policy, 2010, 38, (2), 850-861 View citations (77)
- "Planning", "siting" and the local acceptance of wind power: Some lessons from the French case
Energy Policy, 2007, 35, (5), 2715-2726 View citations (41)
- Concurrence dans la qualification environnementale des produits
Revue d'Économie Industrielle, 1998, 83, (1), 197-212
- Des conditions d'émergence d'un écolabel de produit [Qualification environnementale des produits et échange marchand ]
Économie rurale, 1998, 244, (1), 32-40 View citations (1)
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