American Journal of Economics and Sociology
1941 - 2024
Current editor(s): Laurence S. Moss From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 83, issue 5, 2024
- Rent and Labor Exploitation Editor comments pp. 889-893

- Marty Rowland
- Testimony of Marc H. Morial President and CEO, National Urban League Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs “Fairness in financial services: Racism and discrimination in banking” December 1, 2022 pp. 897-903

- Marc Morial
- Ancient labor satisfied, exploited, and relieved, expressed in the modern era pp. 905-913

- Marty Rowland
- Agribusiness rent extraction pp. 915-922

- Antonio A. R. Ioris
- Marx, exploitation, and socioeconomic justice: Analytical and strategic possibilities pp. 925-933

- George Lafferty
- Gig workers in precarious life: The trajectory of exploitation, insecurity, and resistance pp. 935-946

- Ajeet Kumar Pankaj and Manish K. Jha
- Capitals as bad equilibria pp. 947-954

- Ådne Meling
- From Superman to Swordquest: Atari and early video game labor exploitation pp. 955-965

- James Fleury
- Impossible arrangements: The extreme challenge of child care for low‐income mothers pp. 971-989

- Amanda Freeman
Volume 83, issue 4, 2024
- How to deter earnings manipulation in Chinese banks? A study from the combined effects of corporate governance, enterprise resources, and supervisory mechanisms pp. 689-707

- Shuangjin Wang, Lili Dang, John Downs and Maggie Foley
- The impact of green finance on economic growth: Evidence from the green finance reform and innovation pilot zone pp. 709-736

- Changfei Nie, Yujie Yao and Yuan Feng
- An enhanced refresher on discounted net present value computations with an additional focus on risk and uncertainty pp. 737-740

- Maggie Foley and Shuangjin Wang
- The economic value of curbside recycling as a club good and as a public good: A case study of Morgantown and Monongalia County, West Virginia pp. 741-751

- Julian J. Hwang
- The path of economics research production: Insights into the seesaw between theory and empirics pp. 753-772

- João R. Faria, Rajeev Goel and Neela D. Manage
- Does the cross‐border e‐commerce comprehensive pilot zones policy affect the urban–rural income gap in China? pp. 773-792

- Bing He, Da Xu, Guoqi Nan, Xiaoyu Zhang and Xiuxiu Yu
- Too cool for school: Participatory shirking and U.S. House passage of proxy voting pp. 793-807

- Franklin Mixon and Benno Torgler
- Digital financial inclusion, rural consumption and economic growth in China pp. 809-829

- Zepu Zhang, Jing Wang and Chen Sun
- Configurational paths of entrepreneurial activity: An analysis based on the technology–organization–environment framework pp. 831-854

- Xiuyuan Gong, Lu Li, Nengzhi Yao and Qiaozhe Guo
- Supply chain digitalization and corporate ESG performance pp. 855-881

- Siqian Chen, Xin Leng and Kun Luo
Volume 83, issue 3, 2024
- Alien merchant chambers and enterprise innovation: Evidence from China pp. 527-554

- Ran Zhou and Yali Zhao
- Who claims the federal adoption tax credit? Those who know about it pp. 555-565

- Cullen T. Wallace
- Are skepticism and moderation dominating attitudes toward AI‐based technologies? pp. 567-607

- Simona‐Vasilica Oprea, Ionut Nica, Adela Bâra and Irina‐Alexandra Georgescu
- Global cryptocurrency use, corruption, and the shadow economy: New insights into the underlying linkages pp. 609-629

- Aziz N. Berdiev, Rajeev Goel and James W. Saunoris
- Navigating occupational digitalization via skillshed analysis pp. 631-645

- G. Jason Jolley, Clara Bone, Hunter Bacot and Tuyen Pham
- Currencies and culture: An amusing journey into the impacts of exchange rates on global creative industries pp. 647-672

- Shao Baorui, Zhang Zhiyuan and Li Zhao
- Red light game identifies ineffective criminal deterrence pp. 673-682

- Jonathan Hofer
Volume 83, issue 2, 2024
- Measurement of innovation efficiency in logistic enterprises: Evidence from China based on the three‐stage DEA‐Malmquist index model approach pp. 331-381

- Guanglan Zhou, Yiru Xu and Fangping Zhang
- Prediction markets as meta‐episteme: Artificial intelligence, forecasting tournaments, prediction markets, and economic growth pp. 383-392

- Ryan H. Murphy
- Asymmetric information and capital mobility in antebellum America pp. 393-406

- Donald Vitaliano
- Mixed ownership reform, political connections, and overinvestment pp. 407-425

- Jizhou Wang, Jin’an He, Richard Cebula, Maggie Foley and Fangping Peng
- Hollowing out of middle‐pay jobs in Ohio: An exploratory analysis pp. 427-443

- Tuyen Pham, Christelle Khalaf, G. Jason Jolley and Douglas Eric Belleville
- Economic equity and people with disabilities: Development and characterization of a novel index pp. 445-461

- Bhavneet Walia, Katherine McDonald, Joy Hammel, Lex Frieden, Michael Morris, Barry Whaley and Vinh Nguyen
- Workforce automation risks across race and gender in the United States pp. 463-492

- Ian P. McManus
- Corporate investors and the housing affordability crisis: Having wall street as your landlord pp. 493-510

- Carol Camp Yeakey
- The exploitation of women: Narrative of oppressed women in movies pp. 511-519

- Iftekhar Alam and Seetha Lakshmi
Volume 83, issue 1, 2024
- The impact of higher rent levels on private health insurance enrollment: An exploratory analysis for a single state, Virginia pp. 7-15

- Richard Cebula, Zachary Ehrlich and Maggie Foley
- Just‐below pricing in real estate: Impact by price segment and market conditions pp. 17-34

- Jason Beck, Lindsay Levine and Michael Toma
- The association between marital locus of control and break‐up intentions pp. 35-57

- David Boto‐García and Federico Perali
- Free market economy: Is the market or prices free? Theory and evidence from the United States pp. 59-74

- Rıdvan Karacan and Mehmet Emin Yardımcı
- When forgiveness beats permission: Exploring the scholarly ethos of clinical faculty in economics pp. 75-91

- Franklin Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya
- The economic disparity between Hispanic and non‐Hispanic White households: An analysis of middle‐class achievement pp. 93-107

- Hua Zan, Jessie X. Fan and Benvin Lozada
- Loan packaging decisions for beginning African American and other socially disadvantaged farmers pp. 109-126

- Cesar L. Escalante, Penghui Gao and William Secor
- Avoidable hospital admissions depend on the primary healthcare governance model? A global health perspective from Europe countries pp. 127-141

- João Paulo Magalhães, Joana Pestana, Renato Lourenço Silva, António Pereira and André Biscaia
- The effects of infant daycare on later‐in‐life employment outcomes pp. 143-156

- David Zimmer
- Stratification economics in the land of persistent inequalities pp. 157-175

- Luis Monroy‐Gómez‐Franco and Paloma Villagómez‐Ornelas
- How hotel firm value fluctuates with alternative leveraging strategies pp. 177-197

- Ying Chen, Eric Valenzuela and Don Capener
- The impact of new prison construction on the likelihood of incarceration pp. 199-222

- Daniel D. Bonneau and Joshua Hall
- Research on the impact of digital infrastructure on the allocation efficiency of green resources in the service industry pp. 223-247

- Yaru Pan and Mu‐Yang Yang
- Trust, lies, and inequality pp. 249-262

- Ninghua Du, Shan Gui and Daniel Houser
- ESG performance and green innovation in a digital transformation perspective pp. 263-282

- Jun Dai and Qiumin Zhu
- The Catholic Church's point of view on priority of labor over capital pp. 283-292

- Elio Gasda
- The optimized development of China's service industry in the “Belt and Road” regional value chain: A social network analysis pp. 293-323

- Hanmei Zhang
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