Details about Alfonso Ugarte-Ruiz
Access statistics for papers by Alfonso Ugarte-Ruiz.
Last updated 2023-09-11. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pug24
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Working Papers
- locproj: A new Stata command to estimate local projections
2023 Stata Conference, Stata Users Group
- España | Modelo de precios de la vivienda. Una perspectiva regional
(Spain | Model for housing prices. A regional perspective)
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department
- XTSEL: Selection of variables and specification in a panel-data framework
2020 Stata Conference, Stata Users Group
- Long and short-run components in explanatory variables and different panel-data estimates
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department
- Introducing a New Early Warning System Indicator (EWSI) of banking crises
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department
- Understanding the dichotomy of financial development: credit deepening versus credit excess
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department View citations (1)
- Lineamientos para impulsar el proceso de profundizacion bancaria en Uruguay
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department
- Banking penetration in Uruguay
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department
- Expanding Credit and Savings in Peru
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department View citations (1)
- Lineamientos para impulsar el Credito y el Ahorro en el Peru
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department View citations (2)
- Projections of the Impact of Pension Funds on Investment in Infrastructure and Growth in Latin America
Working Papers, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department View citations (2)
Software Items
- LOCPROJ: Stata module to estimate Local Projections
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- XTOOS: Stata module for evaluating the out-of-sample prediction performance of panel-data models
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- XTSEL: Stata module for selection of variables and specification in a panel-data framework
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
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