Growth and Change
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): Dan Rickman and Barney Warf From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 4, 2002
- Evolution of the Geography of Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data pp. 393-423

- Catherine Co
- Moonlighting in a High Growth Economy: Evidence from U.S. State‐Level Data pp. 424-452

- Mark Partridge
- Social Capital, Networks, and Community Environments in Bangkok, Thailand pp. 453-484

- Amrita Daniere, Lois M. Takahashi and Anchana Naranong
- Note: Direct Impact of an Airport on Travelers' Expenditures: Methodology and Application pp. 485-496

- Joseph S DeSalvo
- Note: Evaluating Community Economic Development Planning Programs with a Small Number of Participants: A Non‐Parametric Approach pp. 497-512

- Rhonda Phillips
Volume 33, issue 3, 2002
- Regional Differences in the Competitive Characteristics of U.S. Machine Tool Companies pp. 269-290

- Ronald V. Kalafsky and Alan D. Macpherson
- Knowledge, Market Structure, and Economic Coordination: Dynamics of Industrial Districts pp. 291-311

- Ron Boschma and Jan G. Lambooy
- Fragmentation and Sprawl: Evidence from Interregional Analysis pp. 312-340

- John I. Carruthers and Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson
- The Location and Suburbanization of Business and Professional Services in the Atlanta Area pp. 341-369

- Hongmian Gong and James o. Wheeler
- Estimating the Refugee Population from PUMS Data: Issues and Demographic Implications pp. 370-389

- Bruce Newbold
Volume 33, issue 2, 2002
- Modern Entrepreneurship in a Changing Space–Economy pp. 169-172

- Peter Nijkamp and Roger Stough
- How States Augment the Capabilities of Technology–Pioneering Firms pp. 173-195

- Maryann P. Feldman and Maryellen Kelley
- Small–Scale Entrepreneurship and Access to Capital in Peripheral Locations: An Empirical Analysis pp. 196-215

- Daniel Felsenstein and Aliza Fleischer
- The Role of Education in Self–Employment Success in Finland pp. 216-237

- Aki Kangasharju and Sari Pekkala Kerr
- Motivations and Performance Conditions for Ethnic Entrepreneurship pp. 238-260

- Enno Masurel, Peter Nijkamp, Murat Tastan and Gabriella Vindigni
Volume 33, issue 1, 2002
- Institutional Structure, Industrialization and Rural Development: An Evolutionary Interpretation of the Italian Experience pp. 3-41

- Roberto Esposti and Franco Sotte
- Forging Ahead and Falling Behind: Changing Regional Inequalities in Post‐reform China pp. 42-71

- Max Lu and Enru Wang
- The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Regional Disparities in Mexico pp. 72-90

- Javier Sánchez‐Reaza and Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose
- Property Rights and Public Interests: A Wyoming Agricultural Lands Study pp. 91-114

- Katherine Inman and Donald M. Mcleod
- The Changing Scale of Livestock Production in and around Corn Belt Metropolitan Areas, 1978–97 pp. 115-132

- Jeff S. Sharp, Brian Roe and Elena G. Irwin
- Returning and New Montana Migrants: Socio‐economic and Motivational Differences pp. 133-151

- Christiane von Reichert
Volume 32, issue 4, 2001
- Returning and New Montana Migrants: Socio‐economic and Motivational Differences pp. 447-465

- Christiane Von Reichert
- Theoretical and Empirical Considerations Regarding Space in Hedonic Housing Price Model Applications pp. 466-490

- William M. Bowen, Brian A. Mikelbank and Dean M. Prestegaard
- Increasing Returns to Scale in Affluent Knowledge‐Rich Economies pp. 491-510

- Gautam Ray, T. R. Lakshmanan and William P. Anderson
- Growing Global: Learning Locations in the Life Sciences pp. 511-532

- Susan Walcott
- Do Policymakers Locate Prisons for Economic Development? pp. 533-547

- Todd Cherry and Mitch Kunce
- Note: Paid Informal Work in Deprived Urban Neighborhoods: Exploitative Employment or Cooperative Self‐Help? pp. 548-557

- Colin Williams and Jan Windebank
Volume 32, issue 3, 2001
- Estimating Amenity Benefits of Coastal Farmland pp. 305-325

- Robert Johnston, James J. Opaluch, Thomas A. Grigalunas and Marisa J. Mazzotta
- Growth and Change in U.S. Cities and Suburbs pp. 326-354

- Robin M. Leichenko
- Unemployed Job Seeker Attitudes towards Potential Travel‐to‐Work Times pp. 355-368

- Ronald McQuaid, M. Greig and James Adams
- Local Diversity, Human Creativity, and Technological Innovation pp. 369-394

- Pierre Desrochers
- Determinants of the Travel Behavior of the Suburban Elderly pp. 395-412

- Geoffrey C. Smith and Gina M. Sylvestre
- Why Some States Grow Faster than Others: New Growth Models for State Economic Policy pp. 413-425

- Paul E. Polzin
Volume 32, issue 2, 2001
- Regional Variations of Firm Births, Deaths and Growth Patterns in the UK, 1980–1991 pp. 151-173

- Georgios Fotopoulos and Nigel Spence
- Unemployment Duration in Non‐Metropolitan Labor Markets pp. 174-192

- Bradford Mills
- Maquiladoras and U.S.‐Bound Migration in Central Mexico pp. 193-216

- Richard C. Jones
- Globalization and Restructuring during Downturns: A Case Study of California pp. 217-235

- Ashok Deo Bardhan and David K. Howe
- The Impact of Tax Incentives: Do Initial Economic Conditions Matter? pp. 236-250

- Ernest P. Goss and Joseph M. Phillips
- Restructuring Appalachian Manufacturing in 1963–1992: The Role of Branch Plants pp. 251-282

- J. Jensen and Amy K. Glasmeier
Volume 32, issue 1, 2001
- Location and the Innovation Performance of Commercial GIS Companies pp. 3-22

- Valerie Hartung and Alan MacPherson
- Immigration, Migration, and State Redistributive Expenditures pp. 23-42

- Katherine Hempstead
- Role of Knowledge in Assessing Nonuse Values for Natural Resource Damages pp. 43-68

- F. Reed Johnson, Richard W. Dunford, William H. Desvousges and Melissa Ruby Banzhaf
- Unemployment, Growth, and Trade Unions pp. 69-91

- Henri de Groot
- Endogenous Growth and Environmental Policy pp. 92-109

- Cees Withagen and Nico Vellinga
- Evolutionary Economic Theories of Sustainable Development pp. 110-134

- Peter Mulder and Jeroen van den Bergh
Volume 31, issue 4, 2000
- Endogenous Processes in European Regional Growth: Convergence and Policy pp. 455-479

- Paul Cheshire and Stefano Magrini
- New Approaches to Spatial Economics pp. 480-500

- Kenneth Button
- Geographical Spillovers and University Research: A Spatial EconometricPerspective pp. 501-515

- Luc Anselin, Attila Varga and Zoltan Acs
- A Synthesis of Empirical Research on the Impact of Government onLong‐Run Growth pp. 516-546

- Jacques Poot
- Growth Effects of Governmental Policies: A Comparative Analysis in a Multi‐Country Context pp. 547-572

- Martijn Brons, Henri de Groot and Peter Nijkamp
Volume 31, issue 3, 2000
- Local Preferences for Economic Development Outcomes: Analytical Hierarchy Procedure pp. 341-366

- Anna M. Cox, Jeffrey Alwang and Thomas G. Johnson
- Information Linkages in Local Economic Development pp. 367-384

- Stephan Weiler, Eric Scorsone and Madeleine Pullman
- The Impact of Public School Attributes on Home Sale Prices in California pp. 385-407

- David Clark and William E. Herrin
- The Impact of Airport Noise and Proximity on Residential Property Values pp. 408-419

- Molly Espey and Hilary Lopez
- U.S. Farm Wages and Labor Market Efficiency pp. 420-437

- Tugrul Temel
Volume 31, issue 2, 2000
- Ethnicity, Economic Polarization and Regional Inequality in Southern Slovakia pp. 151-178

- Adrian Smith
- Ethnicity, State Violence, and Neo‐Liberal Transitions in Post‐Communist Bulgaria pp. 179-210

- John Pickles and Robert B. Begg
- Ethnic Conflict and Urban Redevelopment in Downtown Beirut pp. 211-234

- Caroline Nagle
- Violence and Memory in the Reconstruction of South Africa's Cato Manor pp. 235-254

- E. Jeffrey Popke
- Sacred Space in Conflict in India: The Babri Masjid Affair pp. 255-284

- Paola Bacchetta
- The Struggle for Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka pp. 285-304

- Kristian Stokke and Anne Kirsti Ryntveit
- Measuring Potential Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia pp. 305-331

- Gary A. Fuller, Alexander B. Murphy, Marl A. Ridgley and Richard Ulack
Volume 31, issue 1, 2000
- The Interaction of Economic Reforms, Socio‐economic Structure and Agriculture in Mexico pp. 3-22

- James J. Biles and Bruce W. Pigozzi
- Ranking State Environmental Outputs: Evidence from Panel Data pp. 23-39

- John List and W. Warren McHone
- A Random Utility Model of Environmental Equity pp. 40-58

- Diane Hite
- Labor Market Dynamics During a Period of Structural Change: California inEarly 1990s pp. 59-81

- Alejandra Cox Edwards and Lisa M. Grobar
- Small Business Development and Nonmetropolitan Job Growth in Georgia pp. 82-107

- Rebecca Winders
- Shift‐Share Analysis and Changes in Japanese Manufacturing Employment pp. 108-123

- Robert Q. Hanham and Shawn Banasick
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