Growth and Change
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): Dan Rickman and Barney Warf From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 35, issue 4, 2004
- Growth‐Oriented Small Firms and the Nature and Extent of Local Embeddedness: The Case of a Traditional Metalworking Cluster pp. 419-433

- Andrew M. Wood, H. Doug Watts and Perry Wardle
- From R&D to Innovation and Economic Growth in the EU pp. 434-455

- Beñat Bilbao‐Osorio and Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose
- Differential Employment Patterns for Citizens and Non‐Citizens in Science and Engineering in the United States: Minting and Competitive Effects pp. 456-475

- Sharon Levin, Grant Black, Anne Winkler and Paula Stephan
- Spatial Structure and Taxonomy of Decomposition in Shift‐Share Analysis pp. 476-490

- Suahasil Nazara and Geoffrey Hewings
- The Location Behavior of the Multinational Enterprise: Some Analytical Issues pp. 491-524

- Philip McCann and Ram Mudambi
- The Baby Boom and Nonmetropolitan Population Change, 1975‐1990 pp. 525-544

- Peter B. Nelson, James P. Nicholson and E. Hope Stege
Volume 35, issue 3, 2004
- Living in Two Worlds: A Review of Home‐to‐Work Decisions pp. 287-303

- Jan Rouwendal and Peter Nijkamp
- The Impact of Metropolitan Structure on Commute Behavior in the Netherlands: A Multilevel Approach pp. 304-333

- Tim Schwanen, Frans M. Dieleman and Martin Dijst
- When is Commuting Desirable to the Individual? pp. 334-359

- David T. Ory, Patricia Mokhtarian, Lothlorien S. Redmond, Ilan Salomon, Gustavo O. Collantes and Sangho Choo
- Does Commuting Reduce Wage Disparities? pp. 360-390

- Mihails Hazans
- Search Theory and Commuting Behavior pp. 391-418

- Jan Rouwendal
Volume 35, issue 2, 2004
- Reflections on the “Old” Economy, “New” Economy, and Services pp. 115-138

- P.W. Daniels
- Waiting for Broadband: Local Competition and the Spatial Distribution of Advanced Telecommunication Services in the United States pp. 139-165

- Tony Grubesic and Alan T. Murray
- The Appreciative System of Urban ICT Policies: An Analysis of Perceptions of Urban Policy Makers pp. 166-197

- Galit Cohen‐blankshtain and Peter Nijkamp
- Chinese Assimilation Across America: Spatial and Cohort Variations pp. 198-219

- Bruce Newbold
- Housing Demand, Coping Strategy, and Selection Bias pp. 220-261

- John R. Miron
- Does Regime Type Really Matter for Economic Growth? pp. 262-267

- Timothy Dittmer and Paul Nicks
- Were Growth Rates Higher Under Civilian Governments Than Other Types of Governments in Eleven Latin American Countries During 1982‐1988?: Re‐examining the Data by Alternative Estimators pp. 268-278

- Yi Feng
Volume 35, issue 1, 2004
- Deregulation in the Electric Utility Industry: Excess Capacity and the Transition to a Long‐Run Competitive Market pp. 1-20

- Eric Thompson, Frank Scott and Mark Berger
- The Impact of Industrial Restructuring on Earnings Inequality: The Decline of Steel and Earnings in Pittsburgh pp. 21-41

- Patricia Beeson and Fredrick Tannery
- “Moderate” Environmental Amenities and Economic Change: The Nonmetropolitan Northern Forest of the Northeast U.S., 1970‐2000 pp. 42-60

- Kristopher D. White and M. Hanink
- Local Labor Market Adjustment to Immigration: The Roles of Participation and the Short Run pp. 61-76

- Hannes Johannsson and Stephan Weiler
- Retail Trade on the U.S.‐Mexico Border During the NAFTA Implementation Era pp. 77-89

- Richard V. Adkisson and Linda Zimmerman
- Interactions Between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in U.S. Counties pp. 90-108

- Angelos Pagoulatos, Stephan Goetz, David Debertin and Tulin Johannson
Volume 34, issue 4, 2003
- The E‐economy and the Rise of Technocapitalism: Networks, Firms, and Transportation pp. 390-414

- Luis Suarez‐Villa
- E‐commerce, Transportation, and Economic Geography pp. 415-432

- William P. Anderson, Lata Chatterjee and T.R. Lakshmanan
- Impacts of IT Advances and E‐commerce on Transportation in Producer Services pp. 433-455

- William B. Beyers
- Emerging Global Logistics Networks: Implications for Transport Systems and Policies pp. 456-472

- L.A. Tavasszy, .C.J. Ruijgrok and M.J.P.M. Thissen
- ICT and Sustainable Mobility: From Impacts to Policy pp. 473-489

- Bart W. Wiegmans, Nanou Beekman, Astrid Boschker, Wim Van Dam and Norbert Nijhof
- Logistics Strategy and Transport Service Choices: An Adaptive Stated Preference Experiment pp. 490-504

- Simona Bolis and Rico Maggi
Volume 34, issue 3, 2003
- The Agglomeration Dilemma: “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” pp. 261-275

- Paolo Surico
- The Onset of Health Problems and the Propensity of Workers to Change Employers and Occupations pp. 276-298

- Jodi Messer Pelkowski and Mark Berger
- Jobs, Houses, and Trees: Changing Regional Structure, Local Land‐Use Patterns, and Forest Cover in Southern Indiana pp. 299-320

- Darla Munroe and Abigail M. York
- Mergers and Acquisitions in the Telecommunications Industry pp. 321-344

- Barney Warf
- Property Values in a Low Populated Area when Dual Noxious Facilities are Present pp. 345-358

- Jeff Anstine
- Some Micro‐Evidence on the “Porter Hypothesis” from Austrian VOC Emission Standards pp. 359-379

- Thomas Roediger‐Schluga
- Mark C. Berger (1955‐2003) pp. 380-383

- Eric C. Thompson
Volume 34, issue 2, 2003
- Hierarchical Tendencies of Capital Markets Among International Financial Centers pp. 135-156

- Jessie P.H. Poon
- Efficiency and TFP Growth in the Spanish Regions: The Role of Human and Public Capital pp. 157-174

- Maria del Mar Salinas Jiménez
- Automobile Reliance Among the Elderly: Race and Spatial Context Effects pp. 175-201

- Brigitte Waldorf
- Analysis of Quality of Life and Rural Development: Evidence from West Virginia Data pp. 202-218

- James O. Bukenya, Tesfa G. Gebremedhin and Peter Schaeffer
- Understanding the Non‐Metropolitan—Metropolitan Digital Divide pp. 219-243

- Bradford Mills and Brian Whitacre
- Offshore Financial Services and the Internet: Creating Confidence in the Use of Cyberspace? pp. 244-259

- Sharon Cobb
Volume 34, issue 1, 2003
- Alliances, Networks and Competitive Strategy: Rethinking Clusters of Innovation pp. 1-16

- Paul Tracey and Gordon L. Clark
- Local Industry Agglomeration and New Business Activity pp. 17-39

- Todd Gabe
- Are Hispanic Immigrants in English‐Only States at a Homeownership Disadvantage? Evidence from the 1980 and 1990 U.S. Censuses pp. 40-63

- Alberto Dávila, Rika Méndez and Marie T. Mora
- Does Public Lands Policy Affect Local Wage Growth? pp. 64-86

- David Lewis, Gary Hunt and Andrew J. Plantinga
- The Call of the Wild: Call Centers and Economic Development in Rural Areas pp. 87-108

- Ranald Richardson and Andrew Gillespie
- Telecommunications Infrastructure in the Southeastern United States: Urban and Rural Variation pp. 109-129

- Edward J. Malecki and Carlton R. Boush
- Book Review pp. 131-133

- Brian S. Hoyle
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