Annual Review of Economics
2009 - 2022
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Volume 14, issue 1, 2022
- The Great Divide: Education, Despair, and Death pp. 1-21
- Angus Deaton and Anne Case
- The Impact of Health Information and Communication Technology on Clinical Quality, Productivity, and Workers pp. 23-46
- Ari Bronsoler, John van Reenen and Joseph Doyle
- Household Financial Transaction Data pp. 47-67
- Lorenz Kueng and Scott Baker
- Media and Social Capital pp. 69-91
- Andrea Tesei, Filipe Campante and Ruben Durante
- The Elusive Explanation for the Declining Labor Share pp. 93-124
- Ezra Oberfield and Gene M. Grossman
- The Past and Future of Economic Growth: A Semi-Endogenous Perspective pp. 125-152
- Charles Jones
- Risks and Global Supply Chains: What We Know and What We Need to Know pp. 153-180
- Rebecca Freeman and Richard Baldwin
- Managing Retirement Incomes pp. 181-204
- James Banks and Rowena Crawford
- The Economic Impacts of the US–China Trade War pp. 205-228
- Amit Khandelwal and Pablo D. Fajgelbaum
- How Economic Development Influences the Environment pp. 229-252
- Seema Jayachandran
- The Economics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poor Countries pp. 253-285
- Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak and Edward Miguel
- The Affordable Care Act After a Decade: Industrial Organization of the Insurance Exchanges pp. 287-312
- Benjamin Handel and Jonathan Kolstad
- Helicopter Money: What Is It and What Does It Do? pp. 313-335
- Ricardo Reis and Silvana Tenreyro
- Relational Contracts and Development pp. 337-362
- Rocco Macchiavello
- Trade Policy Uncertainty pp. 363-395
- Kyle Handley and Nuno Limão
- Bureaucracy and Development pp. 397-424
- Adnan Khan, Guo Xu, Robin Burgess and Timothy Besley
- Misperceptions About Others pp. 425-452
- David Yang and Leonardo Bursztyn
- The Affordable Care Act After a Decade: Its Impact on the Labor Market and the Macro Economy pp. 453-494
- Dirk Krueger and Hanming Fang
- Expecting Brexit pp. 495-519
- Swati Dhingra and Thomas Sampson
- Salience pp. 521-544
- Andrei Shleifer, Nicola Gennaioli and Pedro Bordalo
- Enough Potential Repudiation: Economic and Legal Aspects of Sovereign Debt in the Pandemic Era pp. 545-570
- Anna Gelpern and Ugo Panizza
- The Great Gatsby Curve pp. 571-605
- Andros Kourtellos, Chih Ming Tan and Steven Durlauf
- Inequality and the COVID-19 Crisis in the United Kingdom pp. 607-636
- Jonathan Cribb, Monica Costa Dias, Richard Blundell, Robert Joyce, Thomas Wernham, Tom Waters and Xiaowei Xu
- The Aftermath of Debt Surges pp. 637-663
- Carmen Reinhart, Franziska Ohnsorge, Kenneth Rogoff and Ayhan Kose
- Networks and Economic Fragility pp. 665-696
- Benjamin Golub and Matthew Elliott
- Central Bank Digital Currencies: Motives, Economic Implications, and the Research Frontier pp. 697-721
- Cyril Monnet, Hyun Song Shin, Jon Frost, Leonardo Gambacorta, Raphael Auer and Tara Rice
- The Use of Scanner Data for Economics Research pp. 723-745
- Martin O'Connell, Pierre Dubois and Rachel Griffith
- The Marginal Propensity to Consume in Heterogeneous Agent Models pp. 747-775
- Giovanni L. Violante and Greg Kaplan
- Experimental Economics: Past and Future pp. 777-794
- Guillaume R. Fréchette, Kim Sarnoff and Leeat Yariv
- Spatial Sorting and Inequality pp. 795-819
- Cecile Gaubert and Rebecca Diamond
- Regression Discontinuity Designs pp. 821-851
- Matias Cattaneo and Rocío Titiunik
- Early Childhood Development, Human Capital, and Poverty pp. 853-892
- Costas Meghir, Orazio Attanasio and Sarah Cattan
- The Econometric Model for Causal Policy Analysis pp. 893-923
- James Heckman and Rodrigo Pinto
Volume 13, issue 1, 2021
- Emmanuel Farhi, Economist Par Excellence pp. 1-17
- Jean Tirole
- The Political Economy of Deep Integration pp. 19-38
- Giovanni Maggi and Ralph Ossa
- Large Games: Robustness and Stability pp. 39-56
- Ronen Gradwohl and Ehud Kalai
- Does Vote Trading Improve Welfare? pp. 57-86
- Alessandra Casella and Antonin Macé
- What Shapes the Quality and Behavior of Government Officials? Institutional Variation in Selection and Retention Methods pp. 87-109
- Claire S.H. Lim and James M. Snyder
- The Elusive Peace Dividend of Development Policy: From War Traps to Macro Complementarities pp. 111-131
- Dominic Rohner and Mathias Thoenig
- Why Does Globalization Fuel Populism? Economics, Culture, and the Rise of Right-Wing Populism pp. 133-170
- Dani Rodrik
- Systemic Risk in Financial Networks: A Survey pp. 171-202
- Matthew Jackson and Agathe Pernoud
- The International Aspects of Macroprudential Policy pp. 203-228
- Kristin J. Forbes
- Estimating DSGE Models: Recent Advances and Future Challenges pp. 229-252
- Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Pablo A. Guerrón-Quintana
- Firm Dynamics and Trade pp. 253-280
- George Alessandria, Costas Arkolakis and Kim Ruhl
- The Economics of Currency Risk pp. 281-307
- Tarek Hassan and Tony Zhang
- Empirical Models of Industry Dynamics with Endogenous Market Structure pp. 309-334
- Steven Berry and Giovanni Compiani
- The Macroeconomics of Financial Speculation pp. 335-369
- Alp Simsek
- Uncertainty Spillovers for Markets and Policy pp. 371-396
- Lars Hansen
- A Helicopter Tour of Some Underlying Issues in Empirical Industrial Organization pp. 397-421
- Ariel Pakes
- The Story of the Real Exchange Rate pp. 423-455
- Oleg Itskhoki
- Choice in Insurance Markets: A Pigouvian Approach to Social Insurance Design pp. 457-486
- Nathaniel Hendren, Camille Landais and Johannes Spinnewijn
- The Econometrics of Early Childhood Human Capital and Investments pp. 487-513
- Flavio Cunha, Eric Nielsen and Benjamin Williams
- Sufficient Statistics Revisited pp. 515-538
- Henrik J. Kleven
- The Blossoming of Economic Epidemiology pp. 539-570
- David McAdams
- Directed Technical Change in Labor and Environmental Economics pp. 571-597
- David Hemous and Morten Olsen
- Inflation Inequality: Measurement, Causes, and Policy Implications pp. 599-629
- Xavier Jaravel
- Theoretical Foundations of Relational Incentive Contracts pp. 631-659
- Joel Watson
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