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Details about Jason Lee Saving

Workplace:Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Jason Lee Saving.

Last updated 2024-10-12. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: psa850

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Working Papers


  1. Why Haven’t Regional Wages Converged?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads


  1. What drives economic policy uncertainty in the long and short runs? European and U.S. evidence over several decades
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads View citations (2)
    See also Journal Article What drives economic policy uncertainty in the long and short runs: European and U.S. evidence over several decades, Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier (2018) Downloads View citations (14) (2018)


  1. Are income taxes destined to rise? the fiscal imbalance and future tax policy
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads


  1. Income inequality and political polarization: time series evidence over nine decades
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads View citations (3)
    See also Journal Article Income Inequality and Political Polarization: Time Series Evidence Over Nine Decades, Review of Income and Wealth, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (2016) Downloads View citations (17) (2016)


  1. Has income inequality or media fragmentation increased political polarization?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads View citations (3)


  1. Autocracy, democracy, bureaucracy, or monopoly: can you judge a government by its size?
    Working Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Congressional Committees and the Political Economy of Federal Outlays
    Working Papers, California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Downloads
    See also Journal Article Congressional Committees and the Political Economy of Federal Outlays, Public Choice, Springer (1997) Downloads View citations (26) (1997)
  2. Deficits, Democrats, and Distributive Benefits: Congressional Elections and the Pork Barrel in the 1980s
    Working Papers, California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Human Capital and Legislative Outcomes
    Working Papers, California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Downloads
  2. Welfare Magnets, The Labor-Leisure Decision and Economic Efficiency
    Working Papers, California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Big Federal Stimulus, Home-Value Spike Won’t Ease Next Slump
    Southwest Economy, 2022, (Third Quarter) Downloads
  2. Media fragmentation and the polarization of the American public
    Applied Economics Letters, 2022, 29, (4), 277-281 Downloads


  1. Federal Support Keeps State Budgets (Including Texas’) Healthy amid Tumult from COVID-19-Induced Economic Ills
    Southwest Economy, 2021, (Third Quarter) Downloads


  1. COVID-19’s Fiscal Ills: Busted Texas Budgets, Critical Local Choices
    Southwest Economy, 2020, (Third Quarter) Downloads


  1. Texas K–12 Education Spending Set to Rise, but Who Will Pay?
    Southwest Economy, 2019, (Q3), 17-21 Downloads


  1. Texas Property Taxes Soar as Homeowners Confront Rising Values
    Southwest Economy, 2018, (Q3), 7-11 Downloads
  2. What drives economic policy uncertainty in the long and short runs: European and U.S. evidence over several decades
    Journal of Macroeconomics, 2018, 55, (C), 128-145 Downloads View citations (14)
    See also Working Paper What drives economic policy uncertainty in the long and short runs? European and U.S. evidence over several decades, Working Papers (2016) Downloads View citations (2) (2016)


  1. Corporate Tax Reform: Potential Gains at a Price to Some
    Economic Letter, 2017, 12, (6), 1-4 Downloads
    Contemporary Economic Policy, 2017, 35, (2), 392-413 Downloads View citations (13)
  3. Texas Taxes: Who Bears the Burden?
    Southwest Economy, 2017, (Q3), 3-7 Downloads


  1. Income Inequality and Political Polarization: Time Series Evidence Over Nine Decades
    Review of Income and Wealth, 2016, 62, (3), 445-466 Downloads View citations (17)
    See also Working Paper Income inequality and political polarization: time series evidence over nine decades, Working Papers (2014) Downloads View citations (3) (2014)
  2. Lingering energy bust depresses, doesn’t sink Texas state budget
    Southwest Economy, 2016, (Q4), 3-7 Downloads


  1. Are Income Taxes Destined to Rise? Fiscal Imbalance and Future Tax Policy in the United States
    National Tax Journal, 2015, 68, (2), 235-250 Downloads
  2. Texas health coverage lags as Medicaid expands in U.S
    Southwest Economy, 2015, (Q4), 3-7 Downloads


  1. Budget balancing act: health and education stretch Texas resources
    Southwest Economy, 2014, (Q3), 3-7 Downloads
  2. Spotlight: health coverage misses many in DFW, Texas
    Southwest Economy, 2014, (Q1), 15-15 Downloads
  3. U.S. budget deficits shrink, but long-run issues remain
    Economic Letter, 2014, 9, (3), 1-4 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Barbecue vs. gumbo: economic traits tie neighboring Texas and Louisiana
    Southwest Economy, 2013, (Q4), 12-15 Downloads


  1. Determining creditworthiness and Texas' case for a top rating
    Southwest Economy, 2012, (Q4), 3-7 Downloads
  2. Falling off the fiscal cliff
    Economic Letter, 2012, 7, (14) Downloads
  3. Spotlight: Gas tax trends drive highway funding shift
    Southwest Economy, 2012, (Q3), 15 Downloads


  1. Federal health care law promises coverage for all, but at a price
    Economic Letter, 2011, 6, (mar) Downloads
  2. Migration and Human Capital, edited by Jacques Poot, Brigitte Waldorf, and Leo van Wissen
    Journal of Regional Science, 2011, 51, (3), 636-638
  3. Noteworthy: New Texans, Mexican population, higher education
    Southwest Economy, 2011, (Q1), 14 Downloads
  4. States still feel recession's effects two years after downturn's end
    Southwest Economy, 2011, (Q4), 3-7 Downloads


  1. Can the nation stimulate its way to prosperity?
    Economic Letter, 2010, 5, (8) Downloads
  2. Poor state finances deepen recessionary hole
    Southwest Economy, 2010, (Q4), 10-13 Downloads


  1. Keys to economic growth: what drives Texas?
    Southwest Economy, 2009, (Q1), 10-14, 16 Downloads
  2. On the record: Texas in better fiscal shape than most other states: a conversation with Jason Saving
    Southwest Economy, 2009, (Q4), 8-9 Downloads


  1. Inequality and growth: challenges to the old orthodoxy
    Economic Letter, 2008, 3, (jan) Downloads View citations (2)
  2. Regional update: Texas economy still slowing; energy, exports are bright spots
    Southwest Economy, 2008, (May), 15 Downloads
    Economic Inquiry, 2008, 46, (3), 454-479 Downloads View citations (4)
  4. Will new business tax dull Texas' competitive edge?
    Southwest Economy, 2008, (Mar), 3-6 Downloads


  1. Fiscal fitness: the U.S. budget deficit’s uncertain prospects
    Economic Letter, 2007, 2, (apr) Downloads
  2. Regional update: Texas economy expanding at moderate pace
    Southwest Economy, 2007, (May), 15 Downloads


  1. Consumer Sovereignty in the Modern Global Era
    Journal of Private Enterprise, 2006, 22, (Fall 2006), 107-119 Downloads
  2. Integration and globalization: the European bellweather
    Economic Letter, 2006, 1, (may), 1-8 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. European economic integration: a conflict of visions
    Southwest Economy, 2005, (Jul), 1, 12-15 Downloads
  2. Social Security and Medicare: no free lunch
    Southwest Economy, 2005, (Jan), 1, 8-12 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Economic recovery gains steam in Texas
    Southwest Economy, 2004, (Jan), 1-8 Downloads


  1. A Single Welfare Benefit Level for Europe? Efficiency Implications of Policy Harmonization in a Federal System
    Southern Economic Journal, 2003, 70, (1), 184-194 Downloads
  2. Regional update
    Southwest Economy, 2003, (Mar), 11 Downloads
  3. Social Security restructuring: tough decisions ahead
    Southwest Economy, 2003, (Sep), 13-17 Downloads


  1. Government Organization and Power
    Economic Inquiry, 2002, 40, (3), 439-449
  2. Welfare reform revisited
    Southwest Economy, 2002, (Sep), 1, 5-8 Downloads


  1. Census data show the economy matters
    Southwest Economy, 2001, (Jul), 1, 6-8, 12 Downloads
  2. Improving public school financing in Texas
    Southwest Economy, 2001, (Nov), 1-5 Downloads


  1. Some pleasant economic side effects
    Southwest Economy, 2000, (Jul), 7-9 Downloads View citations (2)
  2. The effect of welfare reform and technological change on unemployment
    Economic and Financial Policy Review, 2000, (Q2), 26-34 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Migration, labor-leisure choice, and Pareto suboptimal redistribution
    Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1999, 29, (5), 559-573 Downloads


  1. International Capital Markets and Central Bank Sovereignty
    Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 1998, 154, (1), 261-
  2. Is umemployment too low? How welfare reform and technology are creating a new employment standard
    Southwest Economy, 1998, (Nov), 5-8 Downloads
    Also in Southwest Economy, 1998, (Nov), 5-8 (1998) Downloads View citations (1)
  3. Privatization and the transition to a market economy
    Economic and Financial Policy Review, 1998, (Q IV), 17-25 Downloads


  1. An end to welfare as we know it?
    Southwest Economy, 1997, (Jan), 6-8 Downloads
  2. Congressional Committees and the Political Economy of Federal Outlays
    Public Choice, 1997, 92, (1-2), 55-73 Downloads View citations (26)
    See also Working Paper Congressional Committees and the Political Economy of Federal Outlays, Working Papers (1995) Downloads (1995)
  3. Human Capital, Committee Power and Legislative Outcomes
    Public Choice, 1997, 92, (3-4), 301-16 Downloads View citations (1)
  4. \"Tough Love\": implications for redistributive policy
    Economic and Financial Policy Review, 1997, (Q III), 25-29 Downloads View citations (3)



  1. Why did Texas have a jobless recovery?
    Monograph, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Downloads View citations (2)



  1. Why Texas Grows Faster: The Role of Smaller Government
    Palgrave Macmillan
Page updated 2024-10-30