The Audit Financiar journal
2016 - 2024
From Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania
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Volume 22, issue 176, 2024
- Expectation Gap: the Story of the Auditor's Necessary and Impossible Mission pp. 695-723

- Alain Burlaud and Maria Niculescu
- Professional Judgment and Skepticism Amidst the Interaction of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence pp. 724-741

- Delia Deliu
- A Qualitative Approach Regarding the Impact of Digitalization and Automation on the Accounting and Auditing Profession pp. 742-757

- Oana-Cristina Stoica and Liliana Ionescu-Feleaga
- Audit Quality and Audit Market at European Level pp. 758-768

- Andreea Georgiana Pascaru and Camelia-Daniela Hategan
- Comparative Analysis Regarding the Sustainability Reporting Practice in Romania at the Level of Sustainability Reports pp. 769-782

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin-Constantin Dumitrescu, Valentin Burca, Oana Bogdan and Mario-Alexandru Socatiu
- ERP Systems - Reliable Tools in Corporate Reporting of Organizations pp. 783-790

- Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia Barna
- Economic Policy Uncertainty, Financial Reporting Quality, and Audit Fees: Examining the Role of Industry Characteristics and International Accounting Standards pp. 791-802

- Catalin Mos
Volume 19, issue 162, 2021
- The Determinants of the Financial Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence for Romania pp. 301

- Claudia Catalina Ciocan, Mihai Carp and Iuliana Georgescu
- The Value Relevance of Non-Financial Reporting in Determining the Market Value of Equity pp. 320

- Elena Nechita
- The Influence of Integrated Systems on Company Performance and Sustainability pp. 337

- Laura-Eugenia-Lavinia Barna, Bogdan-Stefan Ionescu and Dumitru-Florin Moise
- Reconsidering Budgeting after the COVID-19 Outbreak pp. 351

- Anca-Ioana BRINDUSE (nimigean) and Ovidiu Constantin Bunget
- Reporting Significant Transactions with Affiliated Parties of Listed Companies on Stock Exchange pp. 359

- Lioara-Veronica Pasc and Camelia-Daniela Hategan
- Convergence to IFRS in Romania – Score per Minute pp. 373

- Daniela Pordea and Alin-Constantin Dumitrescu
- Credit Scoring – General Approach in the IFRS 9 Context pp. 384

- Luminita-Georgiana Achim, Elena Mitoi, Marian Valentin Moldoveanu and Codrut-Ioan Turlea
Volume 18, issue 159, 2020
- Innovations in Financial Audit based on Emerging Technologies pp. 513

- Lavinia Mihaela Cristea
- Does Identification with the Firm and Profession Mitigate Outcome Effect on Auditors’ Decisions? pp. 532

- Anna J. Johnson-Snyder and Brenda L. Killingsworth
- Risk Analysis in Financial Audit using the Trust Function Method pp. 542

- Florentin-Emil Tanasa and Florian Nuta
- The External Public Audit in the Member States of the European Union: Between Standard Typology and Diversity pp. 555

- Cristina-Petrina Trincu-Dragusin and Aurelia Stefanescu
- Information Transparency on Financial Markets, an International View pp. 568

- Irina Diana Iordache
- The Inter-conditioning between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance pp. 578

- Tatiana Danescu and Maria-Alexandra Popa
- The Perception of the Representatives of the Accounting Profession from Romania on the Relationship Between Conservatism and True and Fair View pp. 585

- Claudia Catalina Ciocan, Iuliana Georgescu and Mihai Carp
Volume 17, issue 156, 2019
- Comparative Study at European Level on the Criteria that Determine the Obligation to Audit the Financial Statements and the Organizational Structure of the Statutory Audit Oversight Body pp. 619

- Daniel Botez
- Using the GiPlot Online Interactive Tool to Explore Business and Financial Data in the Context of the Ex Post Component of the Audit pp. 628

- Dinu Airinei and Daniel Homocianu
- Financial Auditor Profession’s Attractiveness for Y Generation (Millennials) pp. 642

- Adriana Tiron-Tudor, Melinda Timea Fulop and George Silviu Cordos
- Expanded Audit Reports and Audit Fees – A Content Analysis on the Romanian Banking Sector pp. 653

- Oana-Marina Batae
- The Influence of Audit Opinion on the Degree of Real Earnings Management. The Case of Romanian Listed Companies pp. 666

- Mihai Carp and Iuliana Eugenia Georgescu
- Connection Between Controlling Department and Management – Premise for Achieving Organizational Objectives pp. 680

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget and Anca Ioana Brinduse
- Tax Evasion in the Countries of the European Union - Challenges for Professionals pp. 689

- Silviu Dutulescu and Ileana Nisulescu-Asfrahzadeh
Volume 17, issue 155, 2019
- Assessing Comparability of Accounting Information Using Panel Data Analysis pp. 441

- Ioan-Bogdan Robu, Ionut Viorel Herghiligiu, Bogdan Budeanu and Sorin Chiru
- Internal Audit in the Era of Continuous Transformation. Survey of Internal Auditors in Romania pp. 452

- Cezar Furtuna and Adela Ciucioi
- Comparative Study on the Organization of Internal Public Audit in Albania and Romania pp. 473

- Nensi Xhani, Marioara Avram, Ilir Mece and Latif Cela
- Aspects Regarding the Changes to the Independent Auditor’s Report. The Case of Public Interest Entities pp. 486

- Denis Adrian Levanti
- The Influences of Corporate Governance Mechanism towards Company’s Financial Performance pp. 496

- Ready Wicaksono, Dasriyan Saputra and Hairul Anam
- The Influence of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin over the Romanian Capital Market pp. 507

- Stefan-Cosmin Danila and Ioan-Bogdan Robu
- Analysis of the Relationship between Accounting and Sustainable Development. The Role of Accounting and Accounting Profession on Sustainable Development pp. 520

- Elena Nechita
Volume 17, issue 154, 2019
- Aspects Regarding the Auditor-Auditee Relationship in the Context of Negotiation pp. 247

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Adriana Tiron-Tudor and Anca Diana Sumanaru
- Insights on the New Coordinates in Internal Audit pp. 261

- Victoria Stanciu and Crina Seria
- The Influence of Free Float Shares and Audit Quality on Company Performance: Evidence from Indonesia pp. 274

- Sailendra Sailendra, Etty Murwaningsari and Sekar Mayangsari
- Perceptions Regarding the Impact of IFRS 15 - Illustrative Examples Step by Step pp. 283

- Nicoleta Farcane, Rodica Gabriela Blidisel, Ovidiu Constantin Bunget and Alin Dumitrescu
- The Security of Accounting Information – a Perception-Based Analysis of the Practitioners from Romania pp. 298

- Sinziana-Maria Rindasu
- Transparency of Real Estate Markets: Conceptual and Empirical Evidence pp. 306

- Elena Ionascu, Marilena Mironiuc and Ion Anghel
- The Determinants of Cross-Border Acquisitions: Evidence from Romania pp. 327

- George Marian Aevoae and Iuliana Eugenia Georgescu
Volume 17, issue 153, 2019
- The Use of Audit Opinion in Estimating the Financial Reporting Transparency Level pp. 79

- Ioan-Bogdan Robu, Costel Istrate and Ionut Viorel Herghiligiu
- Audit Quality and Several of Its Determinants pp. 93

- Ionela-Corina Chersan
- Hedge Accounting: An Auditor’s Perspective pp. 106

- J. P. Singh
- Prudence vs. Credibility. A Formal Comparative Analysis between Romanian Accounting Regulations and IFRS pp. 114

- Claudia Catalina Ciocan
- Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and their Impact on Loan Terms: Kosovo Case pp. 124

- Edona Perjuci, Hysen Ismajli and Ardiana Bunjaku
- Theoretical Approach between the Soft and Hard Law in the Context of Corporate Governance pp. 134

- Nicolae Magdas and Melinda Timea Fulop
- Mission, Vision, and Values of Organizations, the Catalysts of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 142

- Mihaela Dumitrascu and Liliana Feleaga
Volume 16, issue 152, 2018
- Commitment to public interest in audit – an imperative of strengthening trust in the profession pp. 527

- Alexandra Ardelean and Adriana Tiron-Tudor
- Public internal audit – the awareness and necessity assumption. An investigation of the Romanian reality pp. 544

- Victoria Stanciu
- Development of approaches to definition, classification and evaluation of "expectations gap" in the broader context of engagements provided by certified auditors pp. 553

- Nataliia Shalimova and Iryna Androshchuk
- Reporting of subsequent events in financial statements – between obligation and necessity pp. 571

- Camelia-Daniela Hategan and Andreea-Claudia Crucean
- Does IFRSs adoption contribute to the protection of minority investors? pp. 584

- Bogdan Dima, Stefana Maria Dima and Miruna Nachescu
- Auditor Selection in Borsa Istanbul pp. 599

- Aree Saeed Mustafa, Luqman Muhammed Saeed and Nishtiman Hashim Mohammed
- Internal auditing quality in the banking sector of Kosovo pp. 610

- Arber H. Hoti and Arben Dermaku
Volume 16, issue 151, 2018
- Can accounting standardization serve the public interest? pp. 365

- Alain Burlaud
- Determinants of audit delay: evidence from manufacturing sector of Indonesia pp. 373

- Irine Herdjiono and Nanik Sutanti
- An interdisciplinary analysis with data mining and visualization tools applied on multiple and multi-source time series - The case of the forest fund in Romania pp. 382

- Daniel Homocianu, Dinu Airinei and Ciprian Turturean
- The importance of financial accounting auditing in the identification of economic criminal activities pp. 398

- Emilia Vasile and Petrisor Gruia
- Communication Ethics in Audit pp. 407

- Anca Irina Tiura and Alina Domnisor
- The effect of corporate governance and accruals quality on the corporate cash holdings: study on the manufacturing companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange pp. 415

- Anggita Langgeng Wijaya and Bandi
Volume 16, issue 150, 2018
- Exploratory study on accounting and taxation of virtual currencies by Romanian companies pp. 239

- Mirela Paunescu
- New tendencies in audit reporting, examples of good practices BVB pp. 249

- Melinda Timea Fulop
- Auditor's Liability and Methods for its Limitation pp. 261

- Nicolae Magdas
- Internal control systems in the European Union Member pp. 270

- Carmen Pirvan and Ileana Nisulescu
- Malaysia’s SMEs credit industry: CSR taxanomy activities pp. 278

- Edward Wong Sek Khin, Moghavvemi Sedigheh, Lee Su Teng and Rusnah Muhamad
- Improving information - a necessity in substantiating the accounting decision pp. 285

- Sabina-Cristina Necula
- The auditor’s role in the context of the accounting regulations evolution pp. 293

- Ionela POIDA (ivan)
Volume 16, issue 149, 2018
- Accounting: what balance is there between universality and contingency? pp. 89

- Alain Burlaud and Geneviève Causse
- Study on the association between earnings management and value relevance based on the reporting method used for operating cash flows pp. 101

- Maria Huian, Marilena Mironiuc and Mihaela Chiriac
- Audit opinion impact in the investors’ perception – empirical evidence on Bucharest Stock Exchange pp. 111

- Tatiana Danescu and Ovidiu Spatacean
- Determinants of employees’ psychological ownership on budgetary slack pp. 122

- Cheok Mui Yee, Edward Wong Sek Khin and Kamisah Ismail
- Information security challenges - vulnerabilities brought by ERP applications and cloud platforms pp. 131

- Sinziana-Maria Rindasu
- Risks of cyber attacks on financial audit activity pp. 140

- Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu and Gheorghe N. Popescu
- The diversification of income sources in the higher education public institutions budgets pp. 148

- Oana Chirica and Bogdan Puscas
- On hedge effectiveness assessment under IFRS 9 pp. 157

- Jatinder Pal Singh