Details about Romain Svartzman
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Last updated 2024-09-06. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: psv51
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Working Papers
- Cross-Border Risks of a Global Economy in Mid-Transition
IMF Working Papers, International Monetary Fund View citations (1)
- Recommendations toward the development of scenarios for assessing nature-related economic and financial risks
Working Papers, HAL
- The Stumbling Block in ‘the Race of our Lives’: Transition-Critical Materials, Financial Risks and the NGFS Climate Scenarios
Working papers, Banque de France
Also in LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2023) LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2023)
- Aligning financial and monetary policies with the concept of double materiality: rationales, proposals and challenges
LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library View citations (2)
- Climate-related risks and central banks’ collateral policy: a methodological experiment
(Risques climatiques et politique de collatéral des banques centrales: une expérience méthodologique)
Post-Print, HAL
Also in Working papers, Banque de France (2020) View citations (7)
- A “Silent Spring” for the Financial System? Exploring Biodiversity-Related Financial Risks in France
Working papers, Banque de France View citations (2)
- Climate-Related Scenarios for Financial Stability Assessment: an Application to France
Working papers, Banque de France View citations (39)
Journal Articles
- Biodiversity loss and financial stability as a new frontier for central banks: An exploration for France
Ecological Economics, 2024, 223, (C) View citations (1)
- Debt-for-nature swaps: a two-fold solution for environmental and debt sustainability in developing countries?
(Échanges dette nature: une double solution pour la soutenabilité environnementale et la dette des pays en développement ?)
Bulletin de la Banque de France, 2023, (244) View citations (1)
- Bringing subordinated financialisation down to earth: the political ecology of finance-dominated capitalism
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2022, 46, (4), 679-702 View citations (3)
- Greening the international monetary system? Not without addressing the political ecology of global imbalances
Review of International Political Economy, 2022, 29, (3), 844-869 View citations (5)
- Risques climatiques et politique de collatéral des banques centrales: une expérience méthodologique
Revue économique, 2022, 73, (2), 173-218
- Biodiversity loss and financial stability: a new frontier for central banks and financial supervisors?
(Perte de biodiversité et stabilité financière: une nouvelle frontière pour les banques centrales et superviseurs financiers ?)
Bulletin de la Banque de France, 2021, (237) View citations (1)
- Central banks, financial stability and policy coordination in the age of climate uncertainty: a three-layered analytical and operational framework
Climate Policy, 2021, 21, (4), 563-580 View citations (16)
- What Justifies Sustainable Finance Measures? Financial-Economic Interactions and Possible Implications for Policymakers
CESifo Forum, 2021, 22, (03), 03-11 View citations (4)
- 8. Quel rôle pour les banques centrales face aux risques climatiques et autres « Cygnes Verts » ?
Regards croisés sur l'économie, 2020, n° 26, (1), 110-122
- Penser la stabilité financière à l'ère des risques écologiques globaux – Vers de nouveaux arbitrages entre efficience et résilience des systèmes complexes
Revue d'économie financière, 2020, N° 138, (2), 41-54 View citations (2)
- “Green Swans”: central banks in the age of climate-related risks
(Le « Cygne Vert »: les banques centrales à l’ère des risques climatiques)
Bulletin de la Banque de France, 2020, (229) View citations (5)
- From ecological macroeconomics to a theory of endogenous money for a finite planet
Ecological Economics, 2019, 162, (C), 108-120 View citations (14)
- The green swan
BIS Books, Bank for International Settlements View citations (47)
- Contending views on the role of central banks in the age of climate change: a review of the literature
Chapter 7 in The Future of Central Banking, 2022, pp 151-174
- Monetary and financial policies for an ecological transition: An overview of central banks actions and some reflections on post-Keynesian insights
Chapter 4 in Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment, 2022, pp 90-110
- Money, interest rates and accumulation on a finite planet: revisiting the ‘monetary growth imperative’ through institutionalist approaches
Chapter 16 in Sustainable Wellbeing Futures, 2020, pp 266-283 View citations (3)
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