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Details about Claudia Vazquez

Workplace:Inter-American Development Bank, (more information at EDIRC)
Departamento de Economía (Department of Economics), Universidad de San Andrés (San Andres University), (more information at EDIRC)

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Last updated 2023-05-11. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pva1021

Jump to Journal Articles Chapters

Working Papers


  1. Impacto de un programa de pensiones no contributivas en la oferta laboral del hogar. El caso de Previência Rural en Brasil
    Working Papers, Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia Downloads

Journal Articles


  1. Conditional cash transfers, female bargaining power and parental labour supply
    Journal of International Development, 2021, 33, (2), 422-436 Downloads


  1. Training Vouchers and Labour Market Outcomes in Chile
    LABOUR, 2018, 32, (2), 243-260 Downloads View citations (9)


  1. Argentina: Dissemination of genetically modified cotton and its impact on the profitability of small-scale farmers in the Chaco province
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads View citations (1)
  2. Argentina: difusión del algodón GM e impacto en la rentabilidad de los pequeños productores de la Provincia del Chaco
    Revista CEPAL, 2012 Downloads


  1. Interactions between public research organisations and industry in Argentina
    Science and Public Policy, 2010, 37, (7), 499-511 Downloads View citations (12)



  1. Trading Places: A Decade of Earnings Mobility in Chile and Nicaragua
    A chapter in Income Inequality Around the World, 2016, vol. 44, pp 213-237 Downloads


  1. Channels and benefits of interactions between public research organizations and industry: comparing country cases in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
    Chapter 6 in Developing National Systems of Innovation, 2015, pp 164-193 Downloads View citations (2)
Page updated 2024-10-01