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AEI Economic Perspectives

2012 - 2024

From American Enterprise Institute
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2024, month August

Addressing Business Tax "Parity" Through Integration Downloads
Kyle Pomerleau
How Do Prescription Drug Benefits Differ Between Medicare Advantage and Stand-Alone Part D Drug Plans? Downloads
Benedic Ippolito and Boris Vabson

2024, month July

America's "Retirement Crisis": The Emperor Has No Clothes Downloads
Andrew Biggs

2024, month June

Price Transparency in Health Care: The Consumer Opportunity Downloads
James Capretta and Jack Rowing

2024, month January

Medicare's Trust Funds: Background and the Need for Reform Downloads
James Capretta

2023, month October

Working from Density Downloads
Stan Veuger, Philip Hoxie and Leah Brooks

2023, month September

Estimating the Cost of New Treatments for Diabetes and Obesity Downloads
Benedic Ippolito and Joseph Levy
Medicare's Price Regulations: How the Government Determines What It Pays for Medical Care Downloads
James Capretta and David Bernstein

2023, month March

The UK's National Health Service at 75: What Are the Root Causes of the Current Discontent? Downloads
James Capretta

2023, month January

Price Transparency 2.0: Helping Patients Identify and Select Providers of High-Value Medical Services Downloads
James Capretta and David Bernstein

2022, month September

An Expanded and Updated Analysis of the Federal Debt's Effect on Interest Rates Downloads
Mark Warshawsky and John Mantus
Tight Product Markets, Not Tight Labor Markets, Are Pushing Up Inflation Around the World Downloads
Steven Kamin and John Kearns

2022, month August

Customized Care for Complex Conditions in Medicare Advantage Downloads
Brian Miller, Steven Zima and Gail Wilensky

2022, month January

A Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Primer and Reform Outline Downloads
James Capretta
Do Drugmakers "revenue Target"? Evidence from the Differential Timing of Biosimilar Entry Across Markets Downloads
Benedic Ippolito, Loren Adler and Conrad Milhaupt

2021, month October

Real-world Assessments of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Downloads
James Capretta, Scott Ganz and Kieran Allsop

2021, month September

The political economy of health reform: Price regulation vs. regulated competition Downloads
James Capretta

2021, month August

Should the Federal Reserve issue a central bank digital currency? Downloads
Paul Kupiec

2021, month July

Biden's reforms to the tax treatment of US multinational corporations: The knowns and unknowns Downloads
Kyle Pomerleau
Market-driven Medicare would set US health care on a better course Downloads
James Capretta

2021, month May

Covering the uninsured in the United States' multi-payer health system Downloads
James Capretta

2021, month March

Structured markets: Disciplining medical care with regulated competition Downloads
James Capretta

2021, month February

Modeling protection from COVID-19 based on vaccine supply and administration rates Downloads
James Capretta, Scott Ganz and Kieran Allsop

2020, month December

Medicare Part D reforms: Who wins and who loses? Downloads
Joseph Antos, Kirsten Axelsen and Sara Rogers

2020, month November

The future of employer-sponsored health insurance Downloads
James Capretta

2020, month October

Awaiting the signal: Assessing the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines Downloads
James Capretta and Scott Ganz

2020, month September

Should the modern corporation maximize shareholder value? Downloads
R. Glenn Hubbard and Sanjai Bhagat
The COVID-19 pandemic and the revenues of state and local governments: An update Downloads
Stan Veuger and Jeffrey Clemens

2020, month July

COVID-19 and the Medicare trust funds Downloads
Joseph Antos and James Capretta

2020, month June

Fiscal policy and the major entitlements: An introduction Downloads
James Capretta
The economic cost and spatial diffusion of the opioid crisis, 2009 to 2018 Downloads
Alex Brill and Scott Ganz

2020, month May

Changes to household retirement savings since 1989 Downloads
Andrew Biggs

2020, month March

The cost of cargo preference for international food aid programs Downloads
Vincent Smith, Philip Hoxie and Stephanie Mercier
Policies affecting the number of physicians in the US and a framework for reform Downloads
James Capretta

2019, month September

Medicare reform can no longer be ignored: Warnings from the 2019 Medicare trustees report Downloads
Joseph Antos and Robert Moffit

2019, month June

Toward meaningful price transparency in health care Downloads
James Capretta
The Jones Act in historical context Downloads
Vincent Smith and Philip Hoxie
Reforming Medicare payments for Part B drugs Downloads
Joseph Antos and James Capretta

2019, month April

Will homebuilding finally evolve? Lessons from the American experience with factory-built housing Downloads
Scott Ganz and Lynn Fisher
Are we winning the war against malaria? Downloads
Roger Bate

2019, month March

The US needs workers, not a wall Downloads
Madeline Zavodny and Pia Orrenius
Solving surprise medical billing Downloads
David Hyman and Benedic Ippolito
Solving surprise medical billing Downloads
David Hyman and Benedic Ippolito

2019, month February

The unanswered questions of Medicare for All Downloads
Charles Blahous

2019, month January

Rent-seeking behavior in US international food aid programs Downloads
Stephanie Mercier
Providing high-quality, cost-effective health coverage to retired federal employees age 65 and older Downloads
Joseph Antos, James Capretta and Walton Francis
Modern Monetary Theory and policy Downloads
Stan Veuger

2018, month December

Fentanyl and fatal overdoses: From chemical production in China to users in Pennsylvania Downloads
Roger Bate

2018, month July

Prescription drug pricing: An overview of the legal, regulatory, and market environment Downloads
Joseph Antos and James Capretta
The 2018 Medicare Trustees Report: Fiscal and policy challenges Downloads
Joseph Antos and Robert Moffit

2018, month June

Large cigarette tax hikes, illicit producers, and organized crime: Lessons from Pakistan Downloads
Roger Bate
Charitable giving and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Downloads
Alex Brill and Derrick Choe

2018, month May

Effective tax rates on business investment under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Downloads
Jason DeBacker and Roy Kasher

2018, month March

Automatic adjustments within entitlement programs: A look at the Swedish pension reform model Downloads
James Capretta

2018, month February

The congressional budget process: A brief primer Downloads
James Capretta

2018, month January

Strategic voting under proportional representation: A model with evidence from the Netherlands Downloads
Stan Veuger and Tim Ganser
A smarter approach to federal assistance with state-level criminal justice reform Downloads
John Pfaff
Page updated 2024-10-12