Details about Volkan Yeniaras
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Last updated 2017-03-24. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pye87
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Re-considering the linkage between the antecedents and consequences of happiness
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2016, 56, (C), 176-191
View citations (2)
- Subjective Life Expectancy, Materialistic Values and Saving: A Cross-National Perspective
Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2015, 30, (352), 09-30
- Müslüman Dindarlık, Plansız Alışverişe Olan Yatkınlık, Fiyat-Değer Bilinci ve Alışveriş Sonrası Pişmanlık Durumu: Bir Temel Düzenleyici Model Analizi
Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2014, 29, (343), 09-38